Bad Bunny drawing all the dimes
>boomers will still insist he's a complete literally whoCorona chan, you're taking too long
>>12939470Aewbros.... why do the E-Lords keep getting these stars while all we get is washed up nobodies who then go on to work with WWE anyway?
Fucking put the belt on him already. Or at least at Wrestlemania.
>>12939470bbd only getting outdrawn by the #1 artist in the world, talk about dimes.
>>12939470>huge star>brings in the spic demographic>mark for the wwe>training in the pc>megadrawVINCE STRAP NOW
>>12939470what a dime drawing chad
Le who! I don't leave mu basement and I've never heard of him until now!
>>12939470yeah, those sales are from bad bunny zoomers, they're not buying the merch because it's wrestling related
>>12939995And? They still have to buy buy from the WWE shop with a big WWE logo on the side.
>>12939470all pajeets from south americathat money is worth $0
Bring in more meme rappers, give Takeshi a live mic.
>>12939470forget edge, book bad bunny vs reigns for mania
>>12940503I could see him cashing in the MITB against reigns after reigns wins his match.
>>12940503Edge vs Bálor and Bad Bunny vs Reigns sounds awesome desu
>>12939470Who is fuck is Bad Bunny?
>>12939569>Megadraw>Ratings down
>>12939470Bad Bunny-sama I kneel!
>>12939470If this keeps me from watching RAW, so be it.