>Works my dick into millions of loads>Works a deranged old man into having a heart attack on TwitterBASED
>>12942135She's a based personality and character, but you can just tell that she's one of those Asian chicks who secretly looks horrendous without makeup
>>12942221>AllWhite roastie cope.
>>12942135Seek sunlight
>heckin' yummy middle finger, she's so quirky>OMG, she called me a simp on Twitter, that's so heckin' original
>>12942202>>12942221Does anyone have that Webm of a gook chick taking off all of those layers of makeup, just to prove this point?
>>12942237Do you honestly think there are any females on this board at all?
>Seek sunlight
Can't way for all the Joshis to get put in a match against Nyla Rose and they all get injured.
>>12942135> famous for being on TwitterWhy is OP so retarded?
>>12942135I love Joshi threads
>>12942202even with make up shes UGG LEE
>>12942330Yeah that girloncinema chick hangs here.
>>12942135She looks kinda cute ngl
>>12942135based maki
Wish she'd shove that where the sun don't shine lads