>perry saturn shooting on mike bellBased or cringe?
>>12943435>Perry SaturnAutomatically BASED
>>12943435>We have Scott Steiner at home
he ripped me off brother
>>12943457They were both in WCW though
>>12943435Didn't Perry Saturn like vanish from his family for a decade?
>>12943435Remember when Mike Graham shat on Saturn, Malenko, Benoit, and Guerrero
>>12943435There's doing receipts because some green shitter dropped you on your head and there's going full army ranger mode and shoot beating someone up
Saturn was blitzed and botched a day one wrestling move
>>12943499Meth will do that to you
>>12943567>>12943499Basically this.I spent two days at some niggers apartment building drug den smoking meth and listening to the PokeRap song on a loop
>>12943459Honestly his best look. >>12943499Yep. Dude was on so many drugs that Moppy was done with him all drugged up
Cringe. Any wrestler shooting on a jobber who is literally just there to make like $250 is being a dick.
>>12943527Remember when Mike Graham killed himself like a bitch?
>>12943435based jobbers are fucking geeks>>12943847what a horrendous post
>>12943527Literally who the fuck is Mike Graham
>>12943435Would be based but Saturn let himself get shot on by Rick Steiner in WCW and didn't fight back, so cringe.
>>12943435Poor guy was in love with Terri Runnels and she friendzoned him
>>12943435>tom I'm beggin yaBased
>>12943435>Mike Bell kicks out at fucking 2 after Saturn fucking demolished himBased or suicidal?
>>12943435>doesn’t even bother posting the video Just fuck off
>>12947049>>doesn’t even bother posting the video >Just fuck off