>>12943781what a beta
>>12943781Did Edge unironically kill his legacy by coming back? Like just think of how much discussion of him has changed now
>>12943804I dunno it hasn't been that bad. He buried the Miz pretty good on Raw
>>12943823He would be getting 2015 Roman reactions if crowds were a thing.
>>12943837Look at the OPic again, anon
>Beth & Edge Phoenixkek
>>12943804It hasn't been that bad other than him failing to pop a rating.
>>12943804Not any more than Carder, Oldberg, HBGay and every other old fart that wrestled for the Saudis
>>12943781still better than every /woo/tard
>>12943781Edge Phoenix should be way up there in the coolest names list. Instead, it got ruined by a beta crossdresser.
>>12943781Edge Bros...
>>12943781>Edge PhoenixWhat the fuck