For me it's Molly Holly.
>>12944520I would have sex with the Women’s title
>was a heel because she was a virgin
>>12944520She was my cousin's favorite wrestler growing up and the reason that her, me, and my other cousin went as the Holly's for Halloween one year. (I was Crash)
>>12944565>went as the Holly's for Halloweencringe>(I was Crash)I take it back. Dangerously based.
>>12944557nice head canon, tranny
>>12944557based stalkerchad
>>12944565Good shit anon. Crash was legit based
>>12944565Outrageously based post.
>>12944565I miss Crash so much. He died too young
Her ass was huge
>>12944619wonderfully huge
>>12944520I want to motorboat her.
>>12944520Prettier and more skilled than Sable ever was.
>>12944520Holy yikes
>>12944520That waist to thigh ratio is working me into a ding-dong diddly shoot.
>>12944520She isn't so beautiful and sexy
>>12944565Crash will forever be my boy. Much love for the you and the family Anon.
>>12944565based and superheavyweightpilled. good to see fellow crashbros itt.
>>12944555>is a virgin>finisher is called molly go aroundwtf
>>12948165crash is GOAT for taking a one time joke knockoff version of an eternal midcard shitter's gimmick and getting over with it
>>12944520I always heard she was a virgin
>>12944565Crash was unironically entertaining as all hell. He was great
>>12944565Dimes, I'd have given you guys the full size candy bars if I saw you.