did they?
>someone made a thread after I pointed out that Benoit mogged Angleneat
>>12947526nah you did
>>12947526Did they what?
>>12947972have sex with stephanie
>>12947714Why is Benoit considered small but not Angle? They were more or less the same size.
>>12948954I guess when Kurt went bald he gained height. I find it interesting that Kurt went bald right after the WWF became the WWE.
>>12948954I always wondered this too. Kurt was like, maybe 5'10" tops. I guess his legitimacy was enough to overshadow the fact.
>>12948954literal WWE propaganda
>>12948954Benoit was a fake tough guy while Angle fucking won a gold medal with a broken neck, hence why no one gave a shit about his height (except for paul, but paul is a bitch)
>>12949021Benoit was legit. Absolutely nobody fucked with him.
>>12949021>he thinks judged sports at the Olympics aren't rigged
>>12949000>this is your brain on Meltzer cultism