whats fun about wrestling?
When they do cool flips n stuff
>>12950528Nothing. I don't even watch wrestling, I just shitpost on /asp/
>>12950528In ring Storytelling you don't get in actual fights. Also cartoony shit sometimes.Anyone who enjoys simply watching movie fight scenes should understand this.
wrestling hasn't been fun since the ruthless aggression era
Thigh slappingSuperkicksV triggersJazz handsMeltzer driversRenewing your WOR subscription
>>12950528Gesamtkunstwerk and the last bastion of physical comedy
>>12950582Thank you for teaching me a word today
>>12950528used to be the promos and them looking like Greek gods now it's just simps who are skinny fat and play vidya
>>12950576very cool
Watching dudes slam each other on their heads