If /asp/ had flags what would be the rarest
>>12951226I had this faggot so much
>>12951226are all straight edge people just fags with the "holier-than-thou" mentality?
>>12951226>If /asp/ had flags what would be the rarestAny of them not Indian
you forget how diverse asp is sometimes and not just americans, mexicans and pajeets until a thread slips through on sp like the old days and you see all the flags.
>>12951246I'm straight edge ama
>>12951246No, I knew a guy who was straight edge but didn't give a shit what other people did. He would constantly hang around us even though we were all drunk and stoned, and even copped weed for me a couple of times when I was in a bind. Cool dude.
>>12951283Want to do fentanyl with me fren? Its non addictive
>>12951246no cm phil is just a faggot
>>12951226Equatorial Guinea.
>>12951246No, Phil is just some poser who wants to use straight edge as a way to be different and better than anyone else rather than doing it to better himself