>AEW isn't a sloppy sho-
What does this have to do with AEW?
>>12951848how does a small company like AEW have more covid pops than WWE
>>12951859he works for aew you fucking tard
>>12951848>Another literally who gets the coof What a sloppy shop lol
>>12951859>What does this have to do with AEW?
>>12951864cool. todays episode is taped.
>>12951882So, your proof that this has something to do with AEW is to post an image that shows that the last time he worked for AEW was three weeks ago.
>>12951882So he worked a couple tapings in January? It's February 10. What does this literal who catching COVID have to do with AEW?
>>12951899>>12951900>what is an incubation period?
>>12951882>hasn't wrestled since january 21>tonight's episode is already tapedagain, what does this have to do with AEW?
>>12951900You don't have to disparage the guy, he's a good wrestler and probably is going to be a Dynamite regular eventually. >>12951921Two weeks. The incubation period for covid-19 is two weeks. That's why people quarantine for two weeks.
>>12951900>>12951899The Bucks got Harper infected and he didn't die right away.
>>12951930take your meds
>>12951933Get vaccinated.
>>12951930Okay, here's a ball, go play with it while the adults talk.
>>12951929yeah, what happens after that two weeks is complete, ardtard?
>a dozen wrestlers from this one small company have gotten covid>h-how can you blame AEW
a guy got covid and died in AEW case is closed on who the slop shop is...they then hotshot his death for ratings
>what is private life?
>>12951848But.. but the mainstream media told me that if you contracted COVID-19 that you would die within 60 seconds. Covid-19 has been hyped up as Black Death 2.0. No even worse than the Black Death. Covid was hyped up like it was Stone Cold Steve Austin. When in reality, Covid is the Shockmaster.
>>12951961People blamed WWE because they weren't even testing people for months.
>>12951848rent free
Imagine getting worked by Taz of all people so hard that months and months later you're still trying to turn his "sloppy shop" comment around on him. Letting a fucking oompa loompa yank your chain.
>>12951954According to you, time just skips forward a week, apparently.
>>12951848Oh no..He'll have the flu for a week..
>>12951995you seriously think you can't be sick for a week?
>>12951986Listen, fucker, this guy tested positive, disclosed and then quarantined, three weeks after his last date for AEW. THAT MEANS AEW BAD! AEW BAD! I HATE AEW! BAD! IT BAD! BAAAAAAAD!
>>12952012Oh no. He tested positive for a memeflu
>>12951848Why didn't Meltzer provided the scoop on this?
danny limelight is pretty good tbqh
>>12952009So your timeline of events is that he caught covid at AEW on January 21st, was asymptomatic for two weeks, got sick a week ago and didn't get a test until today?
>>12952160bro, that's how most people find out they have covid. they go when they start feeling bad symptoms of it. if you're healthy and not a fat fuck you might not even notice having it
drones still seething bazed tazz
>>12952184>>12952192And it's more likely to you that heA) Caught covid at the place where everybody is tested for covid, rather than just somewhere in his life in the three weeks since. B) Just didn't get tested for a week after it finished incubating and he started showing symptoms, for some reason.
>>12952248great, that's fine too but acting like its an impossibility is retarded
>>12952160you're assuming he made an appointment and got test results immediatky
>>12952254I mean, if it happened the way you're saying it happened, it means that a person with a false negative (because they wouldn't let somebody in for testing positive) that was presymptomatic (because they wouldn't let in somebody that was symptomatic and you can't spread it if you're asymptomatic) got into AEW and spread the virus to Danny Limelight. That seems pretty freaking unlikely and if it did, it's a massive fluke, so why is it a "oh, AEW is a sloppy shop" thing even if it did happen that way? >>12952271Yeah, I'm assuming a guy who needs to know his covid status in order to work would be pretty on top of knowing his covid status.
>>12951848>Guy gets tested, identified and isolated, preventing further infection>Some trumpcuck thinks this is sloppy for some reasonThe ignorance of these retards is embarassing
>>12952297>so why is it a "oh, AEW is a sloppy shop" thing even if it did happen that wayI don't give a fuck who he works for, dude. I just said incubation periods are
>aewtists believe aew is doing extensive testing each time before tapings
>>12952312a thing. I can't fuckin type kek
>limelight recently said he was going to be a stuntman in a wwe movieSloppy sloppy.
>>12951848The same company that killed Brodie Lee and Raped Kylie Rae in the same 300 days span it's also a Chinese Flu center? wew
>>12951848more like Dimeless Dimlight