>Seth Rollins music hits and he walks out>"Got room for one more?">The three real men in the ring stare at him in confusion>The Rock takes the mic. "Who in the blue hell are you?">"I'm Seth Freakin' Ro-">"It doesn't matter who you are!">Rock Bottom>Stone Cold Sunner>The crowd goes crazy>Hogan has the mic now. "Whatcha gonna do, when no one gives a shit about you?">Leg Drop>Hogan stands up and they kick Rollins limp form out of the ring>The Rock produces a canister of gasoline and pours it all over the miserable little jabroni>Austin lights up a match. "If you want to see me light this sumbitch on fire, give me a hell yeah!">The jubilant crowd all scream "Hell Yeah!" in unison>Hogan nods his approval. "Burn it down, brother.">Austin flicks the match onto Rollins body, igniting him instantly.>"And that's the bottom line, because Stone Cold, The Rock, and Hulk Hogan said so!">The three chads celebrate in the ring while Rollins writhes around in agony, slowly burning to death>The crowd is going absolutely wild with glee
>>12953594Unironically based
>>12953594stick to your dayjob
>>12953594Yikes sweetie, who hurt you?
>>12953594kek based