Why couldn’t he just lift weights instead of crying about getting buried? He looked like a fan more than a wrestler and he’s making how much to do this job?
why are you still such a faggot close to a decade later?
>>12954838triggered. KWAB
>>12954815Cuz hes a faggot bitch fake tough guy fake shooter queer who got BTFO and exposed hard. My main man Quasar Quackenbush would fucking /HEEM/ this puto IRL and do the douggie on his corpse
>>12954815He should have retired at MITB 11 with the title, let them introduce a new Championship and ditch the awful spinner belt
tb-h, some people just can't get jacked. I used to be a personal trainer and some people could not put on much muscle no matter what I did with them but some would make gains easily. Still, he could have atleast done a cycle or two.
Your Look & Mic Skills is the only two factors related to being a draw. which is why the faggot journalists using who made the most money as a goat argument is retarded
>>12954857Holy seethe
>>12955270Are you sure that those people ate enough? Traning hard doesn't mean shit if you don't eat enough to build muscle
Punk would've been dimes if he juiced hardcore, but, instead he was just some skinny fat dude who got beat up by a security guard in the ufc.