*has a good show in your path*
>>12956376it wasnt good
>>12956376Yeah, for faggots.
>>12956383>>12956393Edrones coping
>>12956376It was all squash matches up until the main event which was another Bullet Club hype segment.
>>12956417rent free
>>12956376*It's a furious cock-sucker in you're path*
I liked it.
>>12956383>it wasnt good
>>12956376Was a good show tonight. The last match was awesome.
It was kind of fun seeing Kenta in something NJPW wouldn't really film
>>12956449lol I made that pepe 2 days ago. Nice to see it being used. And I agree :)
>>12956483It felt like he was a step behind everyone else in that match
>>12956376Elitechads, this is the show of the million. Save this post!
>>12956376ratings plummet confirmed
>>12956494not used to that kind of match
>>12956494agreed, he was kinda iffy when taking some hits and selling etc. Good match though.
>>12956495falseflag all aewtists know this shit show will be lucky to break 800k LMAO
>>12956494I love Kenta and the gimmick he's been working but in the ring he's been weak since WWE. I keep waiting for him to show up in phenomenal shape and get his speed back but it's never going to happen. He's nearly 40 and half retired.
>>12956521cope drone, AEW is doing 1m next week when it draws all the joshipedos back to watch Riho and her gigantic schnoz
>>12956547take your meds schizo
>>12956547how can anyone enjoy watching WWE now though? Kevin Dunn has officially killed raw and smackdown. Coming from a WWE fan myself
>>12956494He's a step behind everybody else in every other match because he's cooked as fuck. But he still did a good job. That flying stomp was insane.
>>12956593I'd rather watch stars over indie shitters
>>12956376>shitty janela match where he didn't even die>putting over cody's new pet>boring inner circle bullshit>1000 backstage segments in a row>women>pointless garbage main event
>>12956635>stars>bianca belair whipping people with her hair ok bro enjoy that
>>12956593>how can anyone enjoy watching WWE now though?by not being a smark
>>12956662>shitty janela match where he didn't even dieThey must have done this on purpose, everyone thought they would literally kill each other but instead they tried to do like chain wrestling and mat wrestling. It would actually be funny if they did it as a troll.
>>12956594ya that was a good spot
>>12956376Darby and Joey was good. I like Darby.Cody Rhodes and Lee Johnson vs Avalon and Cezar was eh. The references to muh BHM "equal justice initiative" soured it. It was nice to see Arn though.Also why the hell does Cody have a US flag tattoo on his neck?I want to pick Leyla up and carry her in my pocket. I loved her and Rosa.The Acclaimed vs Jericho and MJF was good. Though I wonder if Jericho wanted to get blasted by that.. thing so he didn't have to lionsault. MJF sold his ribs really well.The main event was fantastic in my opinion. The action, the moves, the reactions.. all of it. I'm a fan. Can't wait to see next week.
>>12957259Jericho actually does the lionsault regularly with only one recent botch
>>12957302That's nice to hear.
>>12956376Good show besides the Cody tag match I skipped through.
>>12956683>racist is barely literateevery fucking time
>>12956376Shit fucking sucked
>>12956593Agreed. It is shit. There are so many fucking women who can barely run the ropes but get half the screentime.
>>12956536i agree but please go back
was absolute dogshit, aewtists will never criticize it.
>>12956383You're right. It was absolute fucking kino
>>12956376>is still gonna get destroyed by the news in your path
I just skimmed through it and i didn't notice any flipfests so that's good, the problem is that it wasn't good either, the main event was very overbooked too.
>trannies spamming thread after thread of AEW GOOD