Why do dronies think that talking like Jim Cornette makes them sound smart and/or badass?
>>12957994Why does Maki Itoh think eating literal shit makes her a badass?
>>12958007CUZ! >:(
>>12958007It was clearly chocolate
>>12957994>he's still seething over Jim mocking his Japanese school girl waifu
>>12957994Cornette's living rent free in people's heads.>>12958327On the Drive Thru recently, he did a rant against joshi fans because of something Maki sent him on Twitter, effectively calling them simps and faggots. His rant was actually spot on.
>>12957994>Family Guy's Jannetty>Simpson's Jannettywew
>>12958324nah you are
>>12958467nah we are living rent free in his
>>12958476Family Guy is fucking garbage
>>12958497That speaks volumes for Shit of the Hill
>>12958482>nah you are
>>12958467>he did a rant against joshi fans because of something Maki sent him on Twitter, effectively calling them simps and faggotsHoly based, I need to hear this
>>12958521nah its actually pretty good family fag is fucking shit however
>>12958573nice selfie
>>12958612nah you should
>>12958619Nah you
>>12958487Nah. Trump is living rent free in his head more than a bunch of AEWtists.
>>12958632koth is based you big gay faggot
>>12958648>LE EPIC PROPANE XDOnly Zoomers who pretend to not be zoomers enjoy Kingetty of the Shit unironically.
>>12957994Why do trannies think repeating things about demos like Meltzer makes them smart or badass? The world is filled strange faggotry.
>>12958661They only hang to that autist's every word and whim as long as he continues to shill for AEW. Once that relationship is broken, the drones will turn on his old ass.
popping into this thread to say KotH is based and that one anon who thinks it isn't is literally just Vince Russo trying to work you into a shoot
>>12958652nah that only fags who was faggly gay
>>12958610>nice selfie
>>12958467>Cucknette labelling anyone else simp>>12958681nice headcanon coper
>>12958007Because she's saying that eating shit is better than being Jim Cucknette
>>12958751nice selfie
AE trannies absolutely butt blasted by the mere mention of Jim Cornette
>>12960225nah you are
>>12960210He probably does it though
>>12957994People parrot things they hear that sound good to try and appear smarter then they are