>the pedo fed>the tranny fed>the sloppy shop fedThe absolute diluted state of this fed
>>12962459you forgot one>the retirement home fed
>>12962459Total trannys on WWE roster>0AEW>2Go dilate.
>>12962469>Bad Bunny>Alexa Bliss>Batista>Tyler Rex
>>12962459>has no trannys working for them
>>12962474Forgot Rhea, Bianca, Charles, and Carmella
>>12962474Alexa bliss WORKEDTyler reks got released in 2012Batista is retired from wrestling
>>12962498Once a tranny always a tranny
>>12962474Batista and Tyler Rex haven't been on the roster in half a decade, nimrod. And in Batista's case, hollywood turned him into a tranny, not WWE.
>>12962498>he thinks Alex isn't a trannylmao
>>12962469What about the pedos on the WWE roster?
>>12962479You mean pedos? Stay away from velveteen
>>12962620Stay away from taz
>>12962479>-1 is a better promo than Reigns>Kenny is strictly for trap pus and Ibushi>Chasyn Rance is a who who hasn't worked in AEW since. Unlike some feds who keep and even honor their pedos