Is Eddie guerrero among your top 10 favorite wrestlers /asp/?
>>12963169He’s my favorite
>>12963169Shawncel thread
>>12963169He's not even in my top ten lucha wrestlers of all time.
Endlessly memed because he died young. You did not watch Eddie Guerrero matches growing up, shut the fuck up.
>>12963312I remember watches his matches as a kid and they were always based
>>12963327I started watching WWE again in 2004. Eddie was getting a decent push into WM20. I don't pretend that I watched him from ECW through WCW.
>Jericho, Omega, Liger, Guerrero, Tanahashi, Okada, Styles, Benoit, Angle, Yes
No, he is overrated as fuck and is only propped up so much because he died and is mexican.
>>12963453I can say the same about Misawa
>>12963169Nah Eddie didn’t have longevity at the top. He was a crusierweight shitter for 90% of his career then he got hot but passed away afterwards. If he figured it out 5 years earlier you could make an argument that he was one of the greats
Flair and Hart are both overrated boomers who never had good matches because wrestling was shit then.
doesn't hit my top five lucha
>>12963169I don't know how you can call him the GOAT when his WWE title reign was such a massive flop.