Next week is going to be an even bigger massacre when THE DRAW returns and brings back the young audience.
live shows always do better, i wish this dimeless shitter was stuck on a pre taped episode instead
>>12964552>live shows always do bettermost people dont even know when a show is taped or not. its the news thats dominating. i doubt even someone like riho coming back would have any impact if theyre up against the impeachment trial
>>12964552She's going to job to Deeb anyways. >>12964800Literally only braindead drones care about the impeachment. Most of the smarks know that it is just a farce to gaslight the Right and to prevent him from running in 2024 when their bad policy ruins their lives.
>>12964818>big dimes riho returning after 11 months>jobbing to yoga grannyno way
>>12964552Hello, Snout-chan!
>>12964827>thinking a title holder is going to job to a fucking 70 pound shitter
>>12964827>yoga grannyshes 34 i believe
>>12964552holy yumola
>>12964552I’m saving my next fap for her. It’s going to be a major explosion.
Wow, she's actually really pretty in this picture.
>>12964818>>12964833You retards are going to be so btfo when Deeb does job lmao. The real question will be if Riho gets a title match with Deeb afterwards.