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For hairy older men. Can be fat, fit, etc
All of these photos I posted are from a guy who used to go by "Hairy Pocket Rocket Alpha Daddy" he's effectively disappeared from what I know. But if anyone has pics/vids of him somehow I'll jerk off to them lol.

We don't need 457 pics of the same guy who is not even that hairy or attractive, and would fit better under the "fat daddies" thread anyway.
never understoog what this guy was on, such a hot but very odd person. he's on gromrr iirc
>hairy or bear or daddy thread
>they're always populated by heart attack having obese troglodytes
don't ANY of you faggots have standards? holy fuck. it is possible to be a hairy and a bear that doesnt consume his weight in food
cry louder nigger lover, thx for bumping
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fuck I just wanna bury my face in his fat gut
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they all look so smelly and mean
how is this even remotely attractive
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>they all look so smelly and mean
>how is this even remotely attractive
bear fags are obsessed with masculinity so the more unkept and "bear" looking, the hotter it is, plain narcissism
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not this fucking retard again omfg bruh
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I don’t really think you understand what masculinity means
they look smelly and mean
but they necessarily aren’t so
my bear coach has the sternest face and body hair sticking out from his shirt but he was the nicest smelling kindest cocksucker I knew
girl im just repeating what they say and preach, fuck outta here with your science shit, goddamn you retarded niggers are abundant is insane
science isn’t retarded, only people can be retarded
science can also screen fetuses likely to be homosexual
>only people can be retarded
right, you're retarded
>porn sharing board
>deliberately go to threads about things you dislike
>pester and bitch about it
you’re promoting obesity
if you’re triggered by getting called out on your unhealthy ways then it’s a you problem
girl you're in a degenerate board full of faggots with weird fetishes and behaviors, be so fr for once in your life
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I'm almost ashamed to admit that I would.
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yep, this is my kind of a man.
source + more!!
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only good posts in this objectively shit general. delete the other posts and proceeded to kyselves thx
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shut up nigger lord
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Glad you like; here's another
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