I guess it's finally time for new thread. what are your touring plans for 2025? cooking up some months long big adventure or just few small trips every now and then?maybe you're already on a tour or just finished one recently?I'll be going across the Europe to Santiago de Compostela, starting in April.
i'm planning to visit my sister in varna this year
Last year I did the mini tour (?) of Mindanao that I planned which was a short 300km ride for 2 days. Komoot sucks balls when it comes to planning and giving accurate gradients.It was really fun and was surprisingly safe and I was lucky enough not to bump into rebels and such. I'll be planning another one soon but idk how it'll go. I found out I need time to prepare.
>>2032041you can't properly bike in romania, you're liable to get run over. from what I could research, there is a rich bike path network in germany, austria and it goes along the danube all the way to hungary, and there are some safe roads in hungary and serbia as well, but romania has none of those. I suppose if you stay on the very small roads you won't encounter a lot of traffic and heavy vehicles, but you can't avoid the main roads completely. you can take the train here and there, that's what I would do if I were you. and the serbian border / danubian region is a death trap, it's a very scenic route and I've wanted to do it for a long time, but the winding road offers poor visibility to the retarded speeding drivers and it's very dangerous, I advise against it, which is a shame since the views are superb.also you're going to get obliterated by romanian mosquitos in the summer, try doing it in may when it's not too hot out, and you can actually ride without sweating like a pig.
>>2032041cтoй cи тaм пeдepacт
I took the ol Gunnar out for a week in December, pretty sweet.
Gravelkangz got one glass puncture, other than that, no dramanice spot for a flat too
what do you guys think?first going to Tuscany, visit a friend.then to the atlantic and after that south and once I'm there it's either Morocco or slowly going back home, wandering in Spain and France.
>>2032090damn, that's nice. where is it? I hope you jumped in there
>>2032274coromandel peninsula>hope you jumped in thereofc
>>2032253no advice but i'd love to do that
>>2032057I've crossed Romania by bicycle three times and you're FULL of shit. It's never been easier now that virtually all roads are in perfect condition. Lots of options to avoid the highways. Even the shepherd dogs that used to chase you a few hundred meters downhill are pretty chill now. Great country to cycle, one of my favorites in Europe.>and the serbian border / danubian region is a death trapThe Serbian side of the Iron Gates NP road barely has ANY traffic, is in good condition and super-scenic. What the fuck are you talking about?The Danube bike trail is boring as all fuck by the way.That being said>>2032041this route looks like low-effort junk, crossing some of the most boring areas you could possibly pick in a region that is generally very scenic.
>>2032482This post sponsored by gypsy bike thieves.
>>2032485>>2032482yeah the guy is full of shit. as a local bikenigger I'm pretty sure I know what I am talking about, romanian driver have zero regard for human life, for pedestrians as well, and they have minus infinity regard for cyclists. almost every single driver that passes you has to fight a primal urge in order to not run you over.
>>2032913>romanian driver have zero regard for human lifeSure within Europe they're definitely below average drivers but using that as a reason to avoid cycling in Romania altogether is beyond fucking retarded. By that metric you'd have to avoid most of the world. Peak cuck attitude. These days you can easily cross the entire country on well-paved roads without taking any high-traffic routes anyway.t. been to all 41 Romanian counties + Bucharest by bicycle.
>>2032044how's the air quality in mindanao? in luzon it's abysmal and I would never have dreamed of riding a bike in that cunt
why is it so uncommon to see front racks with baskets? and, how comfortable or uncomfortable is it to have two 1.5 liter bottles in stem bags which are connected to the handlebar and fork via voila straps?
>>2032926>Harghita>Romaniaok my guy, first of all that's bum fuck nowhere, the traffic is very light there, it does not compare with the south, where the original poster said wants to bike. trust me, there are no proper ways to bike in these parts, the only roads here are high ways and express roads. you will find some very inconvenient zig zaggin comunal road that will lead you back to the main express road, but not before circling around the same spot for an hour like an idiot.>cuckhave fun suffering broken limbs, possibly paralysis. in the meanwhile you could bike the paths in germany, france or italy, why bother with romania
>>2033003in the big cities it is less so compared to Metro Manila because of car dependency. But in rural areas it's fresh as you can imagine. The only problem with riding in remote places is the abundance of trucks and buses that really come close to you in highways. If the place you visit has a big cycling community they would be more respectful and you feel safer when cycling.I live in an agricultural city and once you move further away from the center the air quality is like night and day. But safety and access to things is a concern.
reporting in
>>2033039Again, I've been to every single county of Romania including Bucharest by bicycle, without breaking a single bone. I cycled from Bucharest to Turnu Magurele without problems. Who gives le fuck that you have to cycle 20km more avoiding the highway?>hargitha>bumfuck nowhereI can assure you vast swathes of Wallachia are way more rural and desolate than based Székelyföld.
>>2033115I'm not saying you can't do it, I'm saying the risk outweighs the reward.
>>2033099wish I could go touring with my buddy. she's gone now but her mother looked like yours. cool setup
bike friends should i get the ortleib roller core or the altura sonic?
>>2033099very basedi wonder if theres a way to get him in front on hills with a rope helping to pull the rig
>>2032997LOVE that rig, looks so coolthe taper and rake on the fork with the spacing on the disc caliper looks wild If you're gonna stick with the brooks i would look for a silver post, silver rails, silver post. i would also swap the pump to the seat tube for looks. saddlebag + rack always looks kinda fucky too what whatever i'm nitpicking >>2032926also a sick bike. It's kinda nostalgic now to see a trad style setup.
>>2033274I would settle for her just walking behind me. Probably going to have to push my bike up the hills anyways. On the pacific crest trail I hiked in a group and always felt like I was rushing, I dont want to rush on this trip, I want to take it easy
>>2033280You will get attacked by other dogs, bring bear spray
>>2033281yeah I know. I've got attacked by dogs on the pacific crest trail and the oregon coast trail, I've come to expect it