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While following video guides and doing bag work and drills? There is no boxing gym or any martial art gym near me.
You can get fit at home, but you can’t learn to box at home.
So it's impossible for me to learn?
Go outside you stupid fucking faggot.

Posting home trooner threads should be a bannable offense on this board
Kys faggot and read before posting
>noooooo there’s no gym around me
Quit lying or look harder, dumbfuck
To the level of Ben Askren on his debut at best
You can't learn the whole of boxing without boxing. But you can get your body ready for boxing.
Yes >>214001
>You can't learn to box/do martial arts at home
All you faggots know this isn't 100% true. The overwhelming majority of training is 1)conditioning 2)solo drills 3) partner drills 4) sparring.
So no, you cannot learn the totality of boxing & martial arts at home alone, but you can do ALL of the conditioning and still practice a lot of the basics. Basic striking & footwork patterns etc.
>inb4 won't learn it right
And? Most people training in a gym will also not geg it right. Lol. But its still better than nothing. You are all being gatekeeping lil bitches.
You're training bullshido if sparring isn't the most important part of all training
>t. Retard who doesn't train
It never fucking is dipshit, I don't care what style, trad/sport/full contact, doesn't matter. Even fucking MT gyms in ladyboy land don't put the primary focus on sparring. Sparring generates the most wear and tear, the highest injury risk, requires the most supervision. There are zero fucking gyms where sparring is the biggest focus. The only time that ever fucking happens is in fight camps and even then its the lightest of light sparring cause no pro is going to risk injury in camp.
Let me rephrase, sparring is the singular most important aspect. Its the one place where it all comes together.
But it is never the primary focus.
You spend way more time & effort conditioning & drilling.
Sparring is just the cherry on top.
But you can still develop a lot of skills without sparring that anyone who does no training at all won't have. So don't be gatekeeping faggots pretending like this is an all or nothing issue, it isnt.
you can learn a lot of boxing at home. ur still missing the partner aspect. So no not like 100% probably not. But you can transfer what you learned into boxing. I was self training and when i started sparring with other people i was already semi decent at slipping and thowing back combos because thats all i did at home. footwork was good day 1. your skills will transfer over but u are missing out if you dont spar.

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