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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

● Wait 15 minutes as a new user.

Verify your email address to post immediately.

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So for clarity, you will not have to verify your email address if you don't want to. If you are a new user, you can instead simply wait 15 minutes before posting. After the wait, you can post threads and replies as normal. If you've been a user of 4chan for more than 15 minutes, the process should be seamless for you. If you are a new 4chan user, then verifying your email address bypasses the wait.

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is this piece of shit ever going to go up?
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It’s dead, link and fun will go up before this one ever does
First it will dump significantly to new lows.
Fuckin piece of shit, just breakout already!
vc shitcoin
People need to store their files somewhere...I think the future's bullish for Filecoin! $500 EOY

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What hasn't pumped yet but is getting ready to? LTC?
>are you being psychically harassed by interdimensional aliens?
I went through a bout of psychosis a few decades ago where I unironically did believe this. I’m not convinced that it isn’t what actually happened too, I just had to quit giving any attention to it in order to get my mind back.
maybe the psychosis allows them to get in

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Quantum computing allows those with access to it to control every possible reality. That means that even if you make a good decision (a decision that has a high probability of success) they can control your individual reality to make sure you lose and they win. Are you losing in this reality? It's because that's what they decided for you specifically out of all possible realities.
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oh ok
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no one checked my quints.
The universe isn't expanding and black holes are actually blindingly bright on the inside, their gravitational potential is just large enough such that any light entering the swarzchild radius remains in perpetual orbit

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>fuckin' a
>Newfrens who don't know his job is covering up the company's many crimes based on a death-spreadsheet, and this is what's soul destroying about it.
Yea it do be like that.
Gen x is cancer. Worse than boomers
Not their fault life feels soulless and purposeless when you work in a copy paste office. This shit is inevitable, project mayhem is the only way forward.

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You must work goy! Those shekels aren't going to produce themselves!

Who has the video where a college kid tells him to name the Jew?

> "Behind each one is always, A WITZ, A BERG, A STEIN,

that video cracks me up with how Walsh plead the fifth on that question.
Caring about work is cringe.
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>resting is for chumps says man who does nothing but write blogposts about which aids infested gay clubs he frequents
All these weak, office dwelling males claim to work 12 hours a day. They start the count when they get up to make coffee and end it when they finally turn off their phone at 9pm, but they dont subtract the 6 hours they were doing jack shit.

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My friend just said no one cares about cryptocurrency.
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Are you retarded? Just stated normie sentiment as per OPs request and THAT is what it is. If you're a "cryptobro" you know what to do with it.
based, bottom signal is in.
They might be right this time. retail not coming back after 2021 dump.
Stop trying to be poetic it's not working
>every biztard saying “bullish”

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I want to be green!
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green me up please
Green with digits and I get a gf eoy
RedIDs get rekt

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Lmfao, okay Hanukkah you made your point edition

>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:

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this chart looks ridiculous, what a shit timeline to become an adult in. No wonder everything is going up in price 20% every year. Starter homes in my neighborhood are approaching 1 million dollars, fuck me

Money has been devalued so heavily, and the market is extremely overvalued. All the metrics point to these two facts.
Have the bears killed themselves with the rate cut and rally today?
>Two more quarters
Yes, obviously.
this or manually adjust to real numbers

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Welcome to the Monero General, but the good one where you can talk about whatever you want without getting spazzed at. Price discussion, memes, technology, privacy, who gives a shit?

Monero is the best candidate for a private digital cash, being proof of work, low inflation, more decentralized than proof of stake coins, more private than Bitcoin, more user friendly than the lightning network, and one of the most highly recognized cryptocurrencies.

Buy Monero on KuCoin, Kraken, Bitfinex, Poloniex, MEXC
Or if you want more privacy try Bisq, Haveno-Reto, Trocador, xchange.me, or TradeOgre
Official Website - getmonero.org
Stats: moneroj.net
Investment Thesis: https://youtu.be/wq6w03E2DS4
Mine XMR: https://www.getmonero.org/get-started/mining/

That's it. If you have questions, ask them in the thread.
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As an example Monero's has become less volatile than Bitcoin over the last couple years making it more useful as a stable currency. However, (known) volume is still orders of magnitude lower than Bitcoin. Price gives a good indication of the progress being made, but there is still plenty work to be done, and developing a decent estimate of on chain Monero volume would be useful.
Go to bed, Vlad.
R stands for Retard
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Those were me.
nobody sane cares about women

why is this shit pumping
short squeeze

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>need ETH to hit 8k bare minimum to start my REAL LIFE™
Time is running through my fingers like sand bros..
How far are you guys away from an amount that actually changes your life? I'm talking about doing something else entirely, not consoomerism bs.
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Someone please tell me why this is BS

Not happy too fren. I made 200k from last cycle and it’s made me the most miserable I’ve ever been. Make sure your money works for you and not the other way around (I found out too late). I hope you’ll be able to persevere.

That’s the point- life almost always only become worse. Appreciate what you have now and continue to fight for your freedom.
I made millions of dollars but my "real life" is the same as the poorfag life, still waste my time in front of a (now much better computer) and pretty much do nothing interesting.
I guess it took me too long to make it
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If I had a measly 10x I would be able to buy a very nice AWD car, lave my parents basement and buy a a nice house, and still have 400k to coast off of while travelling/going to school. I would also be a liquid asset millionaire before 30. I was sidelined last bullrun and have been buying where i can since then. I am absolutely confident the crypto bullrun will deliver on this before next summer. I WILL sell near the top. I WILL make it
I need a 10000x to make it

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I made $130 trading today
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google: p2p bitcoin exchange
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good job fren
carry on anon. soon you'll make $1300 a day. I'm so proud of you.

stay Disciplined.

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>zoomers staying away from crypto because they are growing more and more skeptical about digital assets and their usecase everyday
>/biz/ the slowest it's ever been in the history of the board, ever
>whole market anticipating return to dovish sentiment and have been basically foaming at the mouth for months for rate cuts to start

>.2% pump

I think it's completely utterly unironically over
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Trusting a government with your accrued labour points also complicates everything. The simple act of living complicates everything today.
You’re moving the goalposts. Payment networks don’t need to be more complicated.
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No that's the whole point of crypto. Bank involvement is already complicated enough. The idea is to make your money independent from a government and shitty banks that prints off infinite wealth for themselves. Most crypto people are retards who forget that fact though so they buy shitty memecoins on blockchains that are easily traceable. I only care about privacy and speed whereas these negros only care about a quick buck.
CIA created Bitcoin. It’s dependent on DNS, internet and electricity just to exist. Use your brain.
I know, that's exactly why I'm not using the Satoshi (CENTRAL) Nakamoto (INTELLIGENCE) coin at all. Just because the first one was designed for the CIA to launder money doesn't mean they all were. I want to use them to avoid taxes, normalfaggots want to use them as actual money, that's the difference

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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The owner of the worlds largest Omni channel company had butterflies in his twitter banner and is now tweeting ryan Cohen's BBBY deposition.

How peculiar, what could this mean?
Got a link for that tweet?
It probably means you’re a stupidfaggotfuck baggie
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He changed his banner but it was:
>pic related

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Read more books edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)

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It's close enough to your other ancient pic that it's boring and overlooked. Can't even get your reflection out of the way? Literally looks like the same exact picture dude. Why put in so little effort here?
You know you had the thread baked and ready to go hours beforehand. Drooling and twitching over the Post button. Foaming at the mouth because you need to be the baker so you feel some sense of authority and control.
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Let's post more metals. No sense arguing with morons.
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Good idea king.


>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

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>So you’re just being disingenuous?
Only one doing that is you fren, everyone else is bringing up questions about BBBY, you though, you are just seeing shills, indians and tuppaware everywhere you go.
It's happening this month
NO delays
Without question
>my source
>Larry Cheng went on the ppshow
>documents from 2014
iNteReStInG that the fed cut does not affect BBBY shares

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cheeky fucker

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are there any banks with HYSA still offering 5% and not jewing their customers?
Funny. I'm leveraged to the hilt and my rate went down too! The only difference is that I'm happy about it and you're not.
This board should require you to take an econ101 class before posting so we don't have dumbass posts like OP.
>It's jewing your customers to keep interest in line with the Fed rate changes
Just put your $200 into the market you dumb jeet.
>it's another robinhood overpromising and underdelivering episode
That 3% cash back credit card turned out to be a complete lie too. Imagine doing anything with Robinhood.

Financially speaking I'm getting taken to the cleaner on rent (which is ok, I still make alot of money) but I really don't like this land lord

They're arrogant and I really wanna take them down a knotch

What can I do to wreak havoc on this house in a way that won't bare legal or financial repercussions for myself?
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termites sounds fucked. doesn't that put the next tenant at severe risk?
it puts the landlord at severe risk of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a decade down the line.
So because you don’t like someone you want to destroy their possessions. Wow, no wonder our country is so messed up.

If it were just a personal dislike that's 1 thing. But the person I'm talking about is the eternal boomer who loves open borders and "ethnic food"

They've spent their life profiting off open borders with their mid wit real estate plays and as the western world burns they sell the future of your youth to further enrich what few years they have left on the earth

Don't ever question my motives.
just do it bro. it's in the boomers karma to get a payback for his actions of the past.

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