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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Threads unsplit edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Chunky Chonkers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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>weigh myself this morning
>209 pounds
I haven't been under 210 , under 200 in general, since 2019. I was a fat a kid but luckily I grew tall lol. I just kept my shitty eating habits, unfortunately.
What do you guys listen to do while you do cardio? I normally don't listen to anything but i kind of want something sometimes
Dead Rabbit Radio or Cody Leach horror movie tier list/Joblo Horror originals
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Maybe this lemon one will be better
No one cares

Why are there so many gymcels? Shouldn't being fit translate to more confidence around women?
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it's insanely hard to even find women so you never develop social skills and confidence around them, past school we never naturally meet women, when you find a chick at the bar or the store, gym, you then have to cold approach start a bullshit conversation to get their number, but you never talk to them at all prior so it's like going to fight a grizzly bear but having 0 fighting experience, fucking up terribly the whole way and not knowing why.
Pro tip: never listen to any advice on dating given by men who claim or is 7 and above. Especially if you're an autistic and/or ugly dude. Their "advice" would do you more harm than good as your circumstances vastly differs. A prime example is "just bee yourself", sex havers would throw this quintessential shit take around, ignore it. Also fuck puashit, never pay attention to those too 10/10 most likely to be scammers.
Old puashit books are the only materials that actually go in depth on the topic of male-female relations, they made it into actual science, and they lay it out in a language fit for retards. And assuming you are a virgin over 20, you are a complete social retard in that regard.
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It’s not hard to get a quality girlfriend if you work on yourself guys. This includes working on yourself physically, mentally, financially, and socially. Solely going to the gym isn’t enough, especially if you want a quality woman. Looksmaxxing will only do so much if you don’t work on your other attributes. Thankfully, I learned this before this sad modern blackpill era. And if a woman rejects you, who gives a fuck. There are 4 billion females on this planet and you think there isn’t one (that you want) that would be interested in you? Bullshit. Also, stay away from online dating.
As for me, I’m thinking of finally proposing to my gf of 5 years, pic related.
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>b yourself
yeah I don't even know why people say this shit when 99% of the time woman, people & jobs in general don't want you to be yourself at all, they want a cookie cutter person, don't do this don't do that, follow social norms, reply this way, don't be too clingy.

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>21 yo 6'3 73kg
>lifting for 2 years
>starter weight: ~57kg

Started getting compliments in the lockers when I take off my shirt.
Do I pass the DYEL stage?
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sry the only women for me is my sister, I do not care for others
You have a great physoque, anon!
>verification not required
YWNBAM tranny of fucking course you don't fucking pass your scars are super obvious and your hips are fuckable no real man has eyes that narrow or ears that far forwards
neck hangs
Fuck no, you're way too skinny and not lean enough to look like you lift in normal circumstances.

You won't have a six pack in sunlight while not flexing. That's the only way people can somewhat tell you lift/play sports while being skinny, defined abs. If you don't have them you're just another skinny man.

>ages you like milk
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I use 0.05 every night. Am I fucked?
This is the same logic as Trump saying your heart only has a limited amount of beats and by exercising you expend them faster.
Being using it on and off for about a year and it got rid of the fine lines on my forehead. You are suppose to use it at night 2-3 times a week max and wear sunscreen. You sound retarded.
does that mean yogurt? fuck i love yogurt
Is for fine lines, and wrinkles. It increases collagen production in your skin and makes you look younger.

You can't fight
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>You're a pu-ACK
I'll kick that gun out of your hand and choke your ass out.
Have fun in The Dungeon as a gunless rape slave for life.
Oof. Seething pussy cope!
You can't defend yourself or your loved ones. You would get your arm broken/jaw clocked before you even fumbled for your pea shooter

Stay defenceless lmao
Dead men can't talk

I lift because I'm scared of my girlfriend beating me up
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I got attacked by a significant other once and she told me that if I called the cops she'd be at the shit out of her face and tell them I attacked her.

There is literally nothing you can do other than try to walk away from the relationship quietly.
Why are so many millenial women like this?

>t. millenial man
Faggots are incapable of imagining that you don't want some hairy dude on your shaft and you'd rather have nothing.
My bipolar sister did this, she still got arrested lol
They expired

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previous: >>74168967
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Realistically, what can you do if your wife decides to let herself go like this? She knows there's nothing you can do but go nuclear with divorce which would only hurt yuo.
>She knows there's nothing you can do
absolute state of western ''man''
This. I look at myself in the mirror every morning and call myself a disgusting fat piece of shit, keeps me grounded.
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she knew, there's footage of her talking to the other women telling them what he did. she's a fat retard, especially for dressing in shitty cosplay for a dating game
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This is environmental storytelling.

>Dude just roid lol
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uhhh so i can look like guy on the left? okay
I fucking love being natty bros
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What are those?
This is cherry picking. Gordon Ryan was injured so he wasn't training at all.

Was he roided? Yes.

Does he look like that off cycle? Fuck no, he looks way bigger, he was just injured.
Roiders always sing the praises of roids till they have a health scare and have to jump off them. There’s always a health scare, only question is when.

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imagine getting filtered by Kant's philosophy and thinking that objectivism is the best philosophy
only 100 IQ midwits worship him as some big brained guy

>He described Objectivism as the best philosophy ever devised. He also criticized the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, which he described as an "evil philosophy," because according to him Kant set out to destroy man's mind by undercutting his confidence in reason. He also criticized the teaching of Kantianism in schools and universities and said it's very difficult for an Objectivist philosopher with a PhD to get a job in any of the universities.
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You nailed it, unfortunately for you. It's meant for a minority of autists but pop philosophy and pseuds like NH and pewdiefag that rec books turned the tards into self-made philosophers.
yeah you’re right about that, it’s very easy to sound smart on a basic surface level for normies and to trick yourself into believing you know stuff with minimal work
this is right psuedes will seethe at it
>He described Objectivism as the best philosophy ever devised.
>He also criticized the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, which he described as an "evil philosophy," because according to him Kant set out to destroy man's mind by undercutting his confidence in reason
Based ngl
Kant's "philosophy" is just veiled Christcuckery.

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>brew coffee at home
>feel sleepy
>drink coffee at a cafe
>feel energized
what gives bros?
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It's the female serving it.
The real answer:
Women want to feel things. They want to feel many different things. A scumbag will have a woman feeling lustful, anxious, scared, protected, happy, sad, angry, annoyed, upset, vulnerable, overwhelmed, sexy, ugly, funny, etc etc etc.
They don’t want to feel the same shit non stop that’s boring to them. Even if they don’t realize this this is the reality. Shit if you told a woman this she wouldn’t be able to comprehend it.

That’s what they want. They want fun. Constant different feelings is fun to them, even if some are shitty. The more you can make her feel the more she’ll like you. A good example of this is laughter. That’s why a fat guy who’s funny can get laid, because he’s making women feel stuff. If you can make a woman laugh, you can smash. That is literally you evoking an emotion out of her, it’s making her feel something. If you can make her “feel” then she will be open to fucking you. Another example is with a chad: he’s attractive to her, she FEELS lust. But women don’t sleep with people just because of lust. Sort of anyways. If they feel something, then their minds attribute you to that feeling. Make her feel many different things good and bad she’s subconsciously associating you with the whirlwind of different feelings and has some sort of attachment to the idea of you. Feelings for women are investment. And women are especially victims of sunken cost fallacy. Leverage this and you can make most women “invest” in you whether they even want to.

There’s also the fact that women are just for whatever reason drawn to the dark triad types or whatever you wanna call it. Thugs, violent, criminals, dangerous, etc. probably because they make her feel many different things without trying.

And none of this is meant to overlook that in OPs video they’re both fucked up people why else would the guy have been bleeding before he even came on screen. She did it. She’s just as fucked up as he is.
Women are stupid fucking animals, that's why. Women's rights were a mistake, they were better off as property.
trips comfirm
Except those are russians

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I Tried his leg day today. 1 Set on everything as he said. Shit didnt hit at all. Mike why you let me down. I feel depressed from this workout.

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>"Only losers use ster-ACK."
>Ryan Garcia tested positive for the PED Ostarine the day before and the day of his upset win over Devin Haney, per a VADA letter obtained by ESPN. Garcia has 10 days to request his B-sample be tested. A-sample also screened positive for 19-norandrosterone but unconfirmed.

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All boxers and MMA fighters on TV are actually wimps.
You can beat them IRL.
Modern sports are so extremely competitive that everyone has to take steroids

The training requirements are impossible to get through without recovery enhancement steroids give, the natural human body cannot recover from the training required to compete in modern sport

This is just a reality

The drug side of modern sport is itself an entire competitive scene, basically who can come up with the best possible undetectable drug stack when training & competing

I’m not sure why people get so upset whenever I tell them this, it’s like telling a very young kid that the Easter Bunny and Santa isn’t real, except it’s grown ass adults who start seething and crying anytime you bring this fact of reality up

The question I have is, why are normalfags so desperate for professional athletes to be natural? Why do they care? Why is it so upsetting for a normalfag to be told this fact?
>The question I have is, why are normalfags
Said the fag that does reddit spacing.
he is a pro in competition its not insecurity its leveling the playing field
so whats the basic gestalt on this substance?

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Just curious, if anyone else in here came to a conclusions, that doing a full fitness routine is simply is not worth their time? I use to go 4 times a week, yes I know, it is not that much, and do a full blown "upper/lower" routine, with 20 sets per muscle group (except for arms, which would get 40 sets, if we count presses and pulls as arm work), but for the last 2 years, I have been simply doing pull-ups, push-ups, some arm and should isolation at home, twice a week and call it a day.
My upper body has stayed the same, except for chest, but my daily life has improved a lot. I just have realized that spending 8 hours a week on a gym (including travel), is simply is not worth my time.
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>It's better to come out of your dungeon and visit reality.
Is the gym your only reason to go outside? A home gym lets you get your session done quicker and with no commute, leaving you time for other obligations or outings.
I've been lifting a year and my PRs are still shit THO
>all she's doing is compound lifts and cycling like 3-4 times a week
That would a man pretty fit too
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>>all she's doing is compound lifts
I only train 3 times a week around 2 hours each and I already feel like it's too much. I just can't imagine going 6 days a week

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What's the point of roiding if you look like this when you come off?
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yeah people who look like that so who cares what dyel pajeets like you makr fun of
jesus , breh

yoube been here for six hours waiting for people to write roidtranny so you can insert yourself into the storyline of this thread?

what are you on, buddy?
No the fuck it wasn't. One judge had round 2 a 10-8 for khabib and the only reason round 3 went to Conor is khabib got cocky and started trying to play into his game. Conor got fucking mauled and has only beaten a decrepit Cowboy who got knocked out 3 months prior in the last six years
>/fit/ is one person
isn't your call center busy?
jesus , there's more than one roidtranny monitoring this thread waiting for the word roitranny to pop up so they can release their roid rage?

you're shitting me? that's buffalo bill territory

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