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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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Posted already
>as long as you have a well configured reliable fighting gun you’re fine
this desu
even a .22 is fine
Holy shit lol, I CAN NOT wait to see caFAGGOTS getting diced up by Russian/Chinese whoever
No a 22 isn’t enough, get something in an intermediate caliber
>No a 22 isn’t enough

5.56 at 200yds+ is basically the same as .22 magnum.

lol. 70% new vehicles and new war tech. already being delivered to the active units and into reserve.

- Rehearsal of the parade is a bright event in the life of Moscow, it is recommended to visit.
- Technical support vehicles, repair and recovery vehicles, four-wheel drive tractors, BAZs, T-34s, KAMAZs, BTR-82, BMP Boomerang, VPK-Ural, Tigers, Z-STS, Iskander-M, S-400, Yars-M, Boomerang.
- The BMP Boomerang is an 8-wheeled vehicle with an uninhabited turret, 30mm cannon and anti-tank missiles.
- RS-24 Yars - strategic missile system with solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missiles.
- Unarmed vehicle with cylindrical tank - an escort vehicle designed to escort columns of missile systems.
- The S-400 Triumf SAM system is designed to protect important facilities from air strikes, missiles and other threats.
- The complex can be used night and day, in any conditions and under strong radio-electronic countermeasures.
- The BTR-82A is a modernization of the BTR-80A armored personnel carrier, with improved basic tactical and technical parameters and operational characteristics.
- The BTR-82A is designed to transport personnel and protect them from small arms fire, mines and shell fragments.
- "Iskander-M" is designed to hit small and area targets of the enemy, including missile, artillery and aviation positions.
- The complex is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 500 kilometers.
- The Akhmat Z-STS armored vehicle was created by order of one of Chechnya's security agencies, which has extensive experience in creating armored vehicles.
- The armored vehicle was created using simple solutions, which speeds up development and production preparation, as well as simplifies the production of serial vehicles.

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>Do they have a father who works for Gazprom or something?
Everyone that doesn't ''have a father who works for Gazprom'' fled the fucking country.
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cocklet, please. You try that every day, you're embarrassing yourself.
Funny to know you value toys over your own lives. Third world shit hole LMAO.
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Post modern secret weapons that are cool in some way
I'll start with
>the Aurora; A stealth Recon Aircraft that is the Successor of the SR-71, flying at Mach 5+ and likely with stealth capabilities, basically a satellite recon on a 2 minute call

Bonus [SPOILER] The U-2 is litearlly just a loli Starfighter [/spoiler]
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>90 degree angles
>resolution not high enough
Is "clean" a selling point? Fallout is desirable in a total war situation, you want to do lasting and hideous harm to the enemy civilian population.
Only in a countervalue scenario. In a counterforce scenario you may want to follow up with a ground invasion of enemy territory.
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He was a major fan of the old science fiction stories about anti matter bombs that were the size of remote controls.

AK General /akg/
Mag Dong Edition
>Thread 2023

Old thread here >>61517852
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I bought 30 boxes of PSA ammo.
What would you all say is a good deal for a non matching East German PLO kit? Just won one on gunbroker for $1150.
Try 1200 on the files, or even lower with the right seller who doesn't want to ship
Presumably ISD hasn't had significant manufacturing capability since 2014ish, just so happens to be when the SLR series was last produced. They were never able to get fully established in the US market do to high turnover with US partner importers A-USA originally designed the 1.6mm "oval dimple" receivers with them, then TGI took over but the owner got Vanned for not being a jew and then IO brought in a handful of nitrided barrel frankenguns.
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>Be me, leaving home to go to the store a block away
>Have to walk past a church
>Broad daylight, sunny day
>See crippled old boomer parked in front of the church
>He's struggling to get a mobility scooter into his Sedan
>Offer to help him load it
>I say this from 20ft away
>He mumbles that he's almost got it
>As I get closer, he gets fucking agitated as shit, saying he's got it, repeatedly
>Swear I see he's dropping his hand near his pocket
>I say alright and 360 degree walk away
Fuck all boomers, I've had so many pleasant interactions with people far older than them but boomers fucking suck.
I definitely don't need to risk a potential gut shot from some lead brained old fuck.
Anyone else have any stories of almost getting ventilated?
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To call you a nogun perfect gentleman nigger faggot who got btfo by some boomer on a rascal
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It's hilarious. Commie got what he deserved, run the fuck off by the same boomers that beat their asses back in 2020 the way their parents should've.
>Waaaah I'm brown white people are a danger to meeee!
>He was on drugs!!!
The utter cope of this communist faggot.
I haven't interacted with Muslims before. I have with niggers, jews, chinks, spics, and jeets. I can tolerate spics and chinks. Jews while passive, seem absolutely indisidious to me. Jeets are just smelly and annoying and definitely shitlibs, they are also tyrannical of they believe they have social standing over you.
lol what did going to "da moon" get you?
nasa vacuuming up tax dollars

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Is there a reason women tend to male excellent snipers? From the Soviets, to the Vietnamese, to today women just seem to have a predisposition to good marksmanship.
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this one is pretty cute, would wife
True. They also don’t poop so they don’t have to take potty breaks.
kojima is not a reliable source m80
Usually a lurker, fully admit to being a noguns who don't know shit. Just posting a few thoughts and questions that might be interesting.

My questions about why women arn't as predesposed to being a combatant comes from a few angles:

Firstly, Is the issue at hand a cultural one? I understand that modern culture as a whole casts a very strong stigma against violence and when combined with the ideas, expectations and hormones attributed femininity it might lead to issues? I don't think anyone doubts that female soldiers can be drilled and diciplined to an equal standard of males, quite possibly to a higher standard than male troops if crime rates are anything to go by. I believe there is an old tale (quite possibly fake, but that's a moot issue) where sun tzu drilled a bunch of female courtesans who initially fucked about and took as a laugh - until the king's favourite was executed as a for their misconduct, at which point they drilled without any issue. women do seem predesposed to be far less violent than men, though I doubt any sane annon here would want to approach an armed women and threaten her child. So, If we were to imagine a hypothetical amazonian society where the was no taboo on women being as equally violent as men along with a desensitisation to violence, what would stop a woman from being equally able to kill as a man is?
>>61555136 (cont)
Leading onto my second question, is the matter just a simple matter of sheer strength? If this is the case, if this possibly a case of misutilisation of potential resources rather than that of women just not being suited? Sure women arn't as strong, but equally require less food and bulk in order to be supplied logistically, and in terms of modern warfare is does seem like reaction time and ability to make the bullet hit shit seems more imperative than raw muscle? if this is the case and I'm not retarded then it seems like an obvious choice to make as much use of female manpower for tasks that don't need raw strength? Let us say you have a tank with a driver, commander, loader and gunner. Why couldn't you replace those members (besides the loader who would need muscle) with female operators? women are smaller and logistics are all on board, so I can't see an issue with such an arrangement? It does seem like freeing up manpower with would be a wise choice, truck drivers, gunsmiths, people doing paperwork, ect, ect.

My third question, are some of the issues at hand due to a very male centric culture at hand. That is to say, big men feeling embarrised by a little woman giving orders to them. Thus leading to fears of guys being insubordinate and not taking an order with the same conviction as might be expected. If this is the case, is it therefore impossible to integrate women into military structures? Likewise there is the issue of physical attraction being something people will be impacted by, causing retardation. Which unless you have blanket rules of intraservice relationships being met with a court marshal might be a factor? Not been in the services so idk. that being said, gay dudes in the army almost certainly also fuck like rabbits which is basically the same issue/non issue right? Maybe having women intermixed might make the males fight harder as oogabooga evolution kicks in? Else, what would be the issue of an all female unit?

Do I need a carry permit to take a rifle with me on long hikes?
Also what rifle is best for hike-carry? Or should I get a classy over-under shotty.
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Treadwell AND his weirdo gf got gobbled up by that very bear
fuck these guys OP get a 13.7 Jakyl and a 40L internal frame
bonus points: suppressor and nightvis scope
I use a heart AR7 that I gutted and changed every single thing on. Then I pair it with a can of mace
My autism grants me the power to huck a 60L ex-bongland service IRR pack and a FAL so if you're also mentally challenged that could be good
>best gun for hiking
honestly speaking that's a question with a lot of good answers, and really it depends on your specific situation. given yours, any decent handgun in anything from 9x19 to .44 magnum with proper ammunition and a good deal of practice should be fine. really so long as your gun is good enough for you, it doesn't matter so much if you have a 1911 or a glock 20 or a 92fs, the most important part is practicing with your firearm to the point that you can reliably hit what you aim at (up to a point - .22LR isn't going to cut it for bear defense for example).
you should also take into account things *around* firearm use - how to avoid getting into those situations where you really have to use one to protect your life or property. this can be anything from "don't go walking alone in the bad part of town" to "make sure you know how to properly interact with wild animals" (there's some overlap here).
there's a guy on youtube who has a load of really good informational videos on all kinds of topics like this, and quite a few on choice of firearm for any given application. very reasonable and level-headed guy, doesn't shill things, very grounded. here's the link to his channel if you're interested (i'll almost certainly get flak from people who didn't like his "rebuttal" video but eh): https://www.youtube.com/@PaulHarrell

>Russian T-80BV tank hit by FGM-148 Javelin
I may be wrong but wasn't the point of those cope cages to stop that from happening?
because it clearly doesn't do shit
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here's your context shill
…now I want to know the context of this video
dunno, some russian propaganda shit or something but it's not real so who cares.
there's a lot going on in that clip
after it lumbers off, did you see the explosion in its place? I wonder if that was another Jav that lost lock due to the brew up and just smacked the spot it was aimed at.
also, wtf is up with the flames coming out the bottom? did it blow out the escape hatch?

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Sudden hydraulic malfunction.
Heard he was playing Russian roulette with a grenade while being drunk
He was playing with dangerous things
What's cool about this crusty old bag of shit? You're fucking retarded.
The fact that he was probably the only person involved in the war effort that had enough courage to criticize the Russian government for being colossally fucktarded in its war strategy. The problem is that he really believed that Putin considered him a friend, but in the end Putin chose Shoygu.

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Post some good ones
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this is one of my favorite WW2 US propaganda films, because it's not about how US Soldiers are the best at everything, rather it's about how being a retard will get your entire squad killed by 360 noscope tojo who will then tell you about it while dabbing on their corpses.
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Non-german axis propaganda has a special quality to it.
something wrong with me but whenever I see this anti-american propaganda as an american it honestly makes me feel proud and patriotic. makes us seem like such badasses despite us being a messy constantly arguing democratic mess.
>spots your shiny bayo
Nothing personnel Yankee Doggu

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Reasonst he U.S armies new machine gun (XM250) is mega dumb

1) it's made by sig

I rest my case annons
1) I like REAPR more
Like every poorly developed weapon system, it'll probably get hundreds of millions thrown at it to unfuck it in R&D.
Pending law suit on that machine gun with true velocity. Claims that its the same exact thing they had patented years back with a head engineer who is now, yep you guessed it working at Sig.
>and they waited until after they had lost the competition against their own weapon design

man that's retarded

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Beretta firesale edition
Get gud doc: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

previous: >>61531757
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That's ok, I'm a communist.
No retard
Why the fuck not, asshole?
yes, money is dumb

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I know its the amazon contract every show must have at least one interracial couple
Image limit reached Previous thread>>61517552
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I personally liked it, and there's enough fans on /a/ to have an annual rewatch stream every January, although the particular fondness for it over there is probably influenced by all the discussion back when it aired, speculating and piecing together all the little background worldbuilding details to figure more out about the setting.
This should go without saying, but try to avoid getting anything spoiled for yourself before watching it; go in as blind as possible.
thoroughly meh.
the op was the best part
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Nice perspective on the rifle (unless you traced it of something)
Girls pose is good and shes looking ok actually
Does she have robot arms? I need the lore
I used a ptrs as a reference for the perspective
Shes a robutt but like an upotte oc type thing

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