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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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To use MathJaX, put your TeX code between [ math ] ... [ /math ] tags for inline equations or [ eqn ] ... [ /eqn ] tags for block equations.

[eqn]\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^s} = \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)}\int_0^{\infty} \frac{x^{s - 1}}{e^x - 1} \mathrm dx[/eqn]

Note: You may preview the output by clicking the TeX button at the top left corner in the quick reply window.

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LMFAO "don't die" bro is literally dying and he can't even tell.
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I don't understand the crab mentality of you types. You should want him to have success so you can have success with him. Most of this board has a massive loser mindset.
It's not enough that I should succeed; others should fail.
I don't hope for anything from him. His results will stand on their own merit. Consequently, when he's clearly showing signs of decay, I will laugh at him for being a dipshit who's poisoning himself with excessive transfusions.
he doesn't look very good
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there is one problem though, with doing 200 times at once, and the only metric to judge is a scam life clock

nothing makes the sci/philosophy cuck seethe more than determinism.

a choice must be either:

caused (determined)
not caused (random)

that's it. just like a number must be even or odd.
there's no third option - "free will" isn't even a coherent possibility.

if you think free will is a third option:
how is it not caused by anything but also not random?
how does it escape either having causes or not having them?
self-causation is impossible.

any counter argument runs into this inveitable wall of logic

therefore, I present you: The Inevitable Conclusion:

free will would require impossible self-causation

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>It is caused by the person making the choice.
So it's determined?
this is a dumb fucking thread
Not caused doesn't mean random lol are you still learning basic English?
The law of the excluded middle isn’t valid. The third option is that choice is undecidable.
Your imagine is sequential but reality is relational. Therefore you can't discern between actor and it's environment: all move as one so there never is any particular cause to point to.

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>long range global migration is easier than ever
>Socio-Economic Status-based assortative mating is taking place
>race/culture/faith/identity-based assortative mating is decreasing
>SES is a strong proxy for IQ
>early access to genetic manipulation technology will be unevenly distributed by SES
>assortative mating tends to genetic diversification
>the first space colonists will be picked individuals
>smarter than average, healthier than average, saner than average
>their descendants will be subject to a founder effect
Is this possible, or is there some factor Land has not considered that is likely to halt the process? How long would speciation take on current trends?
I'm asking here, because it tends to be /lit/ or /pol/ who talk about this stuff, but they don't know the first thing about genetics. Would like to get the opinion of someone who understands biology.
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That's David Bowie isn't it
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>some schizo cult will do it eventually
Oh shit, so the founder effect will select for schizo cultists. The further you go from Earth the more schizo it will be.
>weinberg equilibriums
Just looked that up on libretexts and it says that genotype frequencies will remain constant in the absence of evolutionary mechanisms. If that's the case how does random genetic drift occur? How does Weinberg Equilibrium not contradict the Wright effect?
>Land goes into a much different... let's say outlook on species
Would it be fair to say what he is calling species would be better defined as a new ethic group? Unless of course such a group deliberately chose to alter their own genome to induce incompatibility with other groups.
Yeah, well spotted.
>it'll be generation ships when it happens
This is also impossible. The humans who would need to keep a generation ship running are most likely not the same ones who will see their new home. Keeping such an "ark" running is filled with so many insurmountable variables involving radiation exposure, mechanical failure, accleration and deceleration, social systems, and the fragility of the human mind and spirit under pressure. Imagine a big prison flying through space for 150+ years where you cannot go outside and where even the guards aren't able to go home after their shift. It's pretty much unfeasible. We don't even know if humans can withstand the psychological toll of the 6 months journey to Mars. On your hypothetical ship many generations will be born, live and die during the journey. Will they even want to carry on the mission after they are many generations removed from the original crew who agreed to it? It's still unknown how to keep cosmic rays at bay without Earth's protective magnetosphere. NASA published research where mice were blasted with cosmic radiation. Result: massive GI damage and tumors. At this point, we're not even sure we can make it to Mars without giving astronauts cancer. Then either the planet at the other end is dead, in which case we'll have to spend centuries terraforming it (if that's even physically possible in any way), or it's alive, and its microbiome could kill us, or trigger chronic disease or allergies.
>Is this possible, or is there some factor Land has not considered that is likely to halt the process?
short ASI timelines would cut it off before it got far enough to count as speciation (something like speciation probably still happens in post-singularity world if beings like humans are still around, but it comes from different causes)
>how does random genetic drift occur?
As it turns out when you calculate the randomness per se of genetic mutations in species the effect is actually very very small. The internal randomness of the mechanisms of DNA replication cannot explain evolution by itself, i.e: I still remember when I did the calculations back then and taking the models and everything it would take an absurd ammount of time for simple mutations to change a species, that is why, you often hear that genetics is not everything, you have to account for the many things that are affecting the genetic make up of a species, which is why biology is so not deterministic, because when you actually try to make a prediction to the same level as say: the rotation of the Moon around the Earth, it is the whole universe which you have to control for.
>Weinberg Equilibrium not contradict the Wright effect?
Don't take weinberg equilibriums as law, it is just a model, between so many to understand biological systems at population level, you can use it to understand genetic drift against the ideal conditions of the weinberg equilibrium and make predictions or explain things based on it. That is why it does not contradict it, because it does not explain it just models it.
>a new ethic group?
I would go out on a limb(Land is hard to understand sometimes) and say that this is a new group of people in a completely different sense. The definition of an ethnic group is about culture, which is wide enough to encompass wealth and biological phenotypes. But the idea Land has is that such a group would have transceded human society so much that they would be different in all senses, these people are not even human so they don't even understand the world as other humans would do even if you were to strip some of their characteristics and make them live among other people in the same conditions, which is something you can do with mere rich people today.

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Wasn't global warming supposed to wipe out the polar bears?
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prove it
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Yeah this seems credible.
Not the guy your talking to but this article claims a tripling of the population over 50 years, but it credits a hunting ban for the increase.
Forgot link
NTA but the population trend isn’t known because they’re not an easy species to track population stats of. It’s not totally accurate to say they’re continually declining, but an increase of only 20,000 after a 50 year hunting ban is pretty bad recovery. In comparison humpback whales were only at around 5,000 in the 60s, and have since jumped to 130,000+ despite having way longer generation times. It’s possible they recovered more since the hunting ban and then started declining more recently with habitat loss, we can’t say

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How to cure schizophrenia?
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The only cure.
One might even say,.,... A final Solution
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Schizophrenia is thrown about too often, parts of life are strange, and the birth of a idea is sometimes strange. It would be more suitable to call someone who thinks about reality in an incorrect way schizo but to have theories about reality that aren't normal don't really mean anything.
that would require that doctors did their job
There is no cure but mine went away
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>white women have the same spatial iq as black men.
Biofags, explain what causes this
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They are the most educated group in America, their spatial IQ is likely in the 200s.
I reverse image searched it and the most I got was a Twitter account that linked a study that didn't have this graph and was only about sex differences.
Spatial iq is positively correlated with neanderthal ancestry. Blacks have no neanderthal ancestry. Asians have the most.
Seems like some twitter user made it, he seems to be the origin of the chart.
according to science blacks so.

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Why do I look so different then everybody? I find it peculiar and strange, I've tried posting my photo on different boards in threads where you guess a person's ethnicity and I barely get any replies, people avoid the topic with me. I get told different things. I've been told that I don't even look white. But the thing is nothing really fits.

I wonder, how often does uniqueness or rarity of features persist in a race? I don't have really angular features, my face isn't long or very big, like I'm not short but I'm not very big looking in general. I've been told I look indian and italian and I think I sort or have features and skin like he Indians, germanics, and even Japanese. My nose is not that big, it's not flat but it doesn't protrude for my face like it's covered by facial fat or something, a lot of people have protruding noses.

My theory is that my race all but almost went extinct and I am one of the last of my kind, but technically though I am northwestern European.
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It's because you clearly barely take care of yourself you fucking idiot, it's not any kind of prejudice of your genetic traits. Cut your hair, take out your faggy earrings, shower every day and wash your face, and wear more form fitting clothes. Lift some dumbells every day til your arms get tired and do squats. People will treat you better.
I've changed my appearance numerous times, it doesn't have anything to do with my clothing or fashion choices.
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You completely ignored the other part of my reply. You look like a greasy heroine addict. Get a nice hair cut and take care of your body a bit and make sure to clean properly.

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Explain how light work, is it a physical property? Why can some people have hallucinations of light even in pitch black rooms?
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wavelengths are a real thing no matter what we decide to call them
And yet, wavelengths don't have an answer for magenta, thus solidifying what I said about colors and, by extension, light being mental products instead of physical ones
>Explain how light work, is it a physical property?
That's a flow of photons which our brains can process via its front sensors
> Why can some people have hallucinations of light even in pitch black rooms?
Those are phosphenes, a little researched feature of our brains.
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>And yet, wavelengths don't have an answer for magenta
Yes, they do, composite waves still act as a single (variable) wavelength, there's your magenta wave

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Thomae's function edition
f(x) =
\frac{1}{q} & \text{if } x = \frac{p}{q}, \text{where } p,q \in \mathbb{Z} \text{ are co-prime} \\
0 & \text{if }x \text{ is irrational}
previous thread>>16432396
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no one here is smart enough to solve this
It's because of the way that the Weierstrass functions are defined. At the limit, the cosine is oscillating back and forth between +/- 1 "infinitely quickly" meaning that the cosine part of the season is not maximal only on sets of measure zero, while also only being constant on sets of measure zero.
Series* not season. Late night phone posting, not even once.
Is studying math for an hour every morning a waste of time? Currently doubling back on Calc 1 and 2
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Anybody like the number 326?
3 + 8 = 11
3 to 6 = [4, 5]
What else does it have?

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>The 'Great Elon Musk'
- edition

previous >>16487736
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trying to liftoff off a black hole
How are people still falling for hydromeme
>Just keep the batteries warm during lunar night
With what power? There's no solar power, unless you've got radio-thermal power, hope your batteries have enough to keep themselves warm for two weeks so they don't freeze up before the sun comes back.

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Does his Cognitive-Theoretical Model of the Universe make any sense at all?

Is he really the smartest person who ever lived?
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this sounds like leibniz. i'm not sure you could literally just find-and-replace all instances of "monad" with "telor" in the monadology to get CTMU but the way you describe it sounds very similar.
>One would expect chemical properties to vary significantly depending on how many atoms there are in a clump as their telor density is lower and/or GOD may have not processed a given combination before and has to figure out how it works.
this is a retrodiction, not a prediction, we already know chemical properties vary based on chemical structure and our current theories have explanations of why. does CTMU give any predictions about the properties of new synthetic elements? what does it have to say about the island of stability predicted by our current theories?
If he isn't the smartest person, than who is it? Wouldn't he be so over the top smart that you'd instantaneously know that you're outmatched? I have never heard of or seen such a person, even though he has to exist, right? Or do over the top smart geniuses somehow blend in with us comparatively low IQ plebs?
Fyi langan has much more in depth interviews, brainlets just get filtered out by the dailywire interview even though half of it is casual laymans conversation to match the interviewers vibe

Those interviews are clearly 200iq and his haters would never have the brain power to critique them
Terrence tao
>Wouldn't he be so over the top smart that you'd instantaneously know that you're outmatched?
lots of john von neumann's colleagues described him like this. not sure there's anyone like that today. terence tao might be the closest to it.

What actual new science has BSM contributed to the field of astrophysics?
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>econ is only slightly dumber than physics
>econ is actually on par with physics
I expect your next post to explain how econ is actually superior to physics lmao You cretins are a laughing stock, you have no predictive power nor are you scientists given any rational/operative definition of science. Newton has made a bigger impact on society than all econ niggers ever combined. Get fugged brainlets.
More than I have hahaha
> Newton has made a bigger impact blah blah muh retarded soience worship religion
no he didn't and your religion is dumb
He proved how incredibly worthless astrophysics degrees are. He is the world's most famous degree holder in that field and he can't even get a job relevant to his degree. He is managing a movie theater for a living.
undergrad degrees don't matter, we're not talking about the same thing. i'm not talking about people who "got a degree in" a field because that's not the relevant comparison when we're talking about scientists, i'm talking about people who work in a field.
econ is a social "science" field stapled to a branch of mathematics. i like the math part of it.

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I just did a deep dive into my ancestry and was able to discover I am a direct descendant of roman emperors like Constantine.
I used familysearch.org and was able to trace the entire family tree with names, locations, birth and death years all the way back to the roman empire.

How rare is this?
What percent of Europe are direct descendants of Constantine.
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Greece best
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>How rare is this?
very rare. impossible, in fact.
and now you are an OP on /sci/
my, what a disappointment you must be to your family

>"I don't have a good intuition for determinants, therefore they are wrong and stupid."
Wtf was his problem?
Early life and childhood
determinants understood as the multilinear notion of volume makes them easy to understand and explains all the confusing math with fundamental principles that are easy to grasp
i have no fucking clue why they are taught as some magical incantation in basic linear algebra classes. exterior algebra is easy to understand.

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