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When does it get good?
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Fuck man I love this game so much.
When Fiora rejoins the party
i didn't like the ending
How do Xenoblade X bros feel about being the laughingstock and most forgotten game in the franchise and that's including Xenosaga 1 and 2 on the DS only in Japan. The Aegis Pyra and Mythra being in Smash Bros over the Elma Helana whatever her name is from X is the final dab on the grave of Xenoblade X.
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Dude, spoiler.

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i care not for your artificial outrage for a flavor of the month meme game that was going to be forgotten regardless
warioware thread btw twisted > all
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What are the latest Switch 2 rumours?
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I think that allowing digital games to transfer over is the happy medium for that reason and it gets people to double dip, just have it so there's a performance or graphical boost and people will buy those games again. The other solution would be to go the Sony route and start remastering last gen titles to fill gaps but that doesn't fix the massive issue of losing 3rd party support if the system ends up being too weak.

That has already happened with the Switch, many big 3rd party titles do not get released on it and those that do typically end up with terrible ports like Mortal Kombat. The Switch 2 is going get ports of games like Elden Ring and Persona 3 Reload that are currently not on the Switch but it's easy to see the Switch 2 ending up in the same situation that the Switch is at now and losing 3rd party support once all the easy ports are exhausted. If that happens, then people aren't going to buy it either. Case in point for that is the PS5 and that's actually getting multiplats.

With no ports, the Switch 2 lineup is most likely going to look meager. It might not even be appealing to consumers regardless because of that. Nintendo's dev times have shot up too with TotK taking 6 years. Unless they're planning on pumping out lazy remasters and remakes, it's a bit hard to see it pleasing fans that are used to the Switch 1's amazing game output.
will the Switch 2 make me not depressed?
>They get to sell all the same games all over again. They love doing that.
Wii U had 12m sales switch has 140m.
128m switch owners didn't own a wii U, so they bought Wii U games. Switch 2 customers will all be switch 1 owners. They have no reason to rebuy the games. It makes more sense to just do upgrade patches for 15 bucks a pop or maybe tie it to the 50 dollar NSO tier to get people to buy that.
it'll make you more depressesed
The problem if you do digital only backwards compatibility is that you've just made your console digital only. You might ship physical games to stores, but no one will be buying them, knowing that they wont carry over. I don't think Nintendo is ready to be digital only.

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>Everywhere the light touches, soulful games can be found
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Calling a film about a famous story propaganda because you don't like it is, in fact, having a mental breakdown.
Did Disney know what they were doing with those lion designs?
You called a movie "Jewish propaganda" because it's religious.
They portray the Phaoroh in an extremely sympathetic light, too.
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>I cooma to big booba

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How about a 3x3 thread where we also post our age? I'll start.

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Why are Bethesda Fallout fans like this?
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1.) This design was based off of Van Buren concept art
2.) It's ugly regardless
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Wtf is this, is this some new update? I hate it, how do I get the old posts back
Clone Wars and the prequels are the only good parts of the entire SW saga
>Bethesda just make marvel slop! Not like us New Vegas Fa-
Whats your next cope

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Every thread is toxic enough to give you rad poisoning, so I hope this one doesn't derail
Discuss classic Fallout (Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics)! From the quests, to your current playthroughs, to the manuals with the original CDROM box releases and their neat little extras.

No TV show discussion
No F:NV, F3, F4 discussion
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>hmm those Russian fallout mods sounds interesting maybe I should tryout
>Russian mod in general is soo obscure some of them don't even has a translation, even when there's translation there is no information to look for when you struggle with how to progress the quest

I've genuinely thought about studying Russian because of this
finished the main bit of Sonora and really enjoyed it. Going to do the Dayglow stuff next. We'll see if I kick myself for using the entire weight limit on armor, no idea what I'm in for
You should study the art of googling so you can find the translations
I love FO1 and FO2. Pretty much always play unarmed or melee though so I don't have to fuck around with ammunition and the inventory system quite as much.
>We'll see if I kick myself for using the entire weight limit on armor, no idea what I'm in for
No, that's a good idea. You'll get more than enough weapons and ammo over there but decent armor comes late.

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>Theres not a single Dragons Dogma thread up on /v/….AGAIN

>inb4 I JUST…FINISHED…IT…*sniff*
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Nah, everfall was sick as shit with the boss rings it had. It and the postgame were literally the only things that saved DD1 from being truly mediocre. You're a secondary.
did everfall once, then ignored forever. Even dark arisen knew how much everyone hated everfall giving us the ur-dragon shortcut
Gamers are such subhumans they made this half-baked game a huge hit.

Sadly, it doesn't look like it flopped as far as sales go.
>dude rings
lmao you autistic nigger, at least pretend to care about fashion dogma
>literally the only things that saved DD1 from being truly mediocre
Jesus Christ you're a special breed of stupid
why can't gamers support real causes like stellar blade and stop the white replacement ?

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>the devs should take their time
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There is nothing to do once you are somewhat self sustaining, which doesn’t take long even as a new player.
they decided to rewrite the whole project in c++, because they felt that java isn't future proof for performance. thats why it got delayed so hard. also riot acquired the studio and they probably want their own big minecraft, so they want it to be really good.
Yep, that's the one
you fucking nigger are too retarded to come up with challenges in a SANDBOX game, not my fault. try make all zombies sprinting, give your character more crippling traits, try to 1v1000 a horde. watch zombieland, they aim for the kill of the month because they got bored with zombies, or they autistically search for a twinkie
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Well, it was meant to release in 2020 but then Riot bought them out and wanted it on mobile.
So they scrapped the whole thing and started to rewrite the code from scratch in C++ instead of Java.

And here we are today.
7 years out from the trailer and still no game. All because Tencent (they own Riot) wants their chink subjects to be able to play it on commute to their factories.

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millhouse will always be a meme
you just know
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know WHAT???

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GOGODS we fucking WON.
>take literally forever to release the update
>still fuck it up
>Fallout gains momentum because of the show
>all that momentum vanishes by reminding people that the games are developed by Bethesda
Deserved, reddit franchise.

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Have you ever refunded a videogame because you found out a voice actor you despise is starring in it?
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Yup. I didn't, and won't even purchase any further games in the Yakuza series from now on.
>claims that he earned the role to voice Kiryu
>Sega had to autotune his voice because he's shit at singing
I don't know if the OG voice actor is good singing, but I'm pretty they wouldn't have used autotone on him
It's even more pathetic when in on his online resume he wrote that one of his skills is the ability to sing in some specific pitch or some shit like that.
No, they don't get paid anyway, apparently.
Who """stars""" in a video game has no bearing on whether or not I will purchase it.

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I played demo many years ago and that's it but I loved F1 and F2 as a child.
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never played it see no reason to pick it over JA2

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Can someone with the breast milk faust id befriend me?
>have wsang with shredder
>have Rose greg with aedd
>have LCCB mael
>have seven heathcliff
>about to have lantern don
I only need a breast milk faust with period sac to form the best Team in the game.
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Chat will just be Philip memes.
>paid so little attention that he doesn't even know what event currency he was grinding
I kneel
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ez 2 turns fight
charon cunny
I don't have an Outis pic for this. I'm sending positive energy...

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It's ok to false advertise gamers just whine to much
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>latest chud culture warrior
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leftists being leftists and ruining everything in society while they themselves are unable to create and every new IP they make goes bankrupt
kek those charge.org guys are very smart, they earn a lot of money doing nothing
>none of the funds go to me btw
lmao yeah sure chink.

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Why are there so few games that allow you to pilot a giant mech?
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If you want the genre to succeed, then buy the damn games.
Normal people have this autism where if they can't relate they can't like something. And mechs are this in-between of a vehicle and a character so it is also hard to comprehend somehow.
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>Normal people have this autism
Stop polluting them with anime trash first.
problem is they add humans in them which disconnect from the character you play as

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miku is on sale! buy miku for cheap!
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What does the gameplay look like?
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i drove 2 hours to a project diva future tone arcade cabinet, it was fun playing with those big buttons
Touch mode in Mirai is the best, desu.
Rhythm game gameplay but the notes are displayed less uniformly
so parappa the rappa for autists?

Can I have your fucking Pikachu NOW?
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I saw this on a previous episode of reality. I don't think you're gonna pass this class
I'm not even joking, the torso in that pic is somewhat elongated which immediately gave me the impression that the pic should have a followup where Ash is in the belly.
modern brony, get out
Makes me wish we had more Jessie art like that. Or any at all really.

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what's your favorite monsters in games
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cat bat

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>a brick
try a few thousand
sorry, but those african huts are made of sticks and clay
you need a clay source, you need a furnace, you really need a team to do it and people doing other necessary shit for survival
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Oh well ok, if we are going by stupid fucking Americans and not just humanity in general then yeah you are right, you guys wouldn't be able to do anything at all

>anon is dumber than all these people
>making clay bricks
umm sweaty
Post apocalypse and post nuclear are not the same thing. The specific intent is to show the rebuilding of society (society isn't just a few clean buildings) after the collapse of everything familiar in a retrofuturistic setting. Anybody who wants to keep it in ruined stasis is a complete fucking retard, it's set decades if not centuries after the bombs dropped. If the point was the ruins it'd be set 8 years later, not 80.
How you seen what South Africa and Haiti look like right now, today, in 2024? Having knowledge at your fingertips doesn't mean shit if the population is barely human enough to use it

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