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I love this cute gargoyle
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I love this latina so much bros....
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Can you tell I'm a team player?
How the he'll is tesla overrated, it's bought on like two heroes
the actual most overrated item is improved bullet armor
just buy metal skin, cheaper and more efficient
True. I’ve never really FELT the buff from either of the armors, I get more out of the shields and metal skin. Even if they are temporary, so’s most fights. If I have to back off that doesn’t mean I won’t come back.

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Play my wife's game
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Increase your Windows virtual memory to 16gb or more. It's a hidden requirement for all Directstorage games basically.

It follows your OS color space. So Windows 10 is broken, Linux with Nvidia GPU is also broken, AMD Windows 11/Linux works fine.
i use the win 11 hdr callibration tool but games still look garbage
>Virtual Memory

32GB of RAM and VM and it's still happening.
holy shit a skeleton

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Why do gamers dislike musclegirls in vidya now?
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Male genes. Some women have more mannish bodies, some men have more womanish bodies.
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I don't see any men looking girls outside of ironic posters in this thread.
Not sure what you mean, anon, what I'm saying is hating on cute muscular girls in vidya is a new culture war thing.
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>Muscle woman art
>It's futa 99.99999% of the time
I'm so fucking tired of these faggots you have no idea
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>Why do gamers dislike musclegirls in vidya now?
West'rannys ruined it
>yes I live alone and do all of these myself, it's nothing compared to my construction work on site,
That's because you are a man, moron.

Join the Overwatch.
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now I see why some fag made a tranny mod
The combine had more advanced AI but Valve gutted it, probably due to playtester feedback
But yeah the HECU are neat and combine just feel like generic fps enemies
The Combine is the transdimensional alien equivalent of a megacorp and some paper pushing grub cut corners to please some shareholders.
>The combine had more advanced AI but Valve gutted it, probably due to playtester feedback
Where did you get that from?
His ass. The more advanced AI is still there. Combine soldiers are smarter and have more advanced AI routines than HECU soldiers.

There are other non-AI changes that have knock-off effects that might make the Combine soldiers feel weaker, such as Half-Life 2 tending to give players way more health so they feel less vulnerable when entering combat against soldiers, soldiers having way less health, and Half-Life 2 node graphs tending to not allow "nasty surprise" flanking moments, but none of those have to do with AI changes.

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>People are supporting Pocketpair under the English tweet

>People are supporting Nintendo under the Japanese tweet

>pic unrelated
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It's a pride thing not a money thing, same reason they nuke any whiff of a fangame from orbit
you should accept your concussions and seek some help for that
Cause Jap copyright laws are retarded.
where's all the lawsuits from these patents? I'm surprised there isn't a million suits against everyone
>Japanese patent law, not american.
Anon, they have the same parents in the USA.

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He never said that.
He really did tho
'em on the log

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Ubisoft tried to promote a Japanese "editor" who claimed AC: Shadows was well recieved in Japan
Turns out it was a shill and a former SBI employee

Ouf, busted
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>Big Brother says the were always at war so it's true, nevermind yesterday he said we were never at war
>some guy on X
>a scummy "professor" who writes fanfic history and got canned form japan for being a fraud
why are you repeating a grifter narrative but pretending to not know one of yours?
A rebrand only works if people arent aware off it.
The real shit is that they're latching on to big japanese IPs, you can saddle Monster Hunter with as much DEI as you want, it WILL sell.
people said the same about star wars
how much did outlaws sell? can you remind me?
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This. Everyone knows there are no grifters on wikipedia, chuds.

Last thread failed

I need opinions!!!
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PvP is shit what's there to elaborate on
The game is very hard, up until that point when you realize how lock-on works. And then it plays itself lmao
Nah they're old and clunky.
All you need is Elden Ring and AC6.
That's surprising. Not sure why they're still updating it though, is the online even active?
post your dudes

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Post them. You know the one. That special vidya character. Your favorite.
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I love my wife Neptune!
Like a warm, wiggling daki.
Sounds nice
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My heart beats for the dragon.
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Sadly, I was rudely separated from my wife by aircraft this morning. Less embarassing than waking up at 1pm tho i guess

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What is the use case of a handheld gaming device these days?
With the DS and PSP you could pocket them and play a dedicated library meant for a low power device, but now they share libraries with desktops and consoles so they HAVE to be big bulky bricks in order to run shit at below acceptable framerates
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>What is the use case of a handheld gaming device these days?
>With the DS and PSP you could pocket them and play a dedicated library meant for a low power device, but now they share libraries with desktops and consoles so they HAVE to be big bulky bricks in order to run shit at below acceptable framerates
Popular with children and marketed towards a younger demographic at certain points.

Seek help
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Did anyone buy the Genshin Impact meal?
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Considering grubbing on some Macca's (USA) today, should I get the Genshin Impacted Colon meal fellow Macca's gamers?
macdonad... codes... doko?
one sandwich and fries and they call that a meal? oh yeah and the tiny little apple pie which is gone in 2 bites, still nowhere near enough.
memes aside you could get a free lunch if you don't care about the codes.

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>He thinks people are mad about what the series has been doing since decades instead of this demake being turned into an Asano game
You don't play these games
Through in some more buzzwords next time so we can all see how much of a fucking moron you are.
obfuscated systems suck only if you're metagaming. i play these games normally and let random shit happen in the background because it makes the game interesting.
What buzzwords refer to what the series has been doing since Minstrel Song you fucking glue eating retard?
This demake sucks because the new mechanics are garbage, not because it's more "transparent", which is technically isn't either.
Dumb nigger


Did your character make it in?
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What a waste. Damn.
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I've been saying this since Tenkaichi became the most popular DBZ game instead of Budokai, but....i want single character with in battle transformations back instead of 47 versions of the same character taking space in the roster
sadly im alone in this
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>Encyclopedia commentary with the MILF's
Yup I'm detecting pure soul now.

>the best version of goku wont be in sparking zero at launch
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goku always has and always will be a martial artist I dont fucking know where you made the mental connection between goku and fucking bruce lee All i know you're probably a faggot who probally hasnt even watched the anime
>goku always has and always will be a martial artist
Sure, that's why his move set is Beam Blasts #1-46

When your punches and kicks have the power to destroy planets and can fly faster than light, martial arts kinda stop mattering unless he fights someone on equal footing.
He's based on Sun Wukong (hence the name), dummy.
Oh cool! Doesn't change my original statement.


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That was quick
does nobody fucking read? dlc AND sequel were announced. the picture is art from the dlc which will obviously come first, but it was an announcement for both
The entire point of the game is that P is not programmed. He does not obey the Grand Covenant.
Endings work as such:

'Good' Ending: Don't lie much or if you do surrender you heart at the end.

Actual Good Ending: Lie a fair amount and beat true final boss

Best Ending: Lie most of the time until you get that notification about feeling warmth when doing lying stuff (or maybe there was another after that). You can keep track of that nose growing portrait to get a rough estimate. Help Sophia die when she asks, and attain grey/silver hair
That's weird, I had the grey hair, I did the thing with sophia, but missed the achievement.
Maybe I fucked something up.

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The past few weekends have been too exhausting mentally and socially, I need some escapism. What’s a nice escapist game/a game with good worldbuilding to play this weekend? Any genre, as long as it makes me care about shit that’s completely unimportant.
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When I first played La Mulana (remake), I got sucked into it so hard I thought about nothing other than its obscure puzzles for a week or two. If it clicks with you, you might feel the same. It's a hardcore action riddle solving Indiana Jones themed game.
Final Fantasy IX
Kingdom Come Deliverance
immortal empires is always great
Trails in the Sky, especially if you like JRPG
Any Rune Factory game if you want stress-free stuff
other story based games, maybe VNs like Ace Attorney or Danganronpa

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I'm done with open world games bros, give me back the corridors.
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>I'll give you ten minutes to recover from that mind-blower.
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how's this for corridors motherfucker
I look like this and said this.
>t. zoomer who doesnt get out of home.
The journey is part of the adventure you jackass
Why is eveything in the top game bunched so close together?

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Pokemon with guns?
*spends 6 months making up arguments to suit a lawsuit instead of fixing the abomination that was scarlet violet*
I think Studio Ghibli should sue next for the blatant stealing of Totoro.
America should sue next for the blatant stealing of the concept of slavery
More like Pokemon but fun

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The last real final fantasy game
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>It's a western RPG. It just doesn't even remotely feel like an FF game in any way.
>final song is about using the powers of your friends to fight god and singing how you will beat the final boss with their help
Also they call out to you when you’re fighting the boss the whole time. You clearly have no fucking idea what you’re talking about when you see a super anime game and call it western
It was a risky move, but it did manage to not be a loss for Square. The dumbest part was making an online game to be a part of the core series, nevertheless doing it twice.
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>FF7: 1997
>FF8: 1999
>FF9: 2000
>FF10: 2001
now it takes them twice that length to shit out a single game that's worse than all of those.
90% of all Squeenix merch is FF7. It's ridiculous. It's the most over-milked single game in existence.

Ad in the two remakes they deliberately shove in more Sephroth to where he's there constantly. They didn't get that in the original game, NOT seeing him except for a few occasions was a part of the story. It's total shit writing just to deliver the super-popular.

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How did Final Fantasy go from being a juggernaut franchise to a Concord-tier flop?
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Maybe summons need to go back to being glorified spells hidden in caves and having nothing to do with the main story.
BASEDDDDDDDDDDDD. the mmo trannies are going to ACK themselves when seeing this
the game is horribly unoptimized

it's not a Concord tier flop, but it may end up selling like half of what the last Kirby game sold.
Pc fags are always like this
>No, it's not that my PC is old and needs to be upgraded, NO IT ISNT THAT I HAVE TO SPEND MORE MONEY, it's the game's fault
Pc gaming is a joke

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