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>Ben Schwartz: Oh my God. Grant, this is great. Okay, so this is what happened. I think I downloaded it on Xbox. I started playing it, and I found the controls to be so hard to play that game. To me, it wouldn't work. So I played it, I got to one of the Knuckles rounds where, for hours and hours, you're searching for little things, you fly around searching for stuff. And I found the controls to be so — I just didn't find them to be easy in that version of it. I wish I had the original, it must've been Dreamcast, right?
>I wish I had Dreamcast, I had that controller. I feel like it would've been so much easier. It's the same thing when I play Switch and I play N64, it's too hard. Even playing Mario 64, it's like I find the controls to be so difficult as opposed to when I had that old controller. But so what I did is — I'm not even calling it cheating, because I didn't beat the game — I watched a playthrough of the entire thing, to make sure I watched the entire thing. But I gave it my all, and then I was like, "I think this will take me so many days just to figure out how to handle these controls."
>So I did a playthrough and got to watch the whole game, and it's amazing. Also, there's so many specific things. Like, sometimes the audio mixing is bananas, sometimes the voices are over each other. [Laughs] And the music is so loud sometimes, and the music is amazing. And the story is — I mean, if you've played that game, Sonic Adventure 2, the story is — I don't want to ruin it if people haven't seen it, but there are twists and turns in that story that are not evident in other Sonic stuff before it, I would say. So, I loved it, I got to watch it all, it was like watching a movie. I was like eating popcorn and loving every minute of my life, but I wish I had a Dreamcast, so I can kind of play it myself.
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SA1 and SA2 were built to take full advantage of the Dreamcast hardware. The palette-based "Lantern" lighting engine from Sonic Adventure was ahead of its time. Iizuka wanting something transparent and liquid since the technology now allowed it, the team came up with Chaos

Adventure games were all about making must-have killer aps for the Dreamcast, while Heroes and Shadow were just them trying to keep the brand alive in third party consoles. This is why the controls, bosses, models, stories and characterization suddenly got worse in Heroes. They weren't putting the same effort anymore

Heroes was made by the exact same team as SA2, but it was downgraded to run on PS2.

Once upon a time, dev had to resort to tricks such as culling to optimize games to run on very limiting hardware. 2024 and now devs don't even bother with this shit because the hardware is so powerful and full of gimmicks such as DLSS/FSR and RTX that gaymers don't even understand why their game runs well or runs like shit
SA2 PC port is really awful, i mean is playable but once again the broke even more stuff compared to GC.

Chao garden is nearly entirely broken. Weird that console versions have less issue, and actually keep GC light.
>it was like watching a movie
Oh no no no, he basically called it a movie game! SA2 sisters, our response?
SA2 was basically an anime
Even worse.

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its fun
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its inspired by high end mmos, which almost none of them are randomized
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Yet it calls itself a roguelike. Curious! Perhaps almost as if it can be inspired by multiple things and take inspiration from both. How queer.
>why do roguelite games use roguelite mechanics
Roguelites/likes are called that because they're harder/more unforgiving than most modern games, not because they're random.
The boss rotations are not randomized, it's scripted.
What IS randomized is boss order and loot.

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>a bunch of dudes in a literally who studio in the 90s
>make a post-apocalyptic setting for their game because they liked Mad Max
>elated when they sold 600k copies
>it's one of the most iconic and recognizable vidya IPs today

>one of the richest and most successful game studios on the planet with a hundred million game copies sold owned by the most valuable company on the planet
>spent a decade making a space game setting in the vision of the director's childhood dream
>sold 10 million+ copies and was played by even more people on Game Pass
>literally no one cares about the setting or the IP or could name a single thing about them

What the fuck went wrong
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He's solely responsible for the starfield's failure. Todd admitted that he wanted to "explore every single planet", he was probably the one to push the "grounded" space game when in fact they could have chosen any other direction and it would still turn out better than what we got. And of course Todd is the one who kept his talentless buttbuddy Emil as a lead writer. I'm amazed how Todd managed to spend so many years in the creative industry, and still shit out such an outstandingly bad sci fi content.
Did people really forget about Oblivion's potato-faces?
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>The lore
Really? There hasn't been any worthwhile lore in TES since Morrowind. Oblivion is vaguely popular because of the memes on tiktok (900 players on Steam at the moment). Skyrim is popular because of the insane amount of mods, and that game, I think, may never die because it has reached a critical mass of modders & players that has yet to be surpassed. And nobody gives a fuck about the lore in Skyrim. It's all about playing in your own little sandbox, made just for you, with the mods you like.
Bethesda added nothing worthwhile to the Fallout lore, but yeah, the setting is pretty cool if you ignore the Fallout lore.
Finally, Starfield has no worthy lore or setting, give it a few months and nobody will be talking about it. I don't think Starfield will ever reach the same critical mass as Skyrim and become your de facto handmade sci-fi sandbox RPG experience.
it went from a bunch of dudes who were passionate about video games to a bunch of diversity hires who were not passionate about video games
>starfield's failure
I'd wait to see Bethesda's annual review before talking about Starfield being a failure. The game sold well, didn't it? I imagine that Microsoft must be relatively happy with the sales, in any case. But I hope for Todd's sake that he hasn't sold his project as a new Skyrim that they'll be able to sell for 10 years on multiple platforms with Special and Anniversary editions, because clearly nobody gives a shit about this game anymore.
>jk, may Todd and Emil get fired as soon as possible

look at the capital letters
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next game zelda should be the name of link's horse and it should have wierd undertones
I just realized cat image macros is the chemo we need to wipe out the wojaks.
I think he's trying to come out as a tranny.
they started spamming the made up word "tranimal" in response

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How are most gamers still unaware that localisers have been rewriting and censoring Japanese games for over a decade now?
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Yah like how the Persona 1 translation outright changed the setting to be America and race-swapped the entire cast. I'll admit that it's a funny localization and I'm glad it exists
You're lying. The Japanese translation of the OP pic is accurate. They sure as shit didn't call someone a plebian wrench in the Japanese version.
it's not like olde English. itadakeru is common polite language, but it's generally used as an auxiliary verb. the rest of her sentence is really casual.
Even if this were true, I would still rather have that compared to punched up dialogue that isn't accurate.
While this thread is still going, do you guys prefer the updated FF6 translation as seen on GBA and Pixel Remaster, or the original SNES one by Ted Woolsey?

A lot of people like Woolsey but I'm pretty sure his translation of FF6 is a lot like the bottom photo of OP.

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what game should would you download ?
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How is believing that Satan's rebellion is good any different from believing God is a little evil? A truly omnipotent God would transcend good and evil and display characteristics of both, which is essentially what you're saying, plus some very obvious mental gymnastics. Go tell your pastor that Satan is secretly a good guy.
I'm just saying that if we discover their planet in 2024 they probably discovered us in 1200 with the exact same technology, but a move in advance.
Very unrelated to the problem of evil. Budha provided a system wherein suffering is held as a virtue 800 years before Yeshua was born and it came with heaps less retarded, jewish cosmology.
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We can prove God by trying. We're von Neuman probes.
> and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.”
I have never cuckolded anybody and if given the option I would rather get beheaded.
Maximally good is derived from maximizing the growth of goodness. You don't know cozy warmth without freezing cold.
Will this cause bitflips in my computer?

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Which one is it, /v/?
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metres yeah, and I misremembered it was 25m not 30m. It was a bit on the excessive size, only needed 20m, I wanted to hide it by placing it next to the walls and wrapping it nicely around rooms so that took a lot of its length.
True neutral.

They gave me a second monitor recently at work, and tried using it for a few months but it didn't increase my productivity or whatever. Guess I'm too old and too used to just one monitor.
Monitor with small touchscreen monitor/tablet under it shits on all reddit styles.
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Work forced me beyond chaotic evil
Single monitor in front of me, second monitor up the wall well above my head to the left
If the lights art on I can't even see the second monitor from the glare, and often have to. So sometimes I stand up and turn, and reach behind me to fuck with the mouse

There's so many great video game series out there and amazing vidya characters but is there one video game girl that stands above all others to you and stole your heart completely?
One you are in love with really and truly?
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High fash
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Thank you all for your kind regards!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
First post was just joking around
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Why are they even doing this?

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>About to be locked out of a game I’ve paid for since 2013
I didn’t ask for higher graphics fuck off
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Wuk is replacing Thancred as the tank trust according to the datamines. There will be no escape.
wut lmao's VA is dogshit, but there's no singular character or VA that could get me to swap away from the EN dub. I'll just deal with it.
>Doesn't answer the question
It seems like you're assuming El Dorado and Utopia are the same for no reason. What reason do you have for thinking they're the same?
Yeah free story skip will detroy the game, but if you have a main character that went trough all the MSQ without buying a skip then you should be able to skip all the way to that character current story, also unlock all the aetherites and currents.

They would say its impossible most likely, but we all know its probably just because people buy skips for their alts instead and this would cost them money in development and sales.
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you really love imagining lalafells dont you?

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Dear Destiny players. I gotta ask, do you guys really think this is good character design? I saw an ad for this game and I fucking laughed in public
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the most meme'd plot device since the first game's Black Heart because they don't explain what it is in the main story
>bottom right
I see someones a fan of EYE
Did the traveler ever end up doing anything the entire franchise?
It shot at the Witness with a life-beam but all that managed to do was awaken an ancient evil that was conveniently entombed in the pyramid ship that got blasted.

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Just bee urself :)
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the hat is the source of the stink
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All the berries
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Too much vi
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I've pet a bumblebee before

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Will you be rolling for the first ever chink gatcha character with visible pantsu?

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>woke up
He was always here. He's in every single hoyo thread
A normal person would ignore a thread for a game he doesn't like. This guy's a full on schizo
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Did your rolls go well? I won my 50/50 and my 75/25
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>plays yuri game
>cries about yuri
>writes an entire fanfic about how everyone is out to get him
I think he sticks around waiting for people to post pics of the girls since clearly he lusts for them but isn't willing to invest any time or money into the actual product.

Rosalina is heavyweight!
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of course! she is heavyweight!
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I have the need to breed.

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>the only one where you can't grind
>rollfags all hate it for some reason
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consumables suck and the game gets boring really quick, the crab game is far superior
rollfags should enjoy it thanks to p1 ape and demon of hatred
>makes souls games for a decade where you dodge by rolling
>the roll has input delay because sprint is bound to the same button
>make sekiro which relies heavily on parrying
>the parry has no input delay which messes up the soulsfags timing
This was the main issue tbqh
Recently went back to replay Hollow Knight and it really casts sharp focus on all the ways Sekiro is better than every other game that apes the Souls formula

>always a checkpoint IMMEDIATELY before a boss, none of that 6 minutes of running past enemies to try again bullshit
>death loss is death loss, there's none of this "you're weaker than usual until you gather up your dead body" shit that locks you into a path and wastes time before challenging sections
>Attack patterns and combat arenas balanced around heal spacing, you have an opportunity to heal as long as you are prepared to give up boss posture/a shot at their HP bar to get it
>liberally sprinkled checkpoints around areas, all checkpoints are warp points and you have an item to return to your last checkpoint, which makes exploration not a fucking chore once you're retreading old ground looking for stuff you may have missed

And that's on top of the fact that there's a jump button and no stamina meter.
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What's a rollfag?
Do they jus tkeep rolling (as in dodging?) or what?

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Just captured this.
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Convince me to not pull the trigger
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I downloaded some mod list a week ago and it was so fucking bad, "Novelus" it was so fucking bad its actually mind boggling. Basically a mix of ubisloppa but with 10 year old coomer mods.

just play stalker anomaly if you want something that's actually not fucking trash but you want 3345345 mods
It doesn't matter, Toddler has already gotten more money than he can think to do with from this game so what's six more dollars worth to him.

This game is fun as a hiking simulator to look at pretty landscape but otherwise its a bad game. Boring guilds, boring combat, boring main story. Lots of Mods can make it more playable but fundamentally its just not very good outside a few things.
how do you not own this already?
fucking newfags
because its shit and some people like to spend their time playing good games instead?
the OP is clearly a zoomie and just got his first pc

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What is the point of jumping
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i don't know. does it even change map movement speed? what's the point of speed in the first place?
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I hate this faggot and his stupid thunder build so much its unreal, it only takes one shitty party member like le parry girl and a few bad draws and its over. If you reach el game developer (blanco) it feels so fucking unfair
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i'm gonna do it this time
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anime card games shouldn't have music this good

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>women can have millions of romance novels all catering to their female brains, making them all horny and it's socially acceptable
>men can't have a few titillating vidya characters without being shamed
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I do not care about this at all. I have enough fap material to survive decades without hot woman in games.
Unfortunately, corporate interests have long since realized that women are the largest consumer market in the west. They spend significantly more money than men in just about every area. Thus, it makes sense to market to and pander to and generally bend over backwards for them.
The demonization of male sexuality in media comes down almost entirely to trying to market to women. That's why there's this insane double standard when it comes to sex appeal that appeals to men vs sex appeal that appeals to women.
>Unfortunately, corporate interests have long since realized that women are the largest consumer market in the west
They're also the largest consumer market in the east and they don't alienate men like that, in fact they try to satisfy whatever niche that might exists. "Greed" doesn't explain why it's economically viable to ditch a huge portion of consumers, even if they're not a majority. Catering to females have resulted in a general loss of revenue in every media industry that has tried it. If the companies are doing this to get more money, they're fucking up badly.

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Refute this. You can't
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>the only digital storefront where you're not constantly thinking about how awful it is to use
Gabe owns GoG?
Everyone knows that benevolent dictatorship are the objectively best form of government. It's just extremely hard to find a person who is genuinely benevolent, wants to be a dictator, and is competent enough to hold onto their power. Gabe is one such man, but unfortunately his ambition is limited to PC gaming.
>can't even sort properly, even after all these years
Choose one
>because you can't download "DRM-free" games on Steam
yes you can, steamworks DRM is opt-in on the developer's part. They can freely choose to have no DRM.

I don't understand your hateboner for valve when literally every company in existence is 100x worse.
Yes, GoG stands for Gaben On Gaben (sex)

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