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Sexual favors for me
>brings up le actors transforming
You must be one of the those billions sub 100IQ normies... Yeah actors gaining 30+ lbs of lean muscle mass in less than a year for roles every time and then magically losing them must be due to a good diet with veggies and rice and le working hard uhuh.
Not the anabolic roids nooo! I mean everyone says 'no' in the interviews... damn...
Yeah she got canceled because she was being too handsy at cons and made some people uncomfortable
>fatty can't comprehend that someone has the willpower to simply put down the fork instead of stuffing their fat face with little debbie snacks and fast food

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If luck is a skill, how do you train your luck in order to have more luck?
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The luck as an attribute is only found in korean mmos.
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luck points are only assigned at birth but you were too stupid to know what you were assigning. you'd have to get lucky.
There are different kinds of luck, but the luck you can "train" is actually just working on your ability to make a massive amount of best guess approximations (essentially what card counting is), your ability to percieve and retain as much information as possible subconciously and incorporating into your reasoning (you've seen three separate car accidents in a certain intersection, you don't recall these occurences specifically, yet it guides you to naturally avoid that intersection at certain times), and broadly knowing when to apply reason versus when to apply instinct.
It's a matter of perspective

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Do the characters in your favorite female vidya character's game do their work for free?
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Lol I was surprised when I found these honestly.
I love my pretty pirate wife Brigid!
Your dumb threads probably wouldn't get jannied so often if you just got straight into the "videogame discussion" instead of your gay ritualposting for the first quarter of the thread.
There literally isn't a single videogame related post in this thread, it's either a picture of a fictional girl or seething over jannies. Then you'll bitch and moan that the jannies deleted your thread.

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Why did Oblivion and Skyrim remove Spears? Remember New Vegas came out before Skyrim and it had spear-like weapons.
Why did that guy chase him with a spear?
Why do you think?
They already simplified all combat to ONE-HAND or TWO-HAND, why would they add spears back?

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Ginny Groomer....
as of this morning, every single OCfag is a groomer now
>praising John
I wouldn't want to be within even 100 feet of John

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Wouldn't it be funny if animals wore armor?
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I don't know, the last thing I fapped to was just a muted and sped-up vid of spotted hyenas fucking in the wild for almost 15 minutes without stopping
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Snake titties
>Yes there are fags like that. They're a small minority, because cons have what, a few thousand attendees if they're big and even if every single person there is in a fursuit and going to orgies that's still nothing compared to the millions of people that jerk off to two werewolves fucking or whatever. If the only reason you're not a furry is because you don't do that stuff, then almost no one is. I'd be amazed if even 1% of self-described furries has even been to a con, much less owns a fursuit. It's 99% people jerking off on e621 and buying commissions on discord. Even a lot of artists don't have a fursona, they just draw furry porn.

Yes, and if a guy just jacks off to a furry woman I don't consider them a furry. I hate and despise the incredibly vast ammount of fuckers you call small, because they aren't small, they are vast and cancerous and a fucking blight on reality. The several million people who don't self identify, don't have a fursona, don't have human hate and basically don't do shit at all with actual furries are just people. They don't have shit to do with them, they don't want to be like them, they aren't linked. You're getting it even if you don't like the conclusion, because the degree of separation is just so fucking far that its not even remotely the same shit and doesn't make sense to call them that.

You think you're owning me but yeah, I am the guy you described. My stance is solid and my logic is coherent. I don't consider me one of them at all, the same way I don't consider anyone else that unless they follow the specifications I mentioned.
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>No nipples

There is no scientific explanation for why I love this so much

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It's time to hire her, /v/. Video games need her.
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Remember fellas it's not a grift if it's Marxism
I will never understand why people cuck out like this. isn't it obvious you cannot improve your position by doing so?? nobody who has ever made a public apology like this ended up better for it.
by amerimutt standards, sure
Listen I know you zooms desperately want a mommy but come on man, have some standards

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Previous Thread >>688906787

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs:
>/ic/ sticky:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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this is good but without a dude or even a Floating Disembodied Dick™ seen fucking her I can't help but see this as just her ass exploding
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Requesting Fake-Rabi having hand holding missionary sex with heart pupils in his eyes.
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Requesting Mina wearing a wedding dress marrying an anon.
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Requesting the museum curator from Mega Man Legends painting a naked self portrait of herself.
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requesting something with Ivy from deadlock and the demon imp from arzette

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>boobs that look very fake and defy gravity,
Boobs are obviously supported by the chains habging from the staff.
And yet, here you are..
its from a chink gacha so it might as well be ai made
westcuck "artist" feels insecure about bugmen being better at drawing females, oh no...
You think that ia better? Well. We now know you have zero taste. Let me sell you this bored monkey.

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Play my wife's game
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what's wrong, anon? don't you miss me..?
Fuck that comment makes me irrationally mad.
Are you ESL? The latter refers to the second option you gave
If it makes you feel any better, the Japanese text just says “are there rpg elements?” “Of course there are!” But the translator apparently decided to spice things up by making yoshida sound like a smug asshole
What is the red star in the sky? Dalamud?

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BANDAI NAMCO has responded to the "Elden Ring" lawsuit with a motion to dismiss (see pic related).

The pressure is on to counter this with a successful reference to chapter 93a.

Will they admit we have only played half the game, or are they going to try and keep it a secret still, even now?

I don't know what FROM SOFTWARE's side of the story is in this scenario...but they're hiding it, too.

7 days remain until the lawsuit, and i try to survive the motion to dismiss.
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By having OP committed for a psychological evaluation
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>I'm just amazed the mods have not permab& the tripcode. OP is clearly going to have a hissyfit and pull out a gun. When the judge calls him a fucking moron and to gtfo out of his court. 4chan will yet again be blamed for something, accept this time "someone" really did fuck up. Because OP has been making these scitzo threads daily. With hundreds of post each time.
Yeah the guy is self doxxing himself and is a ticking time bomb, mods have banned for way less too but at this point it's obvious this shit is gonna end up badly
He's on the path to having it happen.
If you're talking about more proactive enforcement I don't know. maybe some sort of public oversight of the system would work.
Let him present himself before a judge that can send him to a mental facility the same day.
Ironically, what is happening.
Based schizo

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You heard him. Stop sharing your degenerate futanari mods to everyone else or there’s going to be a fucking problem.
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Why are devs so autistic about mods? If I made a game, I wouldn't give two shits what someone does to it after they buy it. As long as they're having fun.
Please haha keep it to yourself haha NO naked women heheh
they know their community of discordtrannies will be good soldiers and try to police/detour people as commanded
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I can't blame him, look what happened to FFXIV. I would hate to make a game only for it to get turned into IMVU porn.

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It's meant to be accurate to the game you fucking retard. Vikings can only shoot air-to-air while airborne and only ground-to-ground while landed.
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I don't get it.
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Imperial Guard suh! we've been overrun!
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this has never been debunked
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same, bump
Trannies are like females, they cannot role play as a character, they have to be the character
because they're literally me in a world that hasn't been ruined by the globohomo long before I was born

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Post your eating animation
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i still havent played the ps4 remaster on ps5
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God I fucking hate monkes
The evolutionary instinct to avoid this is part of what makes giving birth such a tedious process
Ram is extremely cheap
And thats just like any animation, infact its just like the one next to it
Except they bothered to actually animate it properly instead of having cardboard people do cardboard animations like you are in some cardboard world
there are two solutions here, either it's a very long animation of a guy eating the food, or it's a bunch of instances stored in ram and linked together IF you're in the vicinity of the guy eating food, both are a waste of time, money and yes, RAM when you're supposed to be actively streaming a very busy world, right does the job perfectly because you're not supposed to sit and watch NPC's eat food like an autist cunt, left is absolute needless vanity

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we need to go back
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>this, absolutely definetily
Is there a SSD replacement for the top drive?
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>red ring failure box
>started the rise of zero effort brown gray westslop at the expense of Jap games
>that horrendous fucking dpad
>started the "HD revolution" that was bullshit because half the games weren't HD natively, only scaled
>dogshit performance by the latter half of the gen; 60fps went from being the expected standard to a bonus
Based and correct
I actually cry when I have to see this """aesthetic"""

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I want Magnus to be my daddy
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that fat dragon is rolling his hips at me
why does your pic related give me a boner yet i find guys irl repulsive
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Why does one even love fat people, let alone fat characters

That's like the #1 turnoff generally for anyone (this is willingly posted by a fat man)
Guys irl dont typically look like dragons with giant cocks
am i gay or not

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Which one is the best dragon starter in Master Duel?
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Post your referral code then
It's 1cceb525 but I already have all the rewards from referring people so I was hoping someone else would post theirs so they could get them too.
Rabi would say and do that
It's not a quickplay dipshit
I'll wait till tomorrow then and if no one else posts a different one I'll use yours.

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Are people still playing this game?
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You use her to make 1+ million disorder damage nukes when it's the right moment.
not for long
they need to be out of their fucking mind to make her just a npc
Nigga do you not understand there are straight up bear men in this setting?
I haven't played in a week since finishing the first chapter. Do you get more non-story commissions later on or what? Just realized that most of what I've been doing are story mission and promotion mat farming.

Anby and Corin are cute!

I'll have to take a break from ZZZ and Genshin for October. Going to marathon a bunch of spoopy games.
Well, of course, each character has their own skill set. Not every Anomaly character is the same. Or Attacker. Or Tank. In fact, back in the second beta, when I first played the game, there was NO fixed classes. They were just Agents. And you could equip, say, Soukkau's Engine on Ellen. I understand why they changed that and decided to force the characters into more strictly defined classes. It's a gacha game after all.

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Have you ever been to a vidya convention and dressed up as a gaming character? What was it like?
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Dick sucking lips
This chick really has huge fake tits. It's bizarre when you think about it.

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