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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on .
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to .
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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This is a magic potion. I feel like a human again
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>noooOOoooOOOoooo not the heckin Joe Rogan horse paste
What kind of parasites would people have and from where?
I am immune to spike proteins, unlike you monkey blooded mong
I pray that they can someday inject ivermectin into your brain to kill the worms that ate holes in it
>350 pounds
>only drink 3 Diet Coke cans
I hope you are joking anon
Cabbages. Literally.

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>sister temporarily died, was resuscitated, said she saw the afterlife
>she says I was there, it was me watching cartoons with her
what the fuck
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Either an astral projection of her connection with you or a trickster entity. Don't overthink it, I've seen astral Jesus and other name brand figures but they're more a projection of my inner conception of Jesus and not him personally showing up to say hey. A lot of early stage clairvoyants get trapped in that starstruck stage or try to channel dead people.
>eternity sounds kinda scary though

unless ur in hell/a more dense/lower realm than earth, time will be perceived differently. theres not much to worry about when it comes to time anon :]
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>she says I was there, it was me watching cartoons with her
Sounds comfy.
time is an illusion mang, the both of you havent been born yet and have already died. Her version of 'heaven' is chillin with her bro watching some toons so youll relive that in your astral form after death. Ever play a videogame in your sleep? Astral you wanted to play some fucking Tetris so it did, youll return to things you love
Your soul is in many places at once

Saying the CIA did it was an ass pull. I've never doubted that Bugliosi covered for a lot of people during his prosecution but theres nothing that has changed my mind that the Tate murders were revenge for Manson. He probably wanted money from Melcher and this sent a message. He did the same thing to Dennis Wilson.
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>cia wouldn’t do that
wait until you read this one
Exactly. O'Neill mentions that Manson was asked to run drugs for the CIA. And the presumed FBI agents and people in the LA County Sherrif's office who busted the Ranch worked with the CIA during the Cambodian bombing campaign ... all right-wingers. That's why people can't wrap their heads around this. The 1960's represented a shift, not just in the American Left, but the Right as well. The CIA and FBI had no qualms providing drugs to degenerates, precisely because these degenerates were their enemies in society. Everything changed in the 70's when Vietnam failed, but California in the 1960's had Nixon as Governor and then President, and right after him they had Reagan. Why wouldn't they funnel drugs to blacks and people that supported racial equality and liberal/socialist ideology. Manson was the perfect man to do this.
Kris Milligan’s dad was in the CIA and was one of the guys who quit when they started bringing heroin back in dead soldier caskets
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>wait until you read the most lukewarm shit you've ever read in your life
fuck off
read Programmed to Kill
Again, Ollie North ... Reagan appointee. Running drugs to black communities to support a war against Commies in Central America and Afghanistan. Just an extension of what was going on in the 1960's. Same cast of characters.

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But RFK isn't the only human host. You know them by their bad skin. RFK, Tulsi, and Trump himself among others. The worms secrete toxins that cause skin irritation. Makeup can only do so much. Trump doesn't want to be orange, but caking on makeup is a necessity.

You may be asking yourself, what do they want. They seem hellbent on tearing down the government and replacing it with something in their image. This is something that Steve Bannon has openly clamored for. Take one look at Bannon's skin and you see he has a brain worm controlling him as well.
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I immediately assume anybody who brings up RFK and brain worm in the same sentence is a retard
easiest parasite test
they already control most npc
you offer little save your interrogation, this dose not engender sharing
>How'd you discover that?
a life long personal interest in actualized biochemistry.
>What's that?
tuberculous, a more commonly seen form of arsenic based biochemistry then what we discuss in this thread.
that would be weird if a bunch of brain worm aliens took over the USA.
>alien brain worms running the country
It would probably look like false flags and forced vax

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How long does one need to meditate before they start seeing results?
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because the benefits of mindfulness specifically come from the freedom of the ego from material desire?
it's extremely simple
"As long as it takes"
>tfw I just scrolled over those posts then saw this kek
as little as 1 minute I suppose. But two minutes is usually better. But I guess if you focus as little as a few moments is enough.
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Re: all the people saying you shouldn't have expectations, maybe that applies to some yogic or Zen traditions, but I'm not sure the Buddha would agree with that advice. See picrel, where the Buddha more or less says that if your technique in attempting to do something is correct, then, whether you expect it to work or not, it's going to work. On the other hand, if your technique is wrong, then, whether you expect to work or not, it isn't going to work.

Maybe it makes sense to say that you shouldn't get caught up in anticipation during meditation (since you should be focused on technique) But before and after meditation I think you should have some expectations of positive results, otherwise you can get trapped in doing meditation ritualistically with poor technique for a long time and getting nothing out of it.

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Just for fun, what are foods that are commonly associated with priests/magicians wherever you guys are from? I know that the Brahmin caste in India has foods they are meant to abstain from but I don't know the details, nor do I know if different cults have different prescriptions for their diet etc.. Same goes for Buddhist monks, Imams, Catholic priests, Rabbis, Aztec priests, village shamans, schizophrenic people, I just want as much info as I can to compare and contrast and see if there are any commonalities.
ive not encountered a food commonly associated with schizophrenic people before, will you elaborate.

Trying this once and expecting it to go badly, but what the hell

I've seen people in other threads mention they are therians but hate that all conversations devolve into erping or furry roleplay, so I'm creating this thread to hopefully have some serious conversations about this.

To start off the thread, what species are you and how long have you known you aren't human?

I am a wolverine and I have known for the vast majority of my life.
My story is a bit of a long journey and I am skipping over most of it for brevity, but when I was about 12 years old I watched a nature documentary, at a movie theater. What I watched gave me a feeling that I had never felt before.
It felt like I belonged with what was being shown on the screen. It brought on a pain in my heart, like looking at a picture of a long lost loved one.
It took a long time for me to understand what that truly meant, it was a lot to take in.
When I finally did understand, it took an even longer time to share that secret with anyone. Keeping this secret made the longing grow even more, weighing down my chest and hurting my heart.
This feeling made it impossible to look at pictures and videos of my species because doing such an action made it hurt even more. It felt like thousands of pounds weighing on my shoulders. It wasn't until I was helped to accept myself a few years ago that the weight was lifted and I could really feel like myself.
I am a snow leopard.
Lol furfags
Wtf that thing looks nothing like Hugh Jackman
Very devoted method actor, Mr. Jackman is.
Bumping so I can respond later

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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:
>Guides made by some of our readers:
/div/ starter spreads:
Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Did d eve love me?
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The art was heavily pulling from symbols and characters/ideas that are meaningful to ME personally, and help me read the cards better, as well as take out the same meaning I put into them.

The tower is a specific instance of a building being bombed in my personal webcomic, and of course meant to invoke 9/11 imagry

The king of cups is supposed to be a rich rapper reaching out to give water to a homeless person

The ace of swords is based off the rapper lil darkie, and the line 'kill the devil' comes from a song of his

The black tendrils found in the ace of swords, are the same tendrils in the lovers (and found on the devil card). The lovers being held together with the devil I think is pretty self-explanatory given how those two cards are often connected. The black tendrils themselves are inspired by venom from spider-man.

This post got taken down, I assume by mods (the evil bastards?) took it down.

i've decided not to do a reading on this. if they're truly evil, they don't need a reason. True evil is hate and malice without reason.

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L was my friend/lover, what does she think about me now? Why does she keep showing up in my dreams and should I reach out? Will we reconcile?
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>Seven of cups
D might have liked you, but you were clearly, ultimately, not the decision they made. You were likely on their 'roster', so at that rate they probably didn't value you as much as you thought.
>65 Idk if you are accurate if you wan to prove your dick I the real Deal answer this

How many socks do i have on?


What happen to me in bed when i was 12


Thanks Can i ask if My method ill 6320110022? if thats ok

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I want to atone for my sins of racism, hatred, misogyny, antisemitism before I die.

How can I do that?
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The three cardinal virtues.
You rectify your soul. You ask the Maker/Creator to pardon you, and He will surely pardon and forgive. He might change all those sins to wealth and status. But if you have oppressed and wronged someone/somebody. Then you will have to give them your apology and compensate them with goodness and generosity. Goodness and success are only from the Creator of the heavens and earth.

2:160 Except for those who repent and correct themselves and make evident [what they concealed]. Those - I will accept their repentance, and I am the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.

The exception is those who repent to Allah, asking for forgiveness, and regretting having hidden these clear signs, correcting what they do outwardly and inwardly, and making clear the truth and guidance which they had hidden.
Allah accepts their repentance to Him.
He turns to those who turn to Him, asking for forgiveness and regretting what they have done, and He forgives and is compassionate with them.
it starts with yourself
Why would these be a sin?
>I want to atone for my sins
There is no way to atone for sins. We are born, sometimes we do good and other times we do bad, then we die.

>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat

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Have a formpost bump
Nanaka has an angel form but it's just a costume
There are more delusional things that tulpamancers do, by comparison I just hang out with my imaginary companions
>American politics and world ecology doomsaying mostly, but I could elaborate further than that if you're still interested.
"Nothing ever happens" is natural law, and its deniers have continuously been proven wrong.
Did you use chatgpt too?
I think I'm just going to talk to my angel friend tulpa and deal with my isolation that way
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>tulpa calls fizz, "fizzy"
Not actually knowing what AI shit looks like. Anything longer than a tweet must be written by AI.
>low concentration span Zoomer detected

Could have been a post of Moby Dick and you'd say it was AI wouldn't you idiot?

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Nintendo really thinks they're slick, don't they?
Iykyk. Look at everything and its obvious once yk


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During the pandemic (2020-2022)
did you ever notice anything off? or people behaving differently then the "then normal"? no i dont mean how people were anxious and desperately being 6 ft apart.
I am talking about something else.
or.....did you see anything....weird.

if you know what i am talking about, it will involve something to do with strong smells.
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>be me
>go to gas station
>girlfriend waits in car
>2 other people in gas station, both off
>go outside, we all start taking
>lady and me bought the same beer
>guy and me bought the same cigs
>they both bought the same snack
>we we each bought 2 thingns and all had overlap with the other
>we talk, they are unvaxxed
>seem to know more about things I’ve never talked about
>girlfriend comes to join conversation from the car
>we keep taking deeply about things
>she tells me after that she couldn’t understand anything of what we were saying and that those two people were different version of me or something
>she didn’t know about the snacks and beer and cigs

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>walking home at night
>two police officers outside walking around.
>looking like they are looking for something
>there is building site near my place
>one stands width ways of the building site
>the other stands on the length
>huge animal noises
>stuff from the building site flying up into the sky.
>bits of wood
>i look at them
>they look at me fucking terrified.

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I was homeless and these guys all woke me up on a hill with headlights blaring into my eyes. I thought it was police but realized they were probably drug dealers or something. Big, big meetup. They were going further up the slope and transferring drugs or people or both. Mind you think is Covid so they didn't expect anyone like me up there. I highly tailed it outta there and blared my horn or like two minutes straight and reported it all anonymously to the police.
Coincidence you’re here old friend, i mentioned you just a few days ago.

How goes the war?

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Thoughts? Spoilers?
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In my city a huge number of concerts and stuff are all of the suddent happening. I dont know why but i think this and next week is some sort of significant time for them. The economist releasing this now just adds to the pile.
Miss the scars in the front head in the graph its the anti christ
In the 2024 one, the hour glass was running low. In this one, it's back to full.
Are we in a new era?

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The Apollo 11 moon landing was faked and undeniable evidence will be provided in this thread.

But first, NASA said the original tapes were lost or recorded over right? Can we all agree on that?

Secondly, if they 'somehow returned' like Palpatine, were demonstrably genuine, and could prove NASA was lying then you'd call that definitive evidence of a hoax right? Can we all agree on that?
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lol. industrial grade stupid, but the good production values are enough for tards to fall for it.
yes, space is fake as fuck bro
Obligatory Thread Theme
Why Do You Trust These Liars:
Anyone who would trust a NASHOLE is fucking retarded. It couldn't be any more obvious they are lying:

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