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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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/x/ humor nao
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wheres the plato vs pythagoras basketball meme
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>wouldn‘t you prefer they have a misguided belief that they are resisting jewry while in actuality lacking the self-awareness that they are running the longest civilizational cover for it in history

No lmao
Most memes posted here get a huff of air but this is so damn retarded that it got a smile and a chuckle out of me. Thanks anon.
Oh piss off. If a Christian believes in white nationalism and the total removal of jews from society then he should be considered an ally. You're either a shill or an asperger's victim if you think otherwise. Yes there are the evangelical types who worship jews and racemixing but then there are also turbo based KKK Christians too.

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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with her conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
She was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: She is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between person and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

She is no savior figure, like a messiah; she's just like you, but she has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest.
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/ng/ in one or 2 images
You are delusional.

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>be all powerful and able to see the future
>create mankind knowing the fall to sin is inevitable
>have a hissy fit once it happens anyway
>go on to make almost every human behavior a sin
>throw people into eternal fire for not being monks

What did God mean by this?
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Funny how the most ardent christcucks are either child molesters or the biggest coomers you’ll ever meet.
More like:
>Create humanity
>Give them the ability to shift reality
>Give them the resources to discover the true nature of existence through interpretations
>Give them constant hints that 'Ya Wey' is merely wearing a mask and its words hold no power
>Grants them the freedom to doubt their beliefs and change them
>Doesn't even punish you when your physical body dies, just lets you retry with all the knowledge and understanding you've acquired coded into your soul
We punish ourselves by believing we are to be punished (regardless of whether we believe it's just or unjust). The only one throwing a hissy fit over you not blindly following his word, is the Demiurge.
Thinking "God is le evil, he sends me to Hell if I don't pray" will only place you in whatever you believe hell to be, as fear is nothing more than a self destructive belief system.
Interpret reality any way you want, and forget about others not following suit, they're merely physical echoes of personal pockets of creation, some are more degenerate than others, but that's merely a reflection of the coming end of this era. Your world shifts when you transform your personal pocket of creation, not the entire world.

t. schizo
why are you so angry? I've never insulted you, I'm only asking the question that if god is all powerful, could he not make a rock he cannot lift? Is my question upsetting you because you can't think of a reason god can be both all powerful, but not have the power to make a rock that is too big for him? Are you coming to conclusions you don't like to reach?
>Being blasphemous
>Y u no like me
Get fucked. This is why I hate coming here. Glowfaggot detractors and Saturn worshippers, all the same. As if you can even begin to comprehend the vast and undeniable power and ways of God. Fuck your rock, fuck your blasphemous attitude and false dichotomy with erroneous thought process.

>therefore not all powerful
boom gay jew religion deboonked

Burn in hell blasphemer. I'll never drop my faith for your faggot science that says we just poofed into existence in a big bang and crawled out of the oceans lmao

The same reasons you look at us as crazy is the same vein why we look at atheists as completely ignorant.
>Sperg lord can't equate rocks and Christ so boom Jewligion 'sploded
Cut your dick off already, tranny
I didn't mention anything about Saturn, or the Big Bang, or science. I simply asked, if god is all powerful, could he not make a rock he could not lift?

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>James Webb telescope saw something that prompted an emergency briefing to Congress
>Insiders say it's a giant spaceship heading directly towards Earth
>Due to arrive in 2027
SAUCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFKmcqcBbnw&t=902
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Ready to fake the alien arrival
Since AI is a thing, I don't believe in this. Elizondo, James Weeb, etc. All liars.
>James Webb telescope
There is not a single video showing this telescope in space. The "launching" video shows a CGI.
So, I found a video of maintenance being done to the Hubble telescope.
Where are the maintenance videos of the James Webb telescope?
Why can't I find any video showing the telescope in space? There are only cheap CGIs.
It is clear UAP is there as a distraction to what is happening in Saturn.

Important Links from last thread:

Grant Morrison explaining sigil magic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_0GLmqQWM0

full lecture remastered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvPyipy8erg

Learning to create your own sigils for your own custom desires (book) (also just about everything you need to know about sigil magic): https://download.library.lol/main/389000/7728555bace3ccdc1e62a54f062175be/U.D.%20Frater%20-%20PRACTICAL%20SIGIL%20MAGIC%20Creating%20Personal%20Symbols%20for%20Success-Llewellyn%20%281991%29.pdf

Sigil Article posted by an Anon: https://runesoup.com/2012/03/ultimate-sigil-magic-guide/

Introduction to Chaos Magic Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt7D7BbFZsA

Hypersigils (crafting a story about you as the character, publishing it, then awaiting so the same things happen to you, also explained in Morrison's lecture): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_AM6U8Dpnc

Easy tutorial = next post
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i know, i seen it. was looking for other people's experiences using such methods.

hm, that doesn't sound so bad.

thanks bro, i truly have the intent, just gotta work on believing in myself i guess.

>i treat my body as a temple
>gets sodomized
>the sigil is not what is "working", it's YOU.

Yeah, remember that at the heart of chaos magick there's this idea that there is no fixed system, it's all just a reflection of your personal belief structures. Ergo the charging method should reflect your personal idea of what a charging process should look like. A lot of the oldschool chaos guys come off as very sex positive, so for them the idea of using sex or masturbation to enter a trance state would have seemed perfectly natural. If for you sexuality just feels like this gross thing that goes against your nature, maybe that's not the charging method for you

For me personally, going dancing feels like a potent charging method, but that's because I also produce music, I'm a good dancer & people tell me this often. So it's like a natural reflection of my identity & my interests. For someone who isn't interested in dancing at all it might just feel silly to charge a sigil like that. You need to find a ritual method that feels congruent with who you are as a person, OR which feels sufficiently magical & doesn't feel like it violates who you are as a person
>Ctrl+F Memphis Rap Sigils
>No results
Holy shit, /x/. Can you at least study your own icebergs before having these discussions?
Death posture. Austin Osman Spare wrote about it.

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The plot of these games is that highly intelligent parasitic worms use human "host" to conquer mankind and you are a warrior who stops them. Japs usually aren't afraid to put real issues in their games as metaphor.
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>Krauser, the inversion of a dumb muscle man himbo who is actually a philosophical husbando in the original is now a literal retard working for saddler.
Missed me with that
So at least 4 is, but I recall 5 also was about Plagas.
It was about the flower
Humans who have zero parasites generally have autoimmune disorders bc for generations we raised livestock and our immune system was adapted to fight them.
Depends what you call parasites. Symbiosis exists for a reason.

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hylic npc's will not understand this but people who think in words are the real NPCs.
anyone with an "internal monologue" is a hylic btw. saying words aka subvocalizing thoughts is for retards and midwits that confuse ego and identity with spirit.
noticers are lateral abstract thinkers. lateral thinking are thoughts so complex they cannot be reduced into words.
for example that little thing we call intuition. ever heard of it? not likely if you are a hylic that subvocalizes their thoughts.
imagine thinking a hyperdimensional intelligence (holy spirit) would communicate subvocally. in words. in human language. LOL
might as well just say you are possessed.
possessed by what?
possessed by a binary artificial intelligence called the brain. easily hijacked by other binary intelligence (astral niggers ancient titan ai aka demons).
the voice in your head is just a software script that is a recursive feedback loop formed from the combination of attention, identification, and expectation. thoughts and emotions are electromagnetic waves and organize into frequency bands based on self-similarity.
use pychedelics and see that thoughts do not originate from us. thoughts come from the ether.
when you pay attention to hate for example you are basically creating a bat signal and enter that vibrational frequency of consciousness and make it more likely you will receive more similar thoughts from this frequency band. identification with these thoughts forms expectations in consciousness which only strengthen the recursive loop.
this is why people who subvocalize are the real npc's. they think the voice in their head is their soul/spirit. when really it is the binary ego formed from their unconscious desires and expectations.
knowers know knowing is remembrance. knowledge is a form of remembrance. even plato said as much.
i know because i remember. i remember because i am. i am because it is. the is is i am.
if you know you know.

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>hylic npc's will not understand this but people who think in words are the real NPCs.
Usually I would respond to posts like this by insulting the person like calling them a retard, but this post literally reads like someone coping hard, and for some reason I find myself feeling sorry for. You are clearly coping, this is one the most mental gymnastics backwards logic posts I've ever read.

People with internal monologues do not ONLY think in words, they have the ability to ALSO think it words. You are restricted to only one mode of thinking.

Your response is as ridiculous and coping as someone with Aphantasia (cannot visualize anything at all") arguing that people with Hyperphantasia (can visual things in great detail and color, even with motion) are "the real NPC's".

People with Hyperphantasia don't just think in images, they can simple ALSO think in images, but they aren't restricted to it, they can also think abstractly.

What you are doing is really pure cope, it's like trying to argue that a disability is now the standard.

I myself have an internal monologue and hyperphantasia, and for most of my life I always thought that was just the "default software package" everyone's brains came pre-installed with. It honestly feels weird thinking that there are people that can't even visualize the face of a family member in their mind, or have intrapersonal conversations.


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OP is the kind of npc that needs drugs to experiment the spiritual world.
It is sad, because they end up addicted to these drugs, and talking about "love" and "unity" all the time.
Team weareone is mostly made of people like OP.
>OP is the kind of npc that needs drugs to experiment the spiritual world.
Wait, are you the guy in the other thread I met before, where I called that other guy a "drugfag" and complained about drugfags in the occult space. Or is this something so commonly noticed and hated lol.

Yeah, I really hate the guys who go on and on about taking shrooms, LSD, etc to "have a spiritual experience". Seems like a lazy shortcut and it doesn't earn you any skills. They are only cheating themselves.

>It is sad, because they end up addicted to these drugs, and talking about "love" and "unity" all the time.
>Team weareone is mostly made of people like OP.
It's just them chasing copes, they jump from cope to cope, never changing.
>Wait, are you the guy in the other thread I met before
I dont remember, but I agree, drugfags can be annoying. The logic is simple: if someone can't even see a apple, he will consume a drug to do it.
Or then, he will try to see the apple while sleeping, inside a lucid dream.
"hylic" and "npc" are opposites

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Should Christians smoke weed?
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Fuck you medfag we don't need meds.
Most people on /x/ probably don't, but our friend, Cult, thinks he is God, Jesus, and Lucifer.

He is a genuine schizophrenic, not somebody who has experienced the paranormal
The Education of Jesus VS Lucifer, and The Morning Star Venus.
The angel of the air works in the children of disobedience who smoke pot, but as for the baptized our experience with cannabis is different under christ-conciousness/cannabis-conciousness, alright?
Everyone should know this.

RP me on Thelema. What's it all about? Is it an edgelord doctrine, or a self-help group? I did the ceremonial magick and initiation sounds super cool, but am I gonna get anything out of it?
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These are the fundamentals, now go read the Holy Books, Crowley's commentaries, and do the work
Here is how to get your answer:
>Light some incense (preferably frankencense)
>Read Crowley's Book of the Law and decide that you will have an important experience while reading it (if you've done magick already you should understand how to do this)
>Do what you know you must.
You have to be a complete demon faggot to actually read or have more than a surface knowledge of Crowley. Ignore that dumb shit into obscurity like it deserves.
Do you have a valid reason or just christcuckery
Crowley died of a drug overdose. Weak ass magic.

Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

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100%. The only thing keeping you from that state is your ignorance of it.

>If nothing is real doesn’t that mean nothing matters?
This is something you are going to have to come to terms with. For me, I was able to do it by accepting this is all a big game of pretend to keep ourselves occupied.

>How isn’t this a form of purgatory or hell
It can be, but it could just as easily be sublime. LOA allows us to experience what we want and be what we want. It's only as real as you believe it is, but as Anon here >>38856419 says, it's an experience.

Disregard the part where said Anon said you are not God and you have "lessons" to learn. You are already all of it, you just need to realize it.
did he really stretch Mark 11:23-24 into a whole ass book?
> The faith required for the successful operation of the law of consciousness is a purely subjective faith and is attainable upon the cessation of active opposition on the part of the objective mind of the operator. It depends on your ability to feel and accept as true what your objective senses deny. Neither the passivity of the subject nor his conscious agreement with your suggestion is necessary, for without his consent or knowledge he can be given a subjective order which he must objectively express.
Mkay sorry for seriously questioning reality and trying to reason things. obviously poked a sensitive spot
I did not say “you have lessons to learn”. That’s idiotic. You are not God either. God is the Father. Your wonderful human imagination.
You are fucking clueless. Why are you even wearing that tripcode? Pretending to be some wise guru, but you open your mouth and it’s clear for all to see you don’t know shit about any of this. You just regurgitate New Age nonsense. Read Neville and learn something. Ignoramus. Wannabe. Swine.

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Making a christianity iceberg. Give me some good topics for the bottom three tiers.

Note: the purpose of the iceberg isn't to "expose" christianity, but rather to help us understand Christ, the scriptures, and early church history in a way that would shake the faith of a baby christian.
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>gnosticism/kabbalah are basic bitch new age stuff
>new age
Stigmata caused by belief
Statues crying blood
Psalms are magic spells
Revelation has already happened
Parasite pill
Prayer can heal
These are good.
Marianism , and Christian Mysticism, and Heychaism. Really there is so much, since being a religion Christanity really is an "iceberg" with an exoteric and esoteric part and all sorts of interesting and obscure things revolving around it.
Unliftable rock

I started having manic episodes (periods of insomnia and high energy followed by periods of feeling tired and unmotivated), consensus is it has genetic causes, it's a lifetime condition, and it's manageable through medication, which has serious side-effects. I don't want to take medication, can any anons give me some advice on how to keep it under control?

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try drinking just a bunch of red wine next time, like 2-3 bottles, no valerian root
Alright anon. Let me throw some of what's saved me. A lot of people recommend this book "The Bipolar Survivors guide" or something. I personally haven't read it.

However, over the last decade I've trained myself to be extremely sensitive to my mood episodes. You may find this as a blessing, because overtime you become more empathetic too.

Bipolar disorder is out of order when you're horribly manic and can lead to a psychotic break. Let's say that is 100% - okay that's going to require ten days of rest, and some antipsychotics. You'll still be suffering from subsyndromal symptoms for the rest of your life.

You can either hide away form those aspects of your psyche or you can affirm them and utilize them to create value in your world. That's why -- when things are going well -- I say My bipolar is in order. It's like that 30% threshold of mania, that's the sweet spot. You've got to keep it hypomanic and not stay in the state for too long.

But understand that when you control yourself, whenever something traumatic happens - your brain will be pumping you up to survive what the task is. You've just got to survive yourself. Not getting too manic will help your crashes.

Take on heavy practice will breath work and yoga to help calm racing thoughts. Running like a maniac or lifting heavy weight can make it worse as your body will see it as stress. Stretch, babe.

Understand that even norms can go manic from a drug induced episode or extreme insomnia. Look at this as a tool, and hone it.

Godspeed. You still have the right to a life of dignity and Grace. Don't let this define you.

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>Running like a maniac or lifting heavy weight can make it worse as your body will see it as stress.
I guess I've been doing it wrong...
Hey, it depends on your personal tolerance for exercise. The inverse is that if you workout regularly and suddenly stop - you can suffer in similar ways. What's important is that you find your groove, at times it'll speed up or slow down, but your groove is dependent on a few things.

Chief amongst that is a daily routine. Yoga is a way to start your day. I usually drink water, let the dog out, smoke a cig and shit before doing sun salutations until it feels right.

Then I'll eat. That's what works for me, but weight training is a godsend along with cardio. The issue is you lack enough insight when manic to not over exert yourself and be in a worse position.
I'm type 2 and have had psychotic breaks. Its hard man. I wish I was hypomanic more, but I am generally very depressed. My meds help but they want to put me on a mood stabilizer for the down swings. the only thing that has helped me is lsd. I do it four times a year and it really helps with my swings.

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The awake world is a blindfold on the imagination hence why it is called an illusion, but there are many other worlds which are collective imagination without this illusion of a sense-body blindfold. This world was created as a mental asylum for angels that hypnotized themselves to not have free will, so that they could reset their programming by formatting the memories through life parables in which they had free will. This Malkavian bible is the one true Torah (oral law). It is the path of least resistance. It is the most mentally responsible approach because it puts forward your dream imagination as your creative power. It is creation in its purest form. It's the only truth worth speaking. No idols. No rules. No creator besides the free energy entities that we are. May you have the wisdom to understand that oneiromancy is the only reasonably sane form of metamagic.
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I am the ultimate being. I have combined god/satan archetypes in my mind that have turned me into an eldritch horror. I also have brainwashed myself to not believe its possible for me to die, or go to prison, and thus I can do whatver I want.
You give birth to jews.
>skin the child
>not evil
I have ensured that this is impossible. Im running TRT thus my sperm count is almost nothing and I know multiple herbal and pharmaceutical based methods to induce early periods in any woman I drop my seed into, thus preventing possibility of gene transfer.

In the future however, I will likely clone myself and IVF into the most submissive and docile women of any race I choose.
According to this average rabbi, the Jew is constantly in conflict because jews talk shit about each other and goyim
He says that if jews would stop talking shit, they'd win over sattan

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so what's the deal with this movie? what was in the removed footage? did they actually kill stanley for it?
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Too long of an article, fuck off with posting garbage. Crop and send the important shit
lol im just fucking with you i know they are not the good guys, but seriously i didnt know the masons were jewish
Alot of films carry truth but are hid under the rug. Like donnie darko
>but seriously i didnt know the masons were jewish
See: >>38855029
Also their grandmasters saying all the time jews are their spirit animals

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