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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. He is a man of no wealth or worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. He is said to carry the Logos, making him a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

- This is a Battle Royale.

The goal is to prove, through wit, cunning, and influence, that you are the true Nobody.

- Victory is achieved through:

Influence: Gaining the most replies, (You)s, and engagement from other contestants and observers.

Mind Games: Convincing others that you are the true Nobody through cunning and intelligence

Crushing Rivals: Undermining other anons claims through logic, irony, or ridicule. If another contestant's post gets universally mocked or ignored, or they get BTFO they lose and get eliminated.

Vagueposting: Posts that introduce strange ideas, riddles, or cryptic messages designed to confuse others or draw attention to yourself

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Demonic rat utopia. I have heard your squeaking and shrieking. Mwahahahaha! There is no escape!
Expand your musical taste.

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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
https://pastebin.com/2Wp1Q074 (link dead)
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:

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Moon, 6C, 6D
You ended up having a very confused reaction in some situation, you ended up hiding too much when you should have been more honest. This ended up preventing you from being successful and happy in that situation
am i wrong for beginning to love this person? i just crave them so much it’s starting to hurt.
Yeah, basically. I don't even know if I'd call it a long game, just that there's a problem here that makes you give in. It reads like things going a bit too slow for your liking, Two of Pentacles here could mean anything, like she's not around for a while and you have to adjust but might not want to.

>Option A and B

Christ, those are mirrored reads Both cards drawn are counterparts to the other option's. Yeah, Option A is the most popular option, and Option B has a funny name that syncs up with some mythology and religious ideas I want to look into.
Sounds fun
That made more sense than you might think, it was just what I needed to hear.
tysm anon.

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some anon recently made a thread that we are going back to the good time line, reversing starting in 2016. i have found more evidence of this
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>we are going back to the good time line

>Trump almost shot twice by his own former supporters
>Republicans are going to lose the house
>conspiracy retards are a national laughingstock after admitting they lied about Haitians
>Flat Earthers are getting laughed at in the street
>Beetlejuice 2 was somehow not complete shit
>Halloween is being pushed in stores early instead of just late September
>Biden stepped down and gave Dems what they wanted and Repubs what they really, really didn't want
>Marjorie Taylor Greene got cucked by Laura Loomer
>David Gordon Green admitted Halloween Ends was shit instead of blaming fans

Hell yes.
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Felt weird that this guy was dead.
you think he was top or bottom? I think he was top
>>Trump almost shot twice by his own former supporters
There's no way in hell this clown at Mar-a-Lago was ever a Trump guy.
He's freebased MSM for long enough to believe that Ukraine vs Russia is a black-and-white good vs evil scenario.

Spiritual thread
I choose neither for I have accepted the vegan way as the only and final religion.

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Rise up TI Chads.

Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is happening to you and what they are doing to you.




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not gonna be laughing when people see those sexts you sent to a 13 year old
Nah, not really, we live in an age of unprecedented narcissism and solipsism. I don't know if this is how our species has always been, but it certainly is how it is now. Most people really are just narcissists with their heads stuck up their own asses.
Never happened, keep making shit up though.
>Never happened
Doesnt matter retard, lmao
You're so focused on what you actually did you dont see what matters, what people BELIEVE you did
We can just make up anything we want to fuck you over dumbass, providing "proof" isnt difficult either
Jesus you really are like sub 90iq
You truly are pathetic, there is no proof.
I've never done anything like that.

That is the person you try to make me out to be but I'm not like that at all.


Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

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So either look up some visualization exercises or use the lullaby method (replace a scene with an affirmation). I have been able to manifest with only hearing and touch as the senses.
Also, checked.
why are you here then?
If it's taking more than 3 wks you're doing it wrong and not manifesting.
I don't know what you're doing wrong I can't see your mind.
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>I don't see this much negativity in other threads.
These threads have resident trolls indeed and had been here from a looong time. I don't like to give attention to most of the "imported" /x/ rhetoric so I don't believe in cabals or "powers" but there are people living here to make fun, like the retarded /pol/poster-baiter in the video threads in /ck/. Just hide, filter and ignore, don't cast pearls to swine, etc.
>and instantly attacking anyone who links scripture.
I could kinda understand why they act like. There have been moments in the history of these threads where LoA and anons here have been attacked/trolled by "christian" zealots to the point of extreme derailment and reports/bans for talking about some subjects/methods so bible thumping and putting christianity before LoA may trigger some anons. If you add the fashion fad in /x/ and other boards with people cosplaying as fake christians to push /pol/tard agendas, is natural to give some backlash to bible thumping even if the poster is a real christian.
SATS works without needing images. I sometimes do it with just affirmations or sit in the blank void and tell my new story.

Also, why would you do it for a year and not try another technique?

previous thread >>38824574

>History of Halloween
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDbz6heh6-w [Embed]
>Carving templates for Jack-o-lanterns
>Pumpkin Festival game, servers not up yet
>Carnevil arcade cabinet working on Win10 and 11
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR0d44xpTYE [Embed]
>Bone Chillers
>AVGN visits Sleepy Hollow
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7RGxtDxRF4 [Embed]
>Are you afraid of the Dark - Full first season compilation

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>literal garbage and useless off topic post

I wish you were the Candyman's victim instead. Kid that got murdered that Halloween probably didn't deserve it unlike your dirty ass.
But enough about your emotional woman moment
>you should die because you posted something that triggers me!
Fucking loser, slit your throat and bleed out on camera so I can watch you die.
>more garbage seething spam

You're more of a seething bitch than Goldyne Pizer, the bitch who shot some whore's husband on Halloween, wearing a mask.
That's what you were doing >>38850395
You're typing like you're about to pull a William Liske this coming Halloween. A truly horrific story. You seem just as mentally ill.

Are there spiritual benefits to giving up caffeine?
It's only been 10 days since I stopped drinking coffee and I already feel positive benefits.
For one, my ability to concentrate has increased tenfold, I used to struggle to sit still for a five minute meditation session, now I can meditate for 30 - 40 minutes easily.
Also I have started having much more vivid dreams, it seems to me that caffeine inhibits our ability to dream, or at least to recall them in the morning.
I never dreamed when I was drinking coffee daily.
There are spiritual benefits to fasting, so it seems that there would be spiritual benefits to giving coffee up. The symptoms you are describing, though, indicate mental, probably physiological changes.
stopped drinking coffee 15 days ago.
physiologically i feel much better. did not realize how deep into my bones my accumulated fatigue had gotten. energy levels have stabilized and I feel full power most of the day. I also seem to need an hour less sleep.
the world of spirit is not really separate from the world of the body and I seem to be treating my practice with more deliberation which is nice.
I've been trying to quit. How long before it's bearable?
I never drink coffee but about 2yrs ago I stopped drinking caffeinated sodas too (I still have caffeine free ones).
Whenever I go back to caffeinated sodas I can actually feel a difference in how I get tired later. It's not just more tired, it's like a different kind of tired. Like my body is extra heavy.

Also this made me realize there's literally no fucking reason for caffeine to be in sodas in the first place. The caffeine free ones are just as good, if not even better tasting.
Why the fuck did I spend my whole childhood drinking caffeine sodas? Why is that normal?

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This is a true story.

Groveanon, KnifeWieldingBird, and NTG were an unlikely trio, brought together by their shared belief in the existence of real vampires. They had each spent years researching and investigating, determined to uncover the truth and prove their theories right. Together, they spent countless hours posting and discussing vampire threads, searching for any clues or evidence that could lead them to the elusive creatures.

But as they delved deeper into the dark world of vampires, they soon realized that their mission was more dangerous than they had ever imagined. Groveanon, a seasoned hunter, led the group with his sharp instincts and knowledge of vampire lore. KnifeWieldingBird, a skilled fighter, was always ready for a battle. And NTG, a brilliant scientist, used her expertise to analyze evidence and track down leads. Together, they traveled to remote villages, explored abandoned castles, and braved the underground vampire lairs. But with every new discovery, their fears grew stronger. The vampires were more cunning and powerful than they could have ever imagined.

In their final quest, the trio came face to face with the powerful vampire clan that had been terrorizing the countryside. They fought fiercely, but only Groveanon emerged victorious. KnifeWieldingBird and NTG had sacrificed themselves to save him. As he stood among the remains of his fallen friends, Groveanon realized the bitter truth. They had been right all along. Real vampires did exist, and he had found them. But at what cost? He could never celebrate his victory, knowing that his friends had paid the ultimate price. From that day on, Groveanon roamed the earth alone, haunted by the memories of his brave companions. He had succeeded in his mission, but it had come at a great cost. And he knew that the world would never be the same without KnifeWieldingBird and NTG by his side, fighting alongside him in the never-ending battle against the creatures of the night. And 4chan was left with one less vampire thread.
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There is something I can't forgive tho, a female vampire came to me for help, i wasnt aware of her situation, and this asshole rich guy druggie picked her up and put meth in her coffee and her face drooped afterwards, she was so beautiful before but he only did so to try and hurt me.
Vampires aren't affected by drugs.
There is an effect this cult in this area can do with a strange poison like energy that has the bug like parasites that can suppress ability, make people feel.weaker and let them be effected in ways they normally shouldn't. Sounds hard to beleive but their are many investigations into this ongoing right now into some of what's going on around.
>Almost every thread receives ridicule
my negga that is because us millenials have been putting up with this larp since middle school after IWTV hit the mainstream in hollywood in the 90s
fact is Nosfos are real, but they are like 8 feet tall and terrifying, there is no sexy romance.
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There are so many things in this world that can be classified as “vampire”.

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will jesus forgiveme for being a weird trans freak?
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He could forgive it but he does have an issue with it. There are many passages in the bible against homosexuality and at least one against crossdressing in specific. Your post can only be maintained if you interpret Jesus as jewish Dionysisus, but the bible specifically shits on the greek gods as well (see Acts).
He might, but you probably never will.
>but the bible specifically shits on the greek gods as well

I mean look who wrote it (Jews)
However it may be OP asked about Christianity not the pagan interpretation of Jesus by a pagan
If you ask nicely and say please

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I am currently listening to the touhou EoSD soundtrack
definitely worth a listen.
thanks for the recommendation anon

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/x/ humor nao
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This one always gets me lol
What did you do to get popped? Were you trying to troon out?
Y,AEI5=Y -AI =
625=================02I UT,CP,C,W
>What did I do?
I was less than one and a half years old.
I was setting in the grass, looking at a beautiful day. It was the first time I had ever been outside. I still remember that day, the blue sky with puffy white clouds, the wind, the grass was moving in front of me...
I also remember being outside on the day I woke up from the coma.
I was told what my dad did, but I don't remember it happening.
My dad was drafted into WW II, he didn't want to be there.
Here we are on /x/ so I can say that he returned haunted by an angry ghost, it tormented him for years.
When I was still younger than 4, the ghost was right there yelling at him in English (German ghost). He couldn't hear her, but I could. She had been physically doing things to him, to get his attention. She told me that he can't hear her. I told my dad what she said.
The ghost could hear him, he just couldn't hear the ghost. All I had to do was tell him what she said.
The torment had gone on for years, but it ended right there.
He thanked me like he was grateful, then later that day it was back to business as usual.
I stayed away from him as much as possible.
Pic related: That is close to him, in Germany (started in France) in farmland; there he met the ghost.
a en
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we want to kill

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>insulin resistance
>ideal for speedruns
Wouldnt it be thugmaxxing you so can get a gun an hero? Or why not just get aborted or eat bleach as a baby? Or is this some kind of run where you need to get married and have kids with some kid of completion checks?

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Why are stupid people happy? Notice how the most simple-minded individuals in society tend to be the most content people in life regardless of what life throws at them, while people who think too deeply about everything tend to be depressed.

What if, maybe, being an idiot is actually a virtue?
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Ignorance is not bliss, they're only happy insofar and for as long as they remain useful to their shepherds. Don't mistake minimalism for enlightenment.
kind of, wisdom and knowledge is always a burden so the less of that you have regardless of how 'stupid' you are will always make you more miserable
it's the main reason why many philosophers end up killing themselves because of their existential questions
"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." (Ecclesiastes 1:18)

Common Bible W
There's worldly wisdom and Heavenly wisdom, same with knowledge. This applies to the former, not the latter.
It's because this world is from darkness, and so it takes someone in darkness (i.e. ignorance) to be ok with this way of being.
Those who see the light of truth will find no home here.

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On June 24, 1986, in Somosierra, a mountain pass near Madrid, there was a truck accident involving a young boy and his parents, where the kid was never found

On that day, a tanker truck carrying sulfuric acid overturned on the road in the early hours of the morning. The truck was driven by Andrés Martínez and his wife, Carmen Gómez. It was reported that their 10-year-old son, Juan Pedro Martínez, was also in the truck with them. The accident occurred under strange circumstances, as the truck had been driving at an unusually high speed before crashing. Witnesses said the truck passed through the mountain pass at speeds between 120-140 km/h, even though the road was steep and curvy.

When rescue teams arrived at the scene, they found the truck overturned, the sulfuric acid spilled all over, and the bodies of Andrés and Carmen inside the vehicle. However, there was no trace of the boy but the clothes and a walkman. Despite extensive searches by the police and rescue teams in the area, the child was never found.

What adds to the mystery are the strange details surrounding the accident. For one, there were reports that just before the crash, the truck stopped multiple times along the way, but no clear reason was ever found. Furthermore, the truck was sealed off due to the hazardous materials it was carrying, making it highly unlikely that anyone could have escaped without assistance.

Over the years, numerous theories have surfaced about what happened to Juan Pedro.

Some say the father was drug dealer and had heroin, theres no info about the fathers enterprise, ...

Some believe he might have been kidnapped just before the crash. Others think he may have somehow been thrown from the vehicle during the accident. There are even paranormal theories suggesting supernatural involvement. Despite all these speculations, the fate of Juan Pedro remains unknown, and the incident has become one of Spain's most enduring mysteries.

What do you think?
Spain is a place where élites go to kidnap kids. Madeleine, las niñas de alcaser... The literal colombian narco training camp invalencia with chainsaw beheadings and missing girls. Truly a dark place.
Idk maybe some cryptid or UFO saw the crash and an opportunity???
aoej-o j


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