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Rememer when /3/ said that they were safe from AI, unlike 2D plebs?
*adjusts glasses*
now let's see... le topology
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holy fauci, is that a hecking n-gon??? 3d is saved, total ai death, billions must sculpt
Who is going to use 3d gen except for other 3d people?
2d image gen is more accessible to people. It's an end result.
3d gen is literally just the first step. You still have to actually do shit with it. No one just "has" a 3d model.
It's the same retarded shit as when Windows tried to force Paint3d and their faggy "3d objects" folder. Normies don't give a shit.
They're not going to learn how to use a 3d program so they can do something with a 3d model. 2d though, it's just there. It's done. Goon to it all you want.
3d gen would only really be used by people who actually do 3d, and in those cases it's more of a tool than image gen. It's a shortcut to fill your scene with a fuckload of inconsequential shit you would otherwise steal, buy, or god forbid, model.

Once 3d gen starts popping up in a usable sense, if scenes aren't absolutely fucking bursting at the seams with inconsequential detail, I'd probably riot. It's a shortcut for the lazy, and people would be so fucking lazy they wouldn't even use it for free detail.
ah yes I do love having a caved-in face
its hot garbage. the characters arent the problem perse the problem is the thousand world building assets.
checkmate 3d ai fags. enjoy that shitty topology.
You made me chuckle
Public complaints of CG when it's hiper realistic, imagine putting that thing on a movie
we're a hair's bredth from the ai rigging and animating too
You cannot make rigs with this nonsense, ai is a scam.
Normie has a rigged and "animated" model. What about literally everything else? 3d is a series of many steps, disciplines, and different elements for an end result. Not to shit on 2d, but it really is just "keep drawing till it's done".
If ol Norm wants a somewhat nice 3d animation of his waifu being fucked there's a lot more involved than just having the model rigged and animated with a (presumably) jerky and fucky generated animation. He's still going to have to flesh out the scene (either with more generated models or his own), fix animation errors that will no doubt be present, light the scene in a way that looks good, figure out how to render, then actually WAIT more time for the final render to finish.

These people don't have the patience for all that. You'll definitely have a handful of autists that'll end up going full into it, but the people looking to coom right this moment will pick 2d gen over 3d any day of the week. This extends past coom as well. Most people are retarded when it comes to computers. Some online "app" (as they call it), might shit them out a rigged, textured, and animated model, but that's still just early steps and they'll have to grapple with using actual 3d software which they won't have the patience for and will go back to TikTok. We're talking about people who don't even know what a fucking file is, and can't extract a .zip.

3d gen just isn't for them. I really see it as just being another tool for existing 3d people to use, and nothing more. Never spread out to a more general audience like image gen has been.
Indeed there will be a great deal of seethe and consternation (and unemployment) very soon...
I, for one, embrace the AI Kino.
I'm sure you have a gif to demonstrate that too
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Let's come back to this discussion in 5 years.
this is all so tiresome
2D "AI" "art" in 2024 is still full of meaningless bullshit "details". if you don't look too close, you can overlook it
3D is different. you can't just have a meaningless blotch somewhere. in 3D space, some details will make or break the shapes. meaningless details will break them
Well, if AI can just generate movies from thin air, I don't see a problem of it generating 3d porn while skipping modelling/rigging/animation individual 3d models, scenes or whatever.
I mean, generating 3d models in the first place is only interesting to 3d people. End users just ask AI to generate 3d porn for example. IIRC I've already seen something like this even. There was a thread nearby crying about how AI is being able to generate animation that is confusing is it 2d or 3d and is probably not even possible to produce manually at all.
Yes, but you don't need individual 3d model, you need end result which doesn't even care about individual 3d model because it generates render from thin air while skipping any intermediate steps (that's just how AI works). It's basically similar to how you can imagine 3d model moving in your head. It probably will be crazy and not too consistent, but you don't have to generate 3d file in your head first, you just imagine the end result.
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>retopos like a boss
to the fags crying about topology, this still creates a usable base that saves you from starting from a cube
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i don't have strong opinions about ai but could i theoretically use it for things like textures or normal maps? could i ask an ai to generate a seamless normal map and it would be able to do it?
>could i ask an ai to generate a seamless normal map and it would be able to do it?
You'd get something that looks like a normal map but all the vectors will be fucked when you actually try using it and it won't line up with the diffuse anyways.
All you have to do to have seamless normal map is to have a seamless texture in the first place. And to have seamless texture you have to do procedural textures that work with noise functions and patterns which are all seamless by design. You just generate seamless greyscale as a composition of seamless patterns and seamless noise functions, then split from there into multiple paths to color it for albedo and process it for normal map and for whatever else maps like roughness, etc.
That's kinda what I'm getting at though.
People not inclined to 3d won't bother with 3d gen in the first place. So it's literally meaningless as a "threat". Normies are (and can) gonna coom to genned videos (they have my permission), 3d "artists" are gonna gen models and fill their scenes with inconsequential details and shit. It's a non issue. It's a tool for existing 3d users.
3d's end output is pretty fucking varied. There's more to it than image or video. Like sure, that's what people are gonna consoooom, but 3d still has to be made in plenty of other applications than just image/video. Even image and vid, there's still a good chunk of things that you can't really gen, like custom things. Archvis of locations based on blueprints, maybe some dudebro wants an animation of HIS car/truck (I've made quite a few bucks off of that and they're fucking specific about that shit, way more than an AI can pull off), product visualizations/demos and commercials.

Hell, I think even txt2video would be useful for animators in general. Sounds like it'd be really nifty for getting quick and dirty animatics pieced together. They wouldn't be perfect, but animatics aren't in the first place.
I could care less about the low poly model. Can AI retoplogize my highpoly models from Zbrush?
Seamless sounds super important, writing that down!
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if you want a vision of the future, imagine a horde of pajeet AI modelers autogenerating an infinite number of polygons...forever
Yes. And thank you for the free training data you've provided in your own time, so we can commercially exploit it without credit.
bloody bhenchod
these are always nitpicks
try with an actual reference image
Let me guess, is this thing considered "game ready" ? cuz I may be exaggerating but that looks like it has way more than 100k tris alone.
That was what I was thinking. You get a reference model.
You guys keep blaming AI on nameless "pajeets". Who are these Indians? Where? Be specific. I don't want "well they're in tech so..." No, point to a specific guy.

I've literally never seen an Indian discussing AI. I've seen plenty of white people debating the merits of it on both sides. White people saying it's bad, and other white people saying it's good.
Maybe you forgot to load the money?
Honestly I wish your smug ass was right in some twisted way. Would be nice if AI could actually do retopo. Maybe feeding it actual game models and having it trained specifically on the way the edgeflow is done could work but I doubt techbros will do that since most of this shit is made to scam normies.
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>that insane concentration of tris on the ends of the cloth on the front
wow, such good vertex discipline from the AI, clearly that part in particular required so much attention.
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This Painting is called Next Rembrandt. It was generated back in 2016 on a limited model that was probably only capable of copying one artist and only at making portraits. It was not just generated as png, but also with normalmap and displacementmaps that allowed it to be 3D printed and look like a true painting. Just because some tranny FOSS models back in the day looked like shit does not mean it all looked like shit. Plus dont kid yourself, 2D AI peaked at the end and on start of 2023, and since then it has not really improved. Its completely perfect at making realistic but still wrong looking pictures, it has maximum fidelity yet still sometimes includes random crap in background, only thing that has changed since 2022 is that hands now have 5 fingers. Did it displace some artists? Yes, but that does not mean it became suddenly over for creativefags.
Anyone interested in me generating some from some images you all post? Also potentially making a bunch of models for a project and being paid for in crypto?

Just post an image you want me to generate.

Here's a link to a video of a model I made in like 15secs. Well really a minute since I had to run it through a remove background workflow before hand.

The picture I used to generate is here, if curious. https://files.catbox.moe/xnm0m2.png

I really just want to practice but if someone needs a project worked on we can maybe work something out.

More that I made in 15 secs


Criticism is welcome
AI hasn't really come close to replicating traditional painting. Until it can mimick the texture of an actual painting and print it on canvas it's just replicating a photo of a painting.

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