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working in Blender when suddenly....
lmao relatable
why do the niponese love blender so much
They don’t, this one is from twitter that stole it from another account.
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Why not, it's free, relatively easy to use, great community.........
>3d, but japanese
Hate it when that shit happens.
Blender is for anime only. All other styles can suck my dick. Reddit and discord included.
it's free and the nips don't have a culture of piracy
>great community
ah the cringy cult like obsession of shilling your inferior freeble software while idolizing some Australian cuck is now considerate ... "great"?
>gonna be heckin clever and meta
>floaty ass animation

always funny to see.
they finally realized they don't have to use Metasequoia
embarrassing hateboner
What's up with Japanese using Blender as of late so much, or straight up referencing Blender in their productions?
I was watching an anime the other day, which is mostly 2D with a few 3D uses here and there, and there's an episode where one of the characters is shown straight up working on Blender.
They’re still using Metasequoia and MMD, what you’re seeing is dumb propaganda blender in twitter. Everyone knows blender’s animation is awful, no one is going to use it for animation.
I am talking about real anime, not just short clips on social media.
Maybe it's just me nut judging by the selection colors, that animation looks like it was made in Maya. Even at Blender Studio they barely use Blender anyway, so it's likely.
it's almost like you can edit themes in blender
Sure but why change the theme if the thing is supposed to look like Blender?
anime is produced on a shoestring budget, you think they're gonna waste money on some monthly commercial license when blender is free?
because the artist prefers to have a turquoise wireframe?
Yes, those 3D commercial licenses are faster than Blender’s awful animation. Can’t render faster or handle special effects.
Maya is free as well if you launder your work using Blender. Just like everybody else does.
Or maybe because the artist was commissioned and AD for Blender but had to use Maya to make it because Blender is not in a usable state.
So now the prevalent theory is that people use Maya and lie to the public that they made it in Blender? This is getting nuts.

You really gotta Get a woman G.
Metasequoia is ass. It's been almost entirely unable to keep up and adds features that they don't fully finish.
MMD is also not viable in any way because so little of it is built with doing long-form animation or anything with rendered lighting.

Like if you were gonna meme about japanese 3D you'd say Lightwave, but you apparently don't know much about what they use to do things so lmao.
You'll never be a real woman.
You can't even answer the joke back correctly. get outta here!
Or else?
>Buy a $1,030 dollar software
Bro that’s more than an Iphone and mini mac M3, no one is going to buy it. They rather pick Maya LTE than what you’re suggesting.
you are arguing with the sandworm chink
??? Also, $300 isn’t an issue for studios and publishers may have someone who owns it. Why do you believe there going to hire someone in blender who can’t animate faster than maya user, it just doesn’t make sense.
mate you're either retarded or deranged
KINO of the highest maximum!!!
Has the sandworm chink entered into official /3/ canon? A new type of Cris?
I'd like to see an actual comparison video of someone animating the same thing in blender vs in motionbuilder and see which actually wins. I think it would be very eye opening.
What are you talking about? No one animates in motionbuilder, I've literally never heard of any studio using motionbuilder for keyframe animation, hell I've never known anyone that uses it for anything. It's an entirely separate tool from Maya.
you don't need billions of polygons to make free anime slops for social media, unlike Hollywood blockbusters that sell tickets and subs
This was acutally made in Maya but it depicts Blender
does making shit up sexually excite you or something?
maya paypigs BTFO'd
>making shit up
Retard, go look up the artist, stupid retarded nigger.
it's over
More please.
animator vs. animation if it were made by a unemployed person
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funny that you said that
Everything else isn't literally unusable on GNU/Linux
>Blender is for one widely overused troon style only.
Samn that musta taken alot of work.
Too bad anime girls are fucking gay, lmao
Kudso tho
to me it was this creation of his that really impresses me
Stop posting nazi websites when it’s banned in many countries.
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