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Somehow it looks even better than season 1.
Let's talk about the best /3/ animated series ever and how they did it.
The documentary is great as well.


Definitely got me into modelling more.
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with blender studio's new revolutionary brushstroke tools addon, we can achieve the iconic handpainted Arcane look in our very own free open source software! I can't wait to see what the Blender community produces with this incredible new tool!
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i dont like the story. i dont like charters. i dont like the design and i dont like animations..
I think it's better budget and not having to do everything from scratch, I see less instances where the 3D is obvious than in season 1
But the reason Arcane looks great isn't just good 3D
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s2 actually feels a bit more 3d to me, but not in the bad way it did sometimes in s1. there's more depth to everything, like they blended in more bounce lighting during comp than they did last time. in the fight at the end of episode 2 jynx's hair looks really amazing - tonnes of shiny specular, but it integrates perfectly.
>I didn't care for Arcane
>Didn't care for Arcane
>How can you even say that, Anon?
Yeah, it's objectively nice but it's not my type of stuff.
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hair shot
yeah there are shots in s1 where they haven't painted over the render and you can see the 3d really jarringly, didn't notice any of that in s2 so far
also the 5 leaked episodes (which i haven't watched yet myself) have some completely uncomped shots in them so that would be very interesting to check out after the actual episodes air
Not that anon but I've come to completely despise League of Legends. The players are all cunts and the lore is pretty shit because it's just a bunch of disparate characters thrown into the same setting with no cohesion whatsoever. Despite that, I am tempted to watch bits of the show because what little I've seen is visually impressive.
>I've come to completely despise League of Legends.
It's just a franchise. Grow up.
kill yourself you insufferable cunt
>lore is pretty shit
it used to be somewhat interesting back in the day before the chinks took over. there was such a disparate variety of characters because they were being summoned from alternate universes and such, to form a literal league of legends to fight each other for entertainment. the chinks retconned all that but kept the disparate characters so now nothing actually makes any sense and people fight for no reason. i miss season 1-3, the game is unrecognizable now.
unironically this is cool as fuck, but it's not really the same thing at all.
Story is meh, characters are detestable, but yes the visuals are pretty good I must give them that
great visuals bit I get often distracted by the wobbly heads. idk what the story is about, I watch it muted and only inspect the animation
So much of it is painted, I don't think I can learn much from it when it comes to 3D, unless I want to do a similar style
Also why did they make Jinx look so fuckable?
bright lighting still breaks the painting effect. all of the scenes in viktor's cult looked super bad to me
Do you have an example? It seemed fine to me
the ones where they enter and get lead to viktor in particular. vi's model looks super off to me with the bright environment.
wow I read this post and thought this guy is right about the wobbly heads, then I realized it's my own post. I should go to sleep
Shame the story has chicom pandering oozing from every orifice.
Animation wise its pretty neat, but holy shit the story and characters are just damn terrible, specially the protagonists.
happened in the last three again. when mel walked away in bright daylight after getting her powers, and also when mel and jayce talked in the corridor where the light shone in

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