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When do you decide to stop using subscription software? I've been using this one paid renderer and I've put so much effort into it, but free alternatives do the same thing now and I wont have to deal with subs. Having an account, having to pay dues or if you skip a year having to start all over again at a far higher price, it just sucks man
I've already had various account numbers stolen from me multiple times while using all legitimate payments and softwares. No way in hell.
UHm I mean yeah?
Use the cheapest service available that delivers the results you want.
If your projects, look as good with the free service than with the paid service, obviously, use the free service. But I'd say the same thing about an expensive service and a cheap but still not free service. Use the cheaper one.
IDK the limitations here. Someone might have a special need only paid services provide.
Funny that, I pirate everything and have only ever been broken into via twitch.tv
how likely is it for a maya torrent to contain a virus?
don't take the risk. Torrenting is dead, dude.
what would you do?
If it was me I would use the freely available version of houdini from the official website with the karma renderer along with blender
why are you people so scared of piracy? any potential cost from damages of piracy is always going to be far less than actually paying for any of these scam companies. Its literally internet 101
Anyone who is scared is a turbo normie when it comes to tech.
Don't listen to this retard. Anyone who is bold enough to insinuate that torrenting is dead is a shill or just actually a stupid boomer that thinks the internet is a series of tubes or some shit.
>>1002223 (OP)
wow. is that the kid from the incredibles?
I've never seen 3d hair look that good. outside of a 100 million dollar movie
>>1002223 (OP)
Could someone explain to me why the image has two spheres? In 3D programs, you usually only have one, right? You just choose the HDRI, and it generates the lighting, and whether the shadows are "harder" or "softer" depends on the HDRI alone, but in the example, there are two spheres, is that normal in 3D programs?
the grey sphere just shows the direction of the light and its color.
the other sphere is the reflection map
They're just there to there to visualise the scenes lighting setup. They're called a Gray Sphere and Chrome Ball and are the 2 that are often used.
You've probably seen a macbeth chart floating in renders too. Same kind of purpose but moreso for literal measuring of values.
Put them in your lookdev renders to look fancy if you want
>>1002223 (OP)
>put in all this r&d to make really good 3d hair
>movie is still shit
Nothing can top the first one, not even a sequel

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