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File: asdgag.jpg (129 KB, 2025x1075)
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the framing, the timing, the pacing. oooh nooo some glitches and jank fuck you this is peak animation.

unfathomably based
File: shaka.jpg (100 KB, 2009x1071)
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hell yeah,

also god tier 3dCG ITT

File: dfaf.jpg (166 KB, 2121x1071)
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a classic

File: grung.jpg (160 KB, 1665x933)
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good ol granpa

loved that movie. i wish current year disney wasn't so risk-averse and i wish current year consumers weren't so willing to consume endless sequels and remakes. endless stories to tell, but they just repeat the same ones over and over.

also this
wow I'm surprised how poorly the visuals of this movie aged
I unironically want a remaster. I think I read somewhere that they still have the files, so it's not impossible.
Suomi :DDD.
>I think I read somewhere that they still have the files
of course they do, it's actually pretty rare to lose the source data

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