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I won't beat around the bush
I have absolutely no knowledge or experience in modeling, but I want to port some Touhou models from GTA SA to Sven Co-op. Is there any way that I can follow which will end with the model being ported over?
>i have very niche problem that has no solution on the internet and I don't want to put time into learning skills and figuring out solutions myself, can you babysit me wah wah wahhh
Im not very good with explaining but ill try my best. Its also important to have atleast *some* knowledge about models, game engines in general and your modeling program. Not anything crazy, but you should know how to move stuff, some terminology etc. You can easily look up some basic tutorials for your program. Also, if youre using Blender you will need Blender source tools.
Im not familiar with GTA SA model file types but the gist is that you need to decompile the models into something Blender (or any other modeling program) can read. For example .smd files. Specifically for Sven Co-op and other Goldsrc engine games, you need to prepare the textures by converting them to 8bit .bmp images (Ifranview yields the best results for this and preserves the colors well). After you have your decompiled files you should import them into your modeling program.
To port a model to a Goldsrc game, you need to get the bones of another playermodel in order to get the information for the animations that the game will use for the model. This is why you will need a tool (I personally use Crowbar) to decompile a Sven Co-op playermodel. The playermodel you decompile matters in the sense that you should pick the playermodel that best matches your desired models proportions, or if you want the character to have feminine animations or something for example, you should decompile the model with the animtions you want. The next step is to import the decompiled model, along with the bones, into Blender.
Now comes the bulk of the work. Your goal is to get your model to match the bones of the Sven Co-op character as much as possible by moving and rotating the bones. In my experience this is very much trial and error and you will face many deformations along the way, especially if your desired model has strange proportions. In some cases you can modify the model mesh a bit, but not too much, unless youre ready to fix the textures accordingly.
(will continue)
After you have successfully weightpainted the model, you can now export it as a .smd file (At this stage it has to be a .smd file so that Blender can read it). With the decompiled original Sven Co-op model, you should have a .qc file somewhere in there. This file is important for the compiler to know what parts to use, for example if your .smd is named "model.smd", in the .qc file you should write that out so it knows what to build the model with. The textures used also need to be in the .qc file. Iirc the bare minimum files you need to compile the model are the .qc file, the .smd file(s) and the texture files. You need to have all these in the same folder.
If the compile is successful, then congrats, you now have your very own Sven Co-op ported model.
This is a very bare bones explanation and i recommend digging Youtube or literally anywhere you can find a tutorial. If you know another language try searching in that language, if you dont, use a translator. You never know whats hiding behind the language barrier. I strongly recommend checking this site https://the303.org/ for more info. Also, googling helps. If your problems are suuuuper obscure and you cant find them absolutely anywhere, i think theres a modding Discord somewhere out there where you can ask. Anyways, i hope i helped at least a bit, best of luck.
why don't you ask this shit on /v/ or /vg/?
we have also these threads 4 u

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