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Can anyone help me make a mold for a mask?
The boolean modifier refuses to work and i've been coping by making empty boxes and filling them with sand and putting the positive mask and it leaks and it comes out like crap. I'm tired of doing this half assed. I'd like a proper mold for my mask that's airtight so I can make a mask I can be proud of.
guess ill still have to cope with filling the box with sand it seems...
>>1002332 (OP)
Boolean won't work if it's non manifold. Also slicer won't work right if it's non manifold or has flipped normals. Also even if you were to print out a mold it wouldn't be watertight unless you use abs and acetone smooth it or seal the print with something. FDM prints are porous by default. Not sure why you are fucking with sand. You should use Gypsum or something instead.
You open meshes in openscad and construct your parametric mold that way.
blenders boolean is the worst and buggiest way to do constructive solid geometry modelling.
openscad uses cgal which is also slow but at least isn't buggy.
Zbrush booleans are pretty good desu.

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