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How can into rigging?
heh better learn APEX kid
>>1002472 (OP)
you want to be a real rigger? stop turning on all the controls at the same time
1) Install Autodesk Maya
use the autorig plugin. its not too bad if youre just rigging a person.
>>1002472 (OP)
blender studios rigs are a bad place to start learning, they unironically use black magic to rig their stuff and dimitri dzadik (dev on cloudrig, rigify, main rigger for blender studio) is kinda secretive about his methods and is bad at explaining things on the rare occasions that he does.

Pierrick Picaut is the next best rigger in blender, and his methods are from his own autistic study and reverse engineering of rigify and cloudrig. buy/pirate his aoer2 course and check out his youtube vids for rigging knowledge. but know that he does skip some good techniques because he only rigs for games, which is different than rigging purely for animation.

for something quick and dirty, use rigify. for something quicker and dirtier, use auto rig pro or mixamo.

if you're specifically interested in faces like your pic, know that there's a shitload of constraints and corrective shapekeys involved and it's gonna be a LOT of time and effort on your end if you want to do it manually.
>>1002472 (OP)
If you want to be a n!99er, don't be a retarded n!99er.

Use EU5 like a REAL n!99er.
How's apex so far? beta workflow aside is it fully featured?
No one uses in game engines like unity and unreal to animate. They lack the tools.
>they unironically use black magic to rig their stuff
So they use Maya...
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>one program for sculpting
>one program for editing meshes
>one program for surface painting
>one program for editing textures
>one program for rigging
>one program for making animations
>one program for actually animating
>one program for editing the footage
>they unironically use black magic to rig their stuff
As in their code makes no sense or they use hidden features in the program?
>>one program for making animations
>>one program for actually animating
how are these two different? did you mean like Shogun and then MoBu?
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>>1002472 (OP)
>Install 3dmax
>lower your expectations
>accept your quality
It's two things. First of all at the Blender Studio they barely use Blender at all and second, with your generous donations, they have developed a large number of bugfixes and modifications which are never going to be released to the public. All of the above is alleged of course.
Add "find another hobby to your list".
You are wrong, maybe the new troons for diversity and inclusion, but I personally know a bunch of them "the ones who do real things" and they are schizo freaks that use blender for every fucking thing, and I mean every fucking damn thing.
I don't know about the unreleased bugfixes because I don't work on the blender foundation
Autorig is really good, but not many anons know how to use it.
You can rig an asimetric monster with multiple limbs really quickly if you know what you are doing
I think that's what they've honestly tried to do for Project Gold and you know the results.
And how many years of experience do you need to "know what you're doing" in Blender? See, when you say Blender is very fast and whatnot, it's all relative.
>how many years of experience do you need
0, just pay for the addons. like 100% of pros.
Paid Blender add-ons are a GPL violation:
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No no you can’t, the thing is fake and gets octopus rigging wrong every time. Just normal rig like actual rigging, auto rig is junk.
About a few hours of reading documentation and maybe a few days of tutorials that teach you how to use each part, not only the human rig
>And how many years of experience do you need to "know what you're doing" in Blender?
2 to 3 good years? really not that long
faster than learning to draw, that shit takes so long
if you're learning how to draw all you have to do is follow the very well established cg rendering equation to draw any object which is your NdotL diffuse equation added to your R.V specular equation
>>1002472 (OP)
I use rigify but like rigging stuff manually. >>1002508
I have Maya but see no reason to use it for rigging or animation. Could you explain why?
>actual rigging, auto rig is junk.
I'm not afraid of manually rigging stuff I just don't see what the point is when I can get the same result with an addon faster.
Are there any issues when using Maya to rig blender models?
Scaling will likely be off. Blender scales things weirdly and uses a different FBX format than Autodesk stuff.
i honestly don't know. i think rigging is pretty much impossible to do unless you know exactly how you want to pose your characters and express them. you can start off with a basic rig, but you'll refine it as you try to push its limits. i'd say start off with just coming up with basic poses and expressions with an already existing rig, then reverse engineer it.
Freeshit or gtfo
what are best practices for rigging boobs?

using one bone parented to spine works in a "well, it's there" sort of way, but looks cheap.
One result i got that was decent was to use multiple joint segments down the breast and then apply a jiggle constraint across the whole thing.

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