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this isn't fucking fair man, how can they do this to us?

>create anything
>everyone and I mean everyone has no money and is still doing the same old wage
>create image generator
>nobody is buying the results of this, it costs more to generate than it makes back, it trains on itself causing model death, etc
IDK, is there a working link to use it from a web UI like bing image... I'll tell you after I make a lot of porn. Ummm AI bad I guess.
The AI dicksucker will never know what it's like to create with their hands and their wits. The AI dicksucker will never escape samsara.
Even Cris does his own 3d models
How does it feel to be inferior to Cris?
ahh yes, the tech ludites, we have them every century
what data did they train this one?
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AI progress is slowing to a crawl and the animated videos are still uncanny as fuck and it's very obvious that it was made by AI at a glance. Wake me up when AI can make a full 3D model that isn't just a 1 billion polygon zipbomb that just melts your computer.

I agree how could they subject us to such sloppa
You are using AI worng
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I'm sorry but what is this nigga even talking about

>This AI was able to suggest we try adding some volumetrics with unmatched speed!

>We ran it through our advanced AI and it suggested that the floor would look better if we actually plugged in the displacement map!

>Those lights looked really nice already but the AI showed us that lights are actually supposed to affect walls!

>I couldn't quite figure out on my own why the wallpaper in this old house didn't look right.. but thank god the AI was here to suggest that we add some wear and tear!

And then he has the gall to call one of his employees mediocre

The absolute state of blendlets
>it can't do hands (slow edition).
stop coping
It can't do actual, optimized 3D models at all. A fucking sofa had more polygons than a human-made character model.

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