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File: 1733278165231330.jpg (599 KB, 1536x2048)
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What's the max complexity/scale that you would get out of either 16gb vs 24 gb of VRAM in blender or unreal or whatever?
File: gigachad.jpg (41 KB, 700x552)
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Build and run test scenes with your current card then do the math
How you gonna do math without both cards. Dummy.
The reason you do the math in the first place BECAUSE you don't have the cards
How you gonna do math with only one result?
>Makes a test
>4GB holds one apple,
>Does complex math in head
>The math: 8GB holds 2 apples, 12GB holds 3 apples, 16GB holds 4 apples, 20GB holds 5 apples, 24GB holds 6 apples, 48GB holds--
It doesn't scale like that.

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