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File: DD19.2.jpg (1.76 MB, 3024x4032)
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Surely this horse shit ugly thing cannot be the result of the creative commons of the internet creating a printable gun.
1- Have you ever taken one of these and modified the file for style?
B- Is there something cooler out in the wild? Like a movie/tv/game gun design that uses off the shelf parts to finish?
III- Is the answer no because every product eventually all looks the same because peak design is a dead end?
*- Do you find me attractive?
what, 3d printed gun parts?
i print gun parts a lot, just grips, accessories and everything that dosnt impact reliability
i guess you can 3d print the polymer parts in a glock, but why?
glocks are already shit pistols without even more crappy plastic on it

nobody really does it since people want good guns, good guns = heavy, full steel, better triggers, tighter tolerances
>Surely this horse shit ugly thing cannot be the result of the creative commons of the internet creating a printable gun.
What does this mean?
>1- Have you ever taken one of these and modified the file for style?
I cannot masturbate if I lose my fingers in a tragic diy glock accident. Printing important firearm components is a good way to achieve total de-fingerfication, cutting swastikas into said 3d printed components because it would be funny is even better at doing that.
>B- Is there something cooler out in the wild? Like a movie/tv/game gun design that uses off the shelf parts to finish?
The only part there that isn't off the shelf is the frame. If you're asking why they haven't made printable halo magnums yet then the answer is that they probably have but they're plastic shells that you wrap around a shitty subcompact because that is objectively the better way to do things.
>III- Is the answer no because every product eventually all looks the same because peak design is a dead end?
That grip angle alone makes it worthy of being whacked on the head with a hammer and kicked down a mine shaft. Thus always to glocks.

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