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I’ve got a pretty weak laptop and can’t afford a new one.
What are my options for creating 3D models?
Would love to know all the options!
>>1003361 (OP)
Download an older version of blender, if it is only for 3d models and not fancy shit, the older 2.7 versions work well with potatoes
You can also download any old version of Maya or max but blender is better to use on your situation
>>1003361 (OP)
how weak are we talking and what kind of models are you interested in making?
Lenovo Ideapad 330 15ikb. I want to make 3D Models, but it lags so much that I need to turn it off urgently.
try modo, it runs better than blender for me, and has better (at least more consistent) controls than blender 2.79
Thank you
File: analog modelling media.jpg (108 KB, 894x889)
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108 KB JPG
>What are my options for creating 3D models?
In the age of ai, photogrammetry and cg overusage. I truly reccomend this. I am not joking.
You could be happier than all of us.

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