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/wip/ - Works In Progress - HO HO HO Edition

Brothers, the end of the year is nigh, may 2024 have been a productive year for you, and if not, may 2025 be the one. Amen!
Now please do go ahead and post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here, cheers friends.

Previous thread: >>998180
Winter edit of the hobbit hole for those who might want to fiddle with it in the future
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Finished some home appliance props I had lying around for a long time. Was a bit of a pain to make these not because they're hard but because of how mundane they are, but I'm happy with the results
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Haven't done low poly stuff in years, but trying to get back into it. Was actually slightly inspired by Yiik of all things.
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This will never be finished
very nice
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Rig test.
Lil guy after sniffing a few too many fruit scented markers.

Much weight painting needed, no idea on how to solve the clipping near the ears and also making them bend.
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This is the start of something special
what is it missinggggg
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doing some sculpting practice and messing around with rendering. hopefully i can get this to look good enough to retopo

those look really good wow

very cute, if you want to emulate the orthographic reference more i think you should make her hair bigger (it might actually big that her bangs are too big). that might be it

you got the yiik style down really good, the face especially it looks like something brian would make

looks cool, i respect artists who model architecture, i've never tried it yet

good luck on the rig, i need to practice it more as well
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god I hate this part of the project
can't wait to start messing around with textures and lighting
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making fat anime bitches feels antithetical. like you have to bloat parts of the face but somehow still remain smooth enough to not show pronounced wrinkles that the bloating would cause irl
i love those collages
cuz theres sexy fatties and unsexy fatties.
sexy fatties have chubby cheeks but no goyder. unsexy fatties are all goyder
i dig the design
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sick, love wh40k
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I'm calling it a night
we still got a long way to go
>those look really good wow
Thanks! I'm glad you like 'em

Looking cool, I dig the large gap in the middle there
what software did you use to do this?
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It's based on this concept art of Anno
Maya for modeling, blender for sculpting (zbrush interface pisses me off), i'll do the finer details in substance.
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Wow dude I've been horny all week I finally cummed now
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Modeled, textured, rigged and gave some facial expression shapekeys to a customizable rodent guy character. Next up I'll give it shape keys to morph facial features
I tried fapping once a week
For a while I felt good, even noticed my tolerance increased when I was lifting
But I noticed that I had lost all my libido, for a while I was worried I'll have a floppy disk for the rest of my life
Luckily I didn't.
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Today's progress
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learning sculpt and blockout
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i know it's not great but this is the first time I think I've been able to sculpt lips that can actually be recognized as lips so it's a minor step forward.
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512 texture 8k tris I might throw it away I don't know if it goes with green
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am i getting close to my reference?
Your reference is a white woman so yes, I can't see the difference, maybe make it a bit more annoying and entitled
most accurate white female human sculpt I've ever seen. I'd hire you in an instant if that portfolio came across my desk.
You're racist.
I wouldn't say I'm racist, more like severely discriminatory towards white female humans in such a way that could be considered biased, bigoted, and exclusionary
In other words, you're racist.
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why is anatomy so hard brehs how can i improve
read The Anatomy For Sculptors and sculpt along
that's literally what i'm trying to do, got almost the entire book up in my pureref
I used to be all over girls who looked like that circa 2005.
Yeah pretty much
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My god this thing is taking forever
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I want to become a cheesburger

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