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File: Apustaja Profile Empty1.png (3.05 MB, 2432x4096)
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Where should I go for 3D character modeling service? I've just being scammed on Upwork for $10!!
All I want is a 3D model of picrel so that I can 3D print him for my personal satisfaction. There's free Pepe 3D model but the face doesn't look like this one. Aaarghhh! It feels like shit that this is the first time I'm being scammed. Fucking indonesian.
nope, doesn't look like him.
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this is closest one that resembles him (in 3D)
look at that, when it turned in the 3/4 profile, it resembles the pepe that I wanted.
just learn sculpting, lazy cunt.
I'm not learning a new skill, retard. I got enough on the table already
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>>1003532 (OP)
Hey I have a pepe model that's fully rigged
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I even did facial keys
Looks like a good rig but I want the one that resembles Apustaja
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as in on model design based on the reference here
Entitled piece of shit
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>>1003532 (OP)
this one is from the same pajeet, itsn´t this what you want? anyways this is a pretty simple model, you could probably just watch a basic sculpting tutorial and do it yourself instead
it's not similar. the pouty mouth isn't the same, the eye socket on the left are more blocky square instead of rounded, the philtrum is missing and it should be more pointy like a duck beak, the back of his head is slightly flatter instead of rounded. it's not the same.
this guy nailed the frog deformed look
>>1003532 (OP)
I'll give it a shot later in the day or tomorrow
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>>1003532 (OP)
There's this one but the proportions arent right, he's not fat enough
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV0Mk1-ZImI [Embed]
he doesn't need to be fat as he got various body types. the one thing that's crucial is his face.
umm, that's just a child pepe, not Apu
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>>1003532 (OP)
I'm gonna polish it a bit more but I'm pretty much done. I don't know how well it would 3d print though
>don't know how well it would 3d print though
disable the texture and you will see
ignoring the supports and shit you wanna get as much as possible done with forms, especially in resin printing
no need to design around lack of supports unless you are doing mechanical parts
this resembles him so much. is there turn around?
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Yeah but since it's deformed, the face looks the most accurate when seen from the front
Maybe you could do it like this? >>1003627
or deformation that are used in this baby Donald Duck or the Skull Kid (Majora's Mask) since I imagine Apu has a beak-shaped pouty mouth.

1. https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/games-toys/toys/baby-donald-duck-cute

2. https://www.models-resource.com/3ds/thelegendofzeldamajorasmask3d/model/68974/
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You mean copy his design 1:1, or are you suggesting a specific aspect to copy? I think my Apu is more accurate
I made his mouth a protrude a bit more, a full-on beak would look weird though.
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His head should be rounded but at 3/4 view, his face looks like the drawings. the snout almost like a beak-shaped but not pronounce.
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I've found it how to solve this issues!
https://youtu.be/Nje3umXgns0 [Embed]
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cute, but not Apu though. :/ His face is asymmetrical. >>1004583
One eye cursed
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this one looks like him :DD
from this orthographic

Are these AI?
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Hey anon I noticed you posted the watermarked version on accident, no worried I removed it for you
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I know, that's why I will fix it with shape keys now that i'm done with texturing
yes, huggingface ai TRELLIS JefferyXiang
wtf you nger!!!! I paid $350 commission for that!
tree fiddy?
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>>1003532 (OP)
Can't remember where I got this
download? the mesh can be altered a bit since it's symmetrical, unlike >>1004583
>>1003532 (OP)
>Upwork for $10!!
You are a fucking retards if $10 dollars is all you were willing to get content for your retarded shitcoin
>>1003532 (OP)
Not physically possible to get all angles correct on 1 model
Not physically possible
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did it at least
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it took several months and the combined efforts of multiple autists to recreate the crazy frog
but green
Lazy desu
fuck off cris!
release the file please

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