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AH, What the hell is with all the new blender people coming into the industry.

>They lack an understanding of standardize workflows
>They refuse to learn Autodesk, if you give them 6 months to do so.
>They lack an understanding of UV Space and Texturing fundermentals
>They don't know how to Sculpt anything.
>If you give them a file from 3Ds Max/Maya they'll acuse you of breaking the scale because they don't know Blender uses a different scale system.
>They don't want to pay for any tools, but demand we buy blender tools.
>They don't know how to model SubD, Don't even know what a low, mid and high poly is.

We have gone through atleast 200 applicants for a junior role, it's doing my head in and the head is stress out.

Just learn the fucking thing, I don't want to teach you something you can learn from CG Gorilla.
none of these problems are blender related. kys
Blender is the goat
Good, I hope the 3dcg industry aka the meatgrinder of dreams and creativity and originality crashes and burns
Get a job, and a life, you're pathetic and you have too much time on your hands.
You could have prevented this by learning blender, making good tutorials and submitting bug reports and feature requests.
wow that sucks. i guess you should jave hired me 10 years ago when i was applying to 3d jobs.
oh well.
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Hey if you’re looking for someone with those expectations, I’m your guy. Went to school and graduated, I still have Sculptris Alpha version so you don’t need to pay for their service.
>We have gone through atleast 200 applicants for a junior role
How many of those are filtered out by the CV algoritm? I applied to dozens of companies and my reel has a grand total of one(1) view so I'm positive my applications didn't even make it to whoever would actually look at them.
I got fed up with emails and sent them an actual mail but PR people always scans it or something and nothing ever happens. The jobs do not exist in America, they’re fake jobs.
>>They refuse to learn Autodesk, if you give them 6 months to do so.
do you provide a license?
when people complain about jobs in the vidya/animation industry, they don't realize it's partially a self-inflicted problem.
>a self-inflicted problem.

no it is not. Companies hire psychopath CEOs, who hire hordes of psychiatrists and sociologists for billions to manipulate they workers into scared cattle working behavior, when ruining themselves and lives of their money makers. Companies do plan such shit for decades ahead. every fucking company in 3d is doing it.
so... it's a self inflicted problem then. are you dense?
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>it's a self inflicted problem then.

welcome to industry. there is your cage. deliver 5 designs in 6 hours and get your sleeping bag under the table, when we will go bankrupt from such sluts:.

dear god no wonder their games are shit
If you were really in the industry you would know that most of the things you listed are completely different jobs in vfx that are are part of a main pipeline and most of this stuff isn't software specific except for maybe the scale issue. Blender scale is fucked up for some reason. Why the weird larp OP?
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Blender WILL become industry standard.

Monthly pay pigs are BTFO, forever.

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