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File: 1724117843109271.mp4 (3.91 MB, 720x720)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB MP4
>downloads your city of tokyo to scale for free via point cloud data
nothing personnel
I'll be impressed when those points can be converted into actual geometry and not just floating balls
>he doesn't know
File: 16b.gif (1.51 MB, 425x481)
1.51 MB
1.51 MB GIF
I have a Godzilla model
>tokyo: here's your free point cloud version of the city
>anon: hehee i downloaded it for free >:^)
>3dgs to mesh it
>export points to some photogrammetry software, then mesh it
>model manually on top of it as if it were a 360 all around reference
plenty of utility
gaussian splats?
looks like it, there are some software doing splats to mesh already, like that kiri engine one. still not perfect but it's a start
aren't they doing the same for the entierety of France?
No, but would be ideal for that
Imagine https://gsplat.tech/hilltop-small-church/ at city-level scale
People already have converted it
>paid software
>paid software
>paid software

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