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File: x.png (201 KB, 270x511)
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Do you know a good modular anime character system for games similar like those TDA bodies and faces but with commercial license?
I want to create a game but can't find good models with modular head/body and good face rig vroid has limited face expressions
I'll tell you but first I need you to go jack off, >>>/gif/. When you return, confirm that you still want to go through with this idea.
I still want to
nope go back and you nut till your dry firing.
You can get buy interactive licenses for daz which has a few anime-ish models.
The problem is you'd have to pay the fee for every single asset you're using and there are no anime shaders to make them look good so you'd have to roll your own.
Anyway there's the semi official daztounreal plugin.
Also basically all anime models out there are ripped from genshin and mmd and I'm pretty sure you won't get sued if you use them because they'd have to sue thousands of others first.
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this. There's a tool to import your characters into blender fully rigged
They'd go for the ones making money first

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