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File: 1734816652382836.jpg (1008 KB, 2636x1946)
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Is it possible to sculpt this to the same quality in Blender as you can in Zbrush? Is Maxon in trouble?
Cris, why do you care if Maxon is in trouble or not?
Huh? Can you answer the question?

If blender can do pic related, there is no reason to use zbrush, ever. This would mean maxon is in trouble. Also, as I read, nobody is using redshift or c4d anymore. Maxon appears to be crumbling....
Cris, why do you care?
why does notCris care?

Because I've invested at least 6-10x in subs for products that are dying and use them for a short time and they soon go out of business. I look at zbrush update videos on youtube including the most recent one and its the most unpro thing ever. It makes the product look like its dead, same as the other software i invested in that died
mental illness
That's because the ZBrush community has by far the highest percentage of jannies of any other community.
huh? Almost everyone on Blender Artists says zbrush is dying

just look at their update video on youtube. Its a complete shitshow. I have no idea how they stay in business
Things may change during next year because the crazy DEI money has dried up.
From the looks of what I've seen on the update, they are not able to innovate. They would have to fire everybody and rewrite the entire program
Yes, that's an average sculpture, you can do it in blender without trouble
prove it
Lies, blender will crash and corrupt your file. Stop spending misinformation and tell the truth.
>posts incredibly high detail sculpt made in zbrush
>"hurr durr this is an average sculpt that blender can handle just fine"
Imagine paying for software subscriptions. Zbrush still mogs Blender for sculpting even if Maxon is shit.
>Imagine paying for software subscriptions
imagine the amount of malware on your machine lol. Get a job kid
no. the polycount is simply too high for any other 3d application.
>Is it possible to sculpt this to the same quality in Blender as you can in Zbrush?
blender is not the best tool for the job, it doesn't support textures in the mesh filter so you'll have to go with the modifier and it is slow as fuck, it could have lots of problems moving that ...80-120M mesh too.
No it's not the best tool for the job, but you are really wrong if you think that's the a highly detailed sculpture, primary and secondary shapes are good, tertiary? No.
Also that sculpture is for 3d printing maybe, because it doesn't have nearly the detail enough to be a production ready sculpture.
Most of that high frequency detail will be difficult to do in blender due to how much you will have to subdivide but you can just get away with using textures to make that work. Mid frequency details should be more than doable. Anybody that can't achieve this regardless of the software are coping when they blame the package they use for their shortcomings.
no it cant. thats the answer. blender doesnt have the zbrish magic sauce. that sauce being that what you see on your screen isnt a 3d model. it's 3d pixels. its not a real render it's a simulation that only works in the zbrush environment. thats why you can sculpt a multimillion poly mesh at real time. its also why your suoer sweet scukpts look like shit after you export them.
you cant effectively sculpt less than hyper high poly. blender cant display a mesh like that on less than a computer thatd cost more than 100 years of zbrush subscriptions
>Almost everyone on Blender Artists says zbrush is dying
lol, lmao even. not only did they fire the only guy that had any interest in the sculpting module, but they refuse to add the rest of the tools he wrote out of pity
qrd on Maxon and Zbrush these days?
That’s interesting that Zbrush is able to do that but I disagree that sculpts look like shit when exported. A sculpt looking like shit has less to do with polycount and more to do with good low and mid frequency shapes.
yet another bait post, not a single person on this board has any skill regarding 3d, why does it even exist
you dont have any skill either since you're here, chud
being "here" doesn't mean you lack skill. Socials are far worse and they move too fast.
Yes, it does, chud. you should be out posting your work on artstation and being busy freelancing or working for a studio. Instead, you're here jerking with your left hand off to vrchat model threads.
artstation is not the place to get critique. The majority of it is ai generated and the other part moves too quick and never gives you any feedback. Freelancing or studio work is lame and you WONT be making what you want to make, that is guaranteed. The only guarantee is that you will soon start hating what you are forced to do and burnout. The only way to go is to make what you like to make, 100% of the time. Hollywood studios and media is dead anyway.
You talk like a real unemployed person
Git gud anon, day you will get a job

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