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File: emari_concord.jpg (59 KB, 697x626)
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As we are all aware, the mainstream entertainment industry has no idea how to make attractive characters anymore.

Use this thread to discuss things like good references, workflows, or just characters you find appealing and why.

For example, how do you design a character's face? What references would you use?
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>>1004789 (OP)
I use this one a lot, I think it's not hard to make an attractive character. Honestly it might be harder to make an unattractive one, because you have to fight against your own subconscious preferences.

Beauty is always subjective, but I think even if you try and fail to make an attractive character, it will still objectively look better than something from concord, because they had deeply malicious intent.
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male version. both by george zaky on artstation. literally just don't be fat. it's that easy.
why is it raised up at the feet? Thats not going to rig well and you're going to have to counter key it every single time. Fail.
>>1004789 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CDzyYqILpw [Embed]
it's just a reference, the guy originally made it as an anatomy study i think. it's fine if she's gonna be wearing heels or heeled boots or something. easy enough to adjust in the modeling/sculpting stage if you want to straighten them out.
Why tf would you rig a reference model lmao
>>1004789 (OP)
if they didnt "know how" theyvwouldnt onow exactly what to do to make them so ugly
>>1004789 (OP)
>generic hot waifu vs actually interesting and recognizable original design
The reality is when you get good at art you can afford to make bizzare, unconventional and ugly shit, because it's fulfilling, you wouldn't get it
inb4 ree you are an ugly tranny
don't care
I'm not normally a /3/ lurker, but I feel this thread gives me an opertunity to ask.

How do you guys feel about the Street Fighter 6 models?
that marvel overwatch game just came out and everyone seems pretty happy with the designs, bro.
maybe you should keep your wisdom to yourself.
Game after game they make the worst character models imaginable
>People who are good at art have a desire to make obtuse/ugly shit
How much over rationalisation inside your tiny brain did it take to type something so stupid?
>>1004789 (OP)
step 1: go to deviantart
step 2: look for adoptables and find something you like, 90% of the market is just ai now
step 3: steal the designs because anybody trying to sell proompted shit doesn´t deserve rights
what the hell is an adoptable
people making OCs then selling the "rights" to use them? its mostly a thing among furfags but i´ve seen them for non anthro characters as wel
The funny thing is that people over there sell adoptables of offical IP's, named and all. And people still buy them
I don't like chun li face, the rest is good
ass is too small and square. looks woke as shit
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>>1004789 (OP)
The left looks generic. The final model doesn't look good either.

I like how it looked in the concept art better.
Who the fuck approved those designs?
As an art director I can't imagine what they were thinking.
Are you talking about the final design, or the concept art with more of the yellow detailing and dark areas?
(By the left, I meant the left image shown in OP's. It's not ugly, but I prefer the bulkier design. The final model somehow loses all the appeal.)
>>1004789 (OP)
isn't that one just fanart drawn by @art_attackx? https://x.com/art_attackx/status/1831326957398524408

The actual official earlier design was >>1005667
both, the concept art is atrocious, its incoherent from the shape design to the color palette.
The blue lipstick on the model made me chuckle a bit.
>red flags
It was foreseen
this is what peek femininity looks like. liking women is for fags.
That's a meme design, it's also my favourite character, and I hate DEI stupid shit
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I think Concord had good design. The shape language and colours were really nice. It's a shame the characters were so spiritually ugly; except for the Scott Pilgrim catgirl, she was cute. The guy who made spaceships for it was posting them on twitter, they're cool
japan, korea and china is full of accounts like this I think is very good for inspiration and ref for characters
> @01215_yuri
> @kawabata__yu
Convinced people who think this looks stunning or inspirational don't have a soul or free will

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