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File: 1720609910999287.jpg (38 KB, 484x605)
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>sculpted / modelled in zbrush
>textured in substance
>uv / rendering in cycles

>featured / Top Row at at Blender Artists

What happened to that place.
I've seen daz models featured too.
did you read that post about that user rescuing cats and getting fined for animal cruelty or something. I have no idea what is happening on that website now.
Nah I don't follow the of topic, I only lurk there because the devs post there from time to time.
This is dogshit but unironically 90% (I really mean it) of this board wouldn't even be able to make this
Yes, he is talking about this model.
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199 KB JPG
BA top row please
what are xir pronouns?
frucking predator twink
It's kinda weird that blender is included into the pipeline as a rendering engine, is it better than the rest? Or they can't afford marmoset after paying all the other subscriptions?

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