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File: 1721208851899699.png (924 KB, 1258x750)
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Is ArtStation a good place to post still or is it overrun by bots and scrapers?
>>1005395 (OP)
>bots and scrapers
Might as well post nowhere
I don't mind that
>>1005395 (OP)
Every place it's overrun by bots and scrapers
The internet is dead, normies killed it years ago
if thats the case then why cant you scrape and index discord? I get info off of there that never ever shows up in search
it depends on if the domain (e.g discord.com, artstation.com) permits google to scrape or not via the settings they place in their robots.txt file. now, of course, someone who is not google could write a program that joins various discord servers and downloads all of the files posted there, but as of their API update quite some time ago, discord bots can only see files that users explicitly send to them via commands.

TLDR, discord has a restrictive API that is decent at blocking a good amount of scraping, other sites are either not smart enough to block scraping, or they believe it is in their best business interest to allow scraping
>>1005395 (OP)
You have nice art saar is for sale? Please email pajeet@hotmail.com?
>>1005395 (OP)
just use screenshots not the 3d viewer thing
Well no because scammers use API to steal accounts and credit information. You’re only thinking about this as a honest person instead of a dishonest person.
>>1005395 (OP)
why is this image so disturbing? I can't place it. it's like uncanny+gross but no one aspect is gross in the way I'd expect (doesn't remind me of bodily excretions or gore despite the potential for that given the colors/textures)... what is going on here? the lighting is weird.. the custard is slightly off in texture and color perhaps.. the bread texture looks off like from a 2000s pixar movie but not a real donut... the frosting too translucent and glassy like a melted beer bottle rather than chocolate frosting? I'm not even trying to hate it's just pulling me in in a way most donuts don't ...
>>1005395 (OP)
Bots and scrapers are the bulk of the internet nowadays
Art station is 50 percent decent and the other half is pajeets trying to scam you.
I've got more than 10 scam messages in the last 4 days
>>1005395 (OP)
artstation is full of ai artists showing their "portfolios"

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