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How do you even make awesome renderings like picrel?
All of mine look like poor video game renders.
Will be grateful for any and all helpful ressources you could point me to.
>>1005531 (OP)
Most important thing to make a render look less synthetic is the quality of the light and the perceived dynamic range in the picture.
Find a good HDRI image to provide IBL and run exposure controller / tonemapper to have the response to light be less linear and more dynamic looking.

Play around with the scale and spread of shadows til they look the least synthetic for your light conditions.

If you've done the above right you will have a scene where anything you render even if you materials and geometry is very off
should still look like actual physical objects, like a simple diffuse only lowpoly model will look like a physical pepakura model someone made more than a render.

Form there it's just a question of providing as high quality geometry and dialed in materials as you can to get it to look
as realistic as you renderer of choice can push it.
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>>1005531 (OP)
Let us see one. No image no pointers.
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I used lumion for it with the preset rendering conditions.
I dont really know anything about photoshop or affinity photo post production, but i would like to change that.
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Did these with twinmotion,
For some reason if you enable ray trac7ng the picture gets really dark
This semester i have a project with lots of plants, in planter boxes hanging from the ceiling or growing over a trellis with nice flowers.
I cant find any 3d models that are free and suitable for this case, what should i do?
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Ok I wont write a long comment about render engines, gi, path tracing and all the other stuff needed to achieve truly great images. Technical stuff you can find tons of it on the internetz.
but tldr It's not only about post processing you actually need to add detail and love to your images.
You want grass to look good? Model 3d grass,put some grass in post, make AI put grass for you I don't care how you do it but details and harmony are what make a good image. If you don't give information to your images other than a building and some light you wont get more than just that.
For example those stairs look black because they ere fucking black so if you want them to look a certain way you'll have to give them detail whether it's reflections, color, texture etc..
So lets get started if you only have lumion to start and a 2d editor that is enough to make a great image.
Wow thanks, it already looks better how did you do that?
Yeah i mightve used the wrong texture
Wait wait wait stop for a moment. i suppose you are an arch student so I need you to stop for a moment and look outside your window and ask yourself what makes a building look like a building... You know it I know it it's proportions, shape, structure and details.
So before this thread degrades into another discussion about technical stuff, software wars and shit like that I need you to understand basic concepts like, composition, color balance, proportions, details and subject. Those work across all forms of visual media whether they are paintings, watercolor drawings, 3d renderings, movies etc.

So lets start:
>What does this image lack?
Is it your intention that the wood grain in the beams is vertical or did you just paste a texture onto an extruded shape of beams and columns? (Its a rhetorical question). Does the image benefit from having black silhouettes? Have you tried other colors and opacities? Is the sun the only light source you want to show in this image? What about indirect lighting?

Have you ever seen an a frame house with such odd proportions? Why does it seem that the roof texture is lazily mapped agins the inlcination of the roof beams? What is the subject? The house or the grass in front?

I will tell you how I did it. But first I need you to ask yourself questions first because the first, only and best judge for your images is you. We've all been given a special ability to distinguish real from fake and you know the answers.

>Yeah i mightve used the wrong texture
You know the answer so please don't let technical limitations determine the shortcoming of your images. If you want grass to look go odthe search on the internet of a great grass texture and put it on the image. Doesnt matter if you do it in post, use ai etc etc.
So how I did it? I will regret telling you this because I know you will jump right on to proompting and you'll forget the basics.

I just filtered the image in an AI upscaler (Krea AI or Leonardo AI) and then just put it in photoshop desaturated it, enhanced some of the light leaks on the grass to give it a pop, sharpened it a little and gave it a vignette.

But that is just a party trick not the way to make good images.
>Have you ever seen an a frame house with such odd proportions?
Cam you elaborate on that a little please.
>Why does it seem that the roof texture is lazily mapped agins the inlcination of the roof beams?
Its a single 3d plane that i filled with the texture entirely.
Would the solution be to model it more accurately and then rotate the texture according to the direction of the board?

The way i do it is i import my 3d model then replace the texture from my drawing program with the ones from the rendering program.
>But that is just a party trick not the way to make good images
Show me the way senpai
>I cant find any 3d models that are free and suitable for this case.
Just by that phrase I know for a fact you were born after 1999. I'm not trying to offend you but fuck how do we call zoomers digital native when they can't even do a basic internet search and/ or come up with a solution? Trust me you'll find tons if ivy models with flowers but If you don;t don't let that stop you and learn how to model them and or/ put them in post.

If my eye meter is calibrated I would say the chimney is about 1mt x 80 cm wich would make it an industrial chimney. The base of the house is about 1.2m so not only it's a nuclear bunker graded base but a hazard for those in that terrace. A-frame houses are supposed to look light, harmonize and even float over their environment not look like machine gun pigeon holes. Also if that door is about 2.1 meters that would make the center glass pane almost 4 meters long one so please give me the contact of you glass provider because I need it. Again If you are going to be an architect and star asking those questions because trust me (I 've seen it in real life) if your building look funny on the screen they will look disastrous in real life. Why the chamfer in the top of the tringle? Just to make more leak joints on your roof? Why are the glass frames over 20 cms? Is this house prone to hurricanes?

Again don't take it seriously but those are the questions you need to ask yourself as an architect.
>Would the solution be to model it more accurately and then rotate the texture according to the direction of the board?
Well of course duh!!!
>The way i do it is i import my 3d model then replace the texture from my drawing program with the ones from the rendering program.
For all I care you could do it in a toaster but put on the work.
Ok. Lets start with the interior scene because its easier to focus on that. Give me the list of the software you are using, have access to.
fyi. I'm starting my days work so I'll be out for about 12 hours looking at this occasionally.
>Ok. Lets start with the interior scene because its easier to focus on that. Give me the list of the software you are using, have access to.
I use Allplan for drawing then Lumion for renderings and Affinity photo for post but ive only done that like once or twice. And affinity publisher for layout though i mostly also do that in allplan, meaning i import my render images into allplan then put it in the layout.
Back again. Haven't used Allplan but its ok.

Ok first of try and add intentional details to your image. Texture the roof beams accordingly and orient the texture correctly. Add details like a baseboard in the walls. Add artificial lighting fixtures and for now drop the silhouettes.

After that take a look at this guide and come back with the result https://support.lumion.com/hc/en-us/articles/11501670542236-Lumion-2023-A-guide-to-creating-interiors
Thanks alot mate, will try that for this semester
>>1005531 (OP)
Get on Blender
Op wtf did you even try? Show me progress. It's been 5 days
Sry i was banned and also i have to do the renderings tonight, i was working on the other parts of the project the entire week. Thank god i stocked up on redbulls hahah
Ah no im only banned on /pol/ apparently, for offtopic posts.
Pro tip from former archstudent. Don't make physical models on redbull or you fingers will be sorry.
>>1005531 (OP)
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>>1005531 (OP)
The quality of that render reminds me of an architecture student thesis project, not bad but not great either. There is a Argentinian arch viz studio that uses blender and their portfolio is impressive, better than any YouTube tutorial I've seen. I recommend you take a deep dive into their Instagram since occasionally they will answer questions about their settings in the comments. Their handle is: bs_arq

As another anon has said in here, study the composition of architectural photography, go on archdaily, dezeen or divisare to look at different architecture projects from around the world. You will find the photographs follow basic photography rules. You can use the best pbr materials and use the best looking trees in your model but if the composition sucks then all your hard work will mean nothing. It will make or break your project if you are an aspiring architect or archviz artist.

Start training your eye in architecture photography and the rest will come easy, as long as the buildings you're modeling aren't shit looking. And look into matte painting, you'll get better looking results than trying to do everything in 3d space.
Fucking lol.

Also yes archviz requires a good photographic eye.

>as long as the buildings you're modeling aren't shit looking
Story of my life. But don't tell my clients.
>>1005531 (OP)
I'm actually considering going into Architecture and I talked to an architect family friend recently. He showed me his workflow and all his tools, the secret is to make mediocre renders then touch it up with Photoshop (And some AI as of the last 2 years). It's good enough for the clients and he's been in the biz for 20 years, so hey.
>the secret is to make mediocre renders then touch it up with Photoshop (And some AI as of the last 2 years).

Yes. Mediocre renders are the secret.
I know you're trying to be sarcastic but it's true. Most great renders aren't rendered great, they're rendered acceptably then adjusted with image editors.
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>I know you're trying to be sarcastic
Yes and no. Trust me I've been proven wrong over and over by pareto's principle since I've been in biz.
You'd be surprised by the shit clients consider good or bad. Mark my words, your biggest enemy will be your own perfectionism.
>Most great renders aren't rendered great
Correction: Most great renders aren't great
You'll se when a client ask you for "no shadows" in his images or "makeing the brick redder" remember the golden rule of design: Whom who has the gold is the designer.
Most renders aren't great oops.
>Fucking lol.

Loling at the name or their portfolio?

I suggested them since they are one of the few that do not rely on 3DSMax and Vray for the images they produce and their main focus on composition. Also, the way they light and create shadows grabs my attention. Their images are moody enough that you can tell it's CG, a plus since hyper realism can often create false expectations for the client who might complain once the project is finished irl.
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>Loling at the name
I couldn't care less about their portfolio.

>I suggested them since they are one of the few that do not rely on 3DSMax and Vray for the images they produce and their main focus on composition. Also, the way they light and create shadows grabs my attention. Their images are moody enough that you can tell it's CG, a plus since hyper realism can often create false expectations for the client who might complain once the project is finished irl.
Spoken like a true bs_arq employee.
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Looking for advices on those training renders I did, quite proud of it desu, but always looking for feedbacks
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If i am a buyer I wouldn’t know what im looking at. Everything is so shiny and looks more like bad pictures you see in realtor websites.
I get your point, if i'm trying to sell the basketball court those views sucks, as i'm not even showing the court
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>Crunched blacks.

This is what I call "Orthofixation". You are focusing on the least flattering angle of your court stands just because you want to showcase a single point perspective. Also the post is crunching the blacks too much so it looks like an empty void.

What is so important about that wall that you need to put it in the foreground? Is it the unfinished plaster work?

Don't be afraid to put human scales. If they are practice renders it's the best opportunity to get them righ even if its difficult.
Also I would bet half a million zambian dollars that that spalding ball is not up to size.
Tried to put humans in ps but failed so hard, I could not find a right scale for them, managed to get one kinda right shooting far away from the camera (first pic)

Tried to play with composition a bit, that's why wall is in the foreground, but there is nothing interesting about it

Might be right, I had to resize it, go get your half a million zambian dollars win

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