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I don't want to go to through the process of sculpting, retopology, rigging. So I'm thinking of just buying the character I need. I've asked around and it's usually 800 bucks. What do other anons think.
Describe what you need and maybe some unemployed anon will do it for free...
>>1005890 (OP)
Depends how extensive it is. If the seller is doing a whole detailed character, animation ready and everything, then 800 dollars sounds fair to me. But I'm not in the 3D market, so I don't know what they charge. Personally, I charge about half that for 2D work. And I'd say that 3D is just as difficult, if not more so in some respects. But 3D is also infinitely more versatile. Once you have the character, you can pose it up and take a bajillion photos. So you don't need the artist anymore.(Unless you want more accessories, or alterations to the character.) Whereas with 2D work, if you want more of the character, you have to pay up in full again. So considering that, I think charging more for a versatile reusable asset makes sense.

But if you're just getting a little shitposty kind of model, then 800 sounds like a bit much.
It's a sculpt from 0 from some description and references I gave him. Animation ready, rigged, with custom blendshapes and some hairstyles. Can anyone with experience tell me if this is a good deal?
I charge 300 for a custom outfits that are not rigged or textured. And I've seen custom rigged vrchat models start from 700, so 800 sounds about right especially with blendshapes and several hairstyles. In fact I think he's actually undercharging.
>>1005890 (OP)
Guy... it was $1000 10 years ago.
$800 is cheap.
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>>1005890 (OP)
Jet go finish the S2 eps.
then S2.5.
then S3.

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